Example sentences of "[coord] [det] [prep] us [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 And I thought well she 's got two chances that way , either I could win , or she could win , or neither of us 'll win .
2 And neither of us would .
3 I 'll be playing , so will [ assistant manager ] Gary Peters , and neither of us should be near the team sheet . ’
4 We considered various possibilities , but as neither of us could drive far and neither of us could face airport hassle , we decided to go for a week to Wales .
5 I am his wife and you are his best friend , and neither of us could
6 And neither of us could be happy deceiving him could we ? ’
7 That 's the thing about drink : some of us can take it , and some of us ca n't .
8 Er , we heard yesterday from some of your phone calls , and indeed we heard , and some of us may have seen on the television news on Wednesday evening , the desperate plight that many Iraqi civilians are now in .
9 We are ready , we 've been eating raw meat and some of us can still move which is a major bonus to us
10 But the reality is far , far different , and few of us can take that much reality .
11 That 's quite right and proper and all of us would support that .
12 The really frightening aspect of what is going on is that the alternative to Mr Yeltsin would seem to be chaos involving a complete economic breakdown , from which only extremists could benefit and all of us would suffer .
13 Chatting often produces some very interesting ideas for serving and preparing the food and all of us can learn something from each other in casual conversation .
14 Serious injuries and deaths occur , and all of us must do what we can to prevent them .
15 The reforms are not all bad , and many of us can see opportunities opening up which we are eager to grab .
16 ‘ It was scrappy all the way through and both of us can play a lot better . ’
17 ‘ It was scrappy all the way through and both of us can play a lot better . ’
18 We 've all experienced it and most of us would move heaven and earth to avoid it .
19 Obviously , a lifetime of experience is needed to recognise or remember such minutiae , and most of us will need to fly to our bibliographies .
20 But there 's always some manner in which we ca n't quite break free , and most of us will find ourselves one shocked moment holding a girlfriend or boyfriend in the way we 've seen our parents holding each other for years .
21 Were in the , the first floor of the Town Hall , erm along the corridor with , where the General Manager 's office is and most of us can be found in there , so erm it is , I just think it 's interesting for you to see how the things link up because , those of you that have contact with the Community Development Team will know that over at Latton Bush there is a Community Resource Centre , er that you can use , well that 's linked in with us , and we provide information for us , so it 's important that you know that if you go there , you also can have a connection with the Local Government Unit as as well , as a whole like the Policy Team if you , if you want information or anything .
22 But each of us must keep our information up-to-date so the company as a whole can be up-to-date , too . ’
23 ‘ I ca n't make you believe in Dana , but neither of us would hurt your sister , ’ Claudia said .
24 We all like to think we know an honest face when we see one , but few of us can really tell friend from foe .
25 The speed is almost enough to lever a Windows user out of his comfortable environment and back into DOS ( but some of us will just wait for the Windows version ! ) .
26 Aches and pains sometimes ease up when the menopause is over but many of us will have to settle for a certain amount of back pain , headaches and limited movement from now on .
27 But most of us would find that difficult .
28 We may have some desire to be appreciated for our physical appearance , but most of us would hope to be desired for what we are down inside .
29 But most of us would probably eschew the ostentatious and eccentric , and settle for an honest and straightforward run of bindings that have a plain tale to tell of their place and time .
30 Outmoded this view might be , but most of us would still prefer to try on new clothes , wax hair off our legs , perform our ablutions or put on make-up in private .
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