Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [adv prt] into the " in BNC.

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1 Its heroes do not characteristically commit suicide or ride off into the sunset : they settle down , marry , and make comfortable and elaborate treaties with the world they live in .
2 If you go to the racecourse you can bet at the course 's own betting shop or go out into the ‘ betting ring ’ where bookmakers have odds chalked up on boards .
3 If you tend to throw things , put objects away or go out into the garden .
4 Stay out here or go back into the classroom , she did n't want to be found out there if by any chance Miss Graining the Head came by .
5 Young people who have completed GCSEs at 16 can choose whether to stay on at school or college , or come out into the labour market and , possibly , take an entitlement to YT .
6 Should you decide to stick to sherry and branch out into the heavier aloroso you will have a thick head tomorrow and we will have an entertaining evening . ’
7 We carried on for a few more yards , then retraced our steps down to the main level and back out into the sunshine .
8 I open the throttle a bit and head out into the sound , where the tide flows strongly and it is a favoured feeding place for auks .
9 It 's not only the alcohol that 's suffered from self-enforced cutbacks : the Franks ( ironically enough ) used to be a Martini band — any gig , any town , any night , they 'd pack their guitars and socks and head off into the Tranzophobic sunset , until exhaustion fully reared its head and the heart decided that home was definitely the place to be .
10 I take a deep breath and head back into the eye of the storm , careening down side-streets when police barricades and fire hoses block the main avenues .
11 Descend and head back into the forest going south-west then south to post 21 .
12 The train stopped there long enough for me to run along the line and climb up into the great diesel engine driven by Bert Coad from Perth and Hilton Hinchcliff from Kalgoorlie .
13 I finish my tea and climb back into the Toyota .
14 Should any other fishermen ignore the warning of Hooper and sail out into the weather , they could find themselves drawn inexorably back to shore , even against the tide .
15 With any luck I 'd have time to dry my hair and dive back into the satin whatsits before he arrived .
16 I replace the spare rounds in the small cardboard box , look around for where to put them , then slip them into my jacket pocket , and ease back into the comfortable armchair .
17 Not to mention every day of the week when you climb on that evil machine and ride off into the sunset ! ’
18 In other words , the speaker can read his speech and look out into the audience at the same time .
19 So , I 'll now lift up the the curtain and look out into the street and see if there is any sign of them .
20 There is a row of stout wooden rods supporting a handrail which runs along the edge of the gallery , allowing the adventurers to lean on it and look down into the Black Pit ( which they wo n't immediately be able to see , of course ) .
21 I recall her pacing the sitting-room while I am doing my homework , pausing every so often to stand at one of the windows and look down into the busy street below .
22 So it 's very easy for bacteria , which are always present around the anus , to reach the usually bacteria-free urethra and travel up into the bladder where they multiply and irritate the bladder lining .
23 The horses lose interest and sashay off into the night .
24 She wanted to rush to the door and get out into the open air again before she suffocated .
25 Despite the older officers ' complaints , the level of job satisfaction — when they can set aside the paperwork and get out into the field — is high ( cf.
26 So , the model is now flying back towards you , into wind , and you have to bring it down , slow it down and get back into the hover position .
27 Other people follow suit and surge out into the space enclosed by the crowd .
28 But it was the ideal stuff to lay up against the sides of the hole and tramp down into the base , where it soaked up water like a loofah .
29 I turn round and go back into the station .
30 About ten minutes later , we decide we 've cooled down sufficiently to be able to leave the men 's room and go back into the restaurant .
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