Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [adj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But do n't get so tiddly that you keep hiccoughing , or giggle all the way through , especially at your own jokes before you reach the punchline .
2 You could always smear sticky treacle on the bit or make sure the bit is always warm before it goes into her mouth .
3 We all like to award ourselves a little extra something if we give up smoking or lose half a stone , so why not allow the child who is doing something difficult an incentive ?
4 You can follow this treatment with a face-pack , or wait half an hour for your skin to settle down and apply your usual moisturiser .
5 Wild Boar Hamburgers Ingredients : 450g ( 1lb ) lean boar meat from shoulder or loin 50g ( 2oz ) fresh boar or pork back fat 3tbs breadcrumbs 2tbs fresh cream 2tbs fennel seed 1 ½ tsp fine sea salt Freshly ground black pepper Small pinch ground cloves and nutmeg Preparation : Mince the meat and fat and mix in the remaining ingredients , or mix all the ingredients together in a food processor .
6 Liquidise or sieve half the soup and return it to the pot with the remainder .
7 Either that , or convert all the bitmaps to the correct resolution .
8 No man is an island ; no smallholder can possibly find the time or produce all the skills needed for complete self-sufficiency .
9 The objection , again , is that we do not in our standard causal thinking have or use such an idea .
10 Elderflowers — These can either be collected as flowers from the hedgerow in the summer ( a couple of leaves crushed and rubbed on the skin helps to keep mosquitoes away from humans ) or use half a teaspoon of dried flowers which can be bought as tea .
11 Many analyses of the unions in the 1970s suggested that such political power as they possessed rested on their ability to defy incomes policies over time and veto ( as In Place of Strife ) or render inoperable the policies or legislation which they did not like .
12 But ‘ We do not insist upon , or force such a commitment on anyone . ’
13 Some old people living alone , who are very frail , are unable to expend all the energy required to take a bath or shower unattended every day , and if their standards of personal hygiene have always been good this can be a real worry to them .
14 He had only to go for a spin with Freddie Reynalde or spend half an hour too long in the pub for her shoulders to slump and her eyes to fill .
15 Nor have all the co-op 's farming decisions worked out .
16 What he can not do , of course , is articulate clearly his true reasons of state , reasons which make perfect sense in an administration context and obey all the rules of realpolitik , including the rule that you should have God on your side .
17 While Man has stopped developing , animals seem to learn , adapt and change all the time .
18 They switch and change all the time , phu ! like this .
19 Then I pull a lump of flake from the loaf and pinch off 10p piece-size pieces and squeeze all the air out of them .
20 It may influence lipid levels and introduce all the risks men have , such as heart attacks , which makes it , by and large , unacceptable as a treatment for low libido . ’
21 The male mafia will close ranks and deem such a woman unstable , neurotic and quite unsuitable for responsibility .
22 In return for his family settlement he had agreed to be reconciled to the Poitevin rebels and make good the losses which they had suffered since the beginning of the war .
23 The paper said the companies were discussing building an inexpensive computer derived from the three-dimensional Silicon Graphics R4000 64-bit RISC-based Iris machines used by movie studios to create special effects , which would attach to television sets and make possible a variety of interactive games and other applications .
24 In a less flamboyant way , numberless provisions of state law , county councils , and local authorities , regulate and make possible the wealth , power , and by most people 's lights , the reasonable and necessary exclusivity , of clubs , societies , schools , and universities which foster fraternal and even class loyalties .
25 Bank charges soared and flash new computers were introduced to scan accounts and make sure a chance to charge is never missed .
26 If you do take a wheelchair out with you , never forget the support cushion for the seat , and make sure the footplates are always in place .
27 • Wear a face-mask and make sure the work area is well-ventilated
28 So they 'll have so many houses to work in , they will go along initially and make sure the plugs on er irons and It sounds very simple but it 's part of helping the community .
29 Fix a definite date for the delivery of your computer , and make sure the supplier agrees to it .
30 In between times during the day he had to take a short ladder , laid across the bike and make sure the lamps were clean .
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