Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [to-vb] him [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 If , by any chance , you have a way of passing on messages to Frank ( via the supporters club maybe ) — Im sure all of us wish him the best … and hope to see him back here at Leeds in a few years so he can be 1st choice .
2 Fenton added : ‘ He is a terrific player but now other clubs know all about him and look to shut him down . ’
3 A week ago I saw a monkey in the street jump on a donkey and try to wank him off — the donkey brayed and kicked , the monkey 's owner shouted , the monkey itself squealed — apart from two or three children who laughed and me who found it very funny , no one paid any attention .
4 Wake up ! ’ she cried , as she rubbed his icy cheeks to warm them and try to bring him round .
5 I 'll work on him and try to bring him round .
6 Only a few months ago , after this Lord Henry Percy had withdrawn to his other urgent command on the Scottish borders , Owen had run wild over most of North Wales , and made himself master of the counties of Carnarvon and Merioneth ; and while the woollier heads in King Henry 's council had seethed and talked bloody war , Hotspur had come swooping back to hold the balance so sturdily that he had been allowed , on the king 's warrant , to approach the Welsh prince , and attempt to bring him back to his allegiance , on promise of honourable terms .
7 His trainer , David Barons , is convinced the horse was ‘ got at ’ but whatever the reason for Playschool 's failure it has taken all Barons 's skill and experience to get him back in racing condition after his latest setback .
8 His trainer , David Barons , is convinced the horse was ‘ got at ’ but whatever the reason for Playschool 's failure it has taken all Barons 's skill and experience to get him back in racing condition after his latest setback .
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