Example sentences of "[coord] [det] [noun pl] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the hybrid motor the main source of magnetic flux is a permanent magnet and d.c. currents flowing in one or more windings direct the flux along alternative paths .
2 Most lion-watchers have come to the conclusion that the effect , when it happens , is a fortuitous one and that there is no predetermined strategy by which one or more lionesses take the job of driving while others deliberately wait in ambush .
3 A business consisting of a group of diverse subsidiary companies may not find this adequate , where one or more subsidiaries demand a different chart of accounts .
4 Men who 've only had one partner almost never fantasize at work , whereas those who have had 10 or more partners have a strong tendency in the office to let their thoughts wander to sex .
5 As most relatives have been denied access to the graves , or have been brow beaten into silence the true figures are much higher , and some sources put the figure in excess of 5,000 .
6 And some sources believe the proposal for a £75m prison at Fazakerley is one option now in the firing line .
7 At 18+ all universities and some colleges have the services of a chaplain .
8 In many cases a golf cart is included , and some packages add a free beer after the round !
9 Waxing the skis helps them to slide better and some slopes have a lubrication system which further reduces friction .
10 Sometimes time has decreed that certain books or pamphlets are of much greater importance that the others and some booksellers have an objectionable habit of dismembering the volumes and pricing the ‘ disbound ’ portions separately , to their financial advantage .
11 Juveniles and some hens lack the horseshoe .
12 Is it your view that the area known as D thirty nine ceases to be part of the open country just because a hedgerow and some trees obscure the view from it across more open country ?
13 Bedrooms all have TV , and some twins have a balcony with a sea view .
14 Having observed it for over 50 years I am convinced that it is variable over a small range , perhaps from 2.0 to 2.4 , but the fluctuations are very slow , and some catalogues give the magnitude as constant .
15 And some employees welcome a nudge in the right direction .
16 Pre-operative counselling and support are as important as physical care and some hospitals provide a specialist nurse to help the patient deal with both the physical and psychological problems .
17 There are no ultimate advantages or disadvantages , and such companies offer a very successful but different approach to organisation and management development which minimises the need for executive search consultants .
18 It might seem little enough to get an extra bus stop or pedestrian crossing , but those are real concerns for local people and such matters affect the way they regard you politically .
19 As every flat needs to have these service spaces , and such spaces occupy a fixed minimum area in a flat of any size , it made sense to maximise this internal accommodation in order to utilise fully the broad interior , and this was achieved by making the majority of flats one-bedroom or bedsitter units .
20 From time to time there are cases where the provocation is so gross and so strong that a court imposes a very short prison sentence or even a suspended sentence for the manslaughter — typically , cases where a wife , son , or daughter kills a persistently bullying husband or father — and such cases raise the more general question of whether provocation should ever be a complete defence to homicide or to other crimes .
21 If one person chooses to cause serious injury to another , it should be presumed that he or she realizes that there is always a risk of death , and such cases show a sufficiently wanton disregard for life as to warrant the label ‘ murder ’ if death results .
22 And such changes mark a decisive shift away from local democracy .
23 Although a legacy of this size is obviously a rare occurrence , the Trust is remembered in many people 's wills and these bequests form a vital part of its income .
24 The maximum fees that companies can charge for inspection or copies are now prescribed by regulations ( the former practice of stating them in the primary legislation did not work well in an inflationary climate ) and these regulations clarify the obligations of companies regarding inspection and copies .
25 Whether or not we are aware of it , we all have beliefs about the nature of life , people , relationships , health , work , money , success , pleasure , the world and ourselves — and these beliefs form the basis of the reality we create .
26 I think of eating an omelette or walking by the sea and these thoughts have a determinate ‘ qualitative ’ or ‘ phenomenal ’ content .
27 An alternative policy advocates a single large daily dose of aminoglycosides , such as 240 mg instead of 80 mg eight hourly , since the antibacterial activity is related to the dose and these agents exert a relatively long antibiotic effect , at least in vitro .
28 And these systems lose the advantages of open architecture for instance we talked about having over two hundred front end tools accessing database .
29 ‘ The USSR has gone through very profound changes and these changes require a reappraisal of our commercial and economic relations , ’ said President Daniel Ortega .
30 Individual pages can be adjusted at any time to allow for changes and these alterations cause the remainder of the document to be re-structured completely automatically .
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