Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] from [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the Lake District prints at this time were made by craftsmen from either paintings or drawings or developed from sketchbook studies produced by painters who never actually touched the print themselves .
2 But I have not spoken or heard from Graham Taylor since .
3 VITAL STATISTICS — Facts systematically collected and compiled in numerical form relating to or derived from registration records of vital events , such as live birth , death , fetal death , marriage , divorce , etc .
4 S 2 of the Ordinance provided that ‘ profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong ’ should include ‘ all business transacted in Hong Kong , whether directly or through an agent ’ .
5 The taxpayer 's profits from its sub-licensing transactions for the years of assessment 1980–81 to 1983–84 were assessed to profits tax under section 14 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance as profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Ordinance .
6 Held , allowing the appeal , that in determining the place in which the gross profit from a transaction arose or from which it derived the proper approach was to ascertain the operations that produced the relevant profits and where they took place ; that the relevant business of the taxpayer , the exploitation of film rights exercisable outside Hong Kong , did not amount to the provision of a service or the exploitation of property rights overseas , but was carried on in Hong Kong , and in the absence of any financial interest in the subsequent exercise of the rights , the fact that they were exercisable only overseas was irrelevant ; and that , therefore , the taxpayer 's profits from granting sub-licenses during the relevant years of assessment had arisen in or derived from Hong Kong , and under section 14 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance the taxpayer was liable to profits tax thereon ( post , pp. 444G–H , 445E , G–H , 446E–G ) .
7 The issue in this appeal is whether profits accruing to the taxpayer company , HK-TVB International Ltd. in the four years of assessment 1980–81 to 1983–84 arose in or derived from Hong Kong .
8 ‘ Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance , profits tax shall be charged for each year of assessment at the standard rate on every person carrying on a trade , profession or business in Hong Kong in respect of his assessable profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong for that year from such trade , profession or business ( excluding profits arising from the sale of capital assets ) as ascertained in accordance with this Part .
9 ‘ Profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong ’ for the purposes of Part IV shall , without in any way limiting the meaning of the term , include all profits from business transacted in Hong Kong , whether directly or through an agent .
10 The issue in Commissioner of Inland Revenue v. Hang Seng Bank Ltd. [ 1991 ] 1 A.C. 306 was also whether certain profits accruing to a company trading in Hong Kong arose in or derived from Hong Kong , but the facts were somewhat different .
11 Further their Lordships have no doubt that when Lord Bridge , after quoting the guiding principle , gave certain examples he was not intending thereby to lay down an exhaustive list of tests to be applied in all cases in determining whether or not profits arose in or derived from Hong Kong .
12 Their Lordships therefore consider that the profits accruing to the taxpayer on the grant of sub-licences during the relevant years of assessment arose in or derived from Hong Kong and as such were subject to profits tax under section 14 .
13 After he had been withdrawn or expelled from St John 's College , Grace sent him to the local government school , Highlands North .
14 The worldwide population of pure Jerseys is now huge and , apart from the Friesian group , it probably outnumbers any other single breed , even without taking into account the many breeds enriched with Jersey blood or created from Jersey crosses ( see Table 6 ) .
15 These factors were : ( 1 ) its organisation which acquired the films and the exclusive overseas rights therein was in Hong Kong ; ( 2 ) its sales organisation was in Hong Kong ; ( 3 ) the representatives who were sent abroad were part of the Hong Kong sales organisation ; ( 4 ) the sub-licences were drawn up in Hong Kong , according to Hong Kong law , and were dispatched from Hong Kong ; ( 5 ) the films were either delivered in or dispatched from Hong Kong ; ( 6 ) the films at the expiry of the sub-licence period had to be returned to Hong Kong or were destroyed ; and ( 7 ) payments for the grant of the sub-licences were received in Hong Kong .
16 An onion set is a small onion which can be bought at garden centres or ordered from seed catalogues .
17 In the light of that decision the Court of Appeal , in a short judgment , concluded that the taxpayer 's rights from their sub-licensing operations neither arose in nor derived from Hong Kong .
18 The new figures , based on measurements from satellites and checked from ground stations , show that the rate of depletion doubled in the 1980s compared to the 1970s .
19 An individual who is passive , utterly apathetic and withdrawn from community life is no true citizen .
20 That summer she gained a place at London University , and parted from Walter Ash .
21 Rebecque , his eyes red and swollen from hay fever , reined his horse alongside Sharpe .
22 Family therapy is a field of practice mainly built around and developed from systems theory .
23 Deprived of royal favour , and hounded from Radnorshire politics by his great rivals the Harleys , he sought out a new patron , Thomas Grey , second Earl of Stamford [ q.v. ] , a new parliamentary seat ( first for Breconshire and then as Stamford 's nominee for Bere Alston ) , and a new reputation as an energetic House of Commons man .
24 I applied for leave , and departed from Victoria Station on 15 September 1946 , on the famous Golden Arrow train , which on the other side of the Channel became the Flèche d'or .
25 Halil Pasa as kadi of Edirne and dated from Jumada I 857/June 1453 to Jumada II 869/February 1465 suggests that he was kadi for much , if not all , of that period .
26 Modelled on claret and made from Cabernet Sauvignon with Syrah and Cinsault thrown in , there 's a ripe fruitiness to this well-balanced wine , pepped up by a shake of spice .
27 Mr Rifkind said the British troops would provide ‘ second line ’ medical support , evacuating UN sick and injured from battalion aid posts to hospitals and only ‘ in extremis ’ helping an injured soldier on the spot .
28 But that homeland must be controlled and organized from New York … ’
29 The Security Service thought that Ramsay was unbalanced and suffered from persecution mania so far as the Jews were concerned .
30 Like many other inmates at Zomba , a prison diet of often rotten vegetables affected him : he was almost blind from cataracts in both eyes and suffered from stomach ulcers .
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