Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [pers pn] at [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 A3 v Framwellgate Moor & Pity Me at Edinburgh Park ;
2 If you open it up , if you do get it open , and advertise it at Boddingtons a pound a pint , get them straight to come in .
3 ‘ I 'd like to have hundreds and hundreds of dogs one day and show them at Crufts . ’
4 The goods are sent on by large waggons , and meet us at Loch Crinan ; while the ‘ Cygnet ’ or the ‘ Plover ’ puffs along right merrily , and we sit down to have a quiet look at the bonnie bits of scenery that are everywhere meeting us .
5 Dunlop rode the Honda which Gawley has had all year and the plan was for Gawley to take over the bike and ride it at Donington .
6 I 'll take you for a meal and drop you at Ilse 's place afterwards .
7 In January 1869 he travelled to Dresden to attend the local premiere of Meistersinger , whose special place in his affections was unchanged , and on 17 May , now at Basle , he was finally able to accept Wagner 's invitation and visit him at Tribschen , his house near Lucerne in Switzerland .
8 So go and try it at Riva 's restaurant , 169 Church Road , Barnes , London SW13 ( 081–748 0434 ) where you can drink a single glass with Andrea Riva 's tiramisu .
9 ( i ) Incubate embryos or cell aggregates for IS min in Ca2+- and Mg2+-free Hank 's medium ( Gibco ) at 37-C , dry them in air on clean microscope slides , fix in ethanol:acetic acid ( 3:1 v/v ) for 5 min , followed by ethanol:acetic acid:formaldehyde ( 40% ) fixation ( 85:5:10 by vol ) for 1 h , dry in air again and store them at -20-C ; ( ii ) Prepare Schiff 's basic stain for the Feulgen reaction as follows .
10 He picked up his hunting spear and cast it at Morkar , the Chaos general .
11 It would be necessary to bring the tracks of both authorities into line and join them at Tooting Junction , but there remained the hiatus over the different methods of current collection and the L.C.C .
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