Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 However , it takes time and effort and the action shown in the close-up may have changed or stopped by the time the wide shot begins , so there may be action matching problems .
2 On an application to the court , the court may refuse discharge , An order for discharge must not be issued or gazetted until the time allowed for appealing has expired or , if an appeal is entered , until the appeal has been determined ( r 6.221 ) .
3 The inference is therefore that the fish is either dead or cured by the time fungus gets around to colonising it .
4 She felt depressed and frightened by the time the shop closed and she was able to go home .
5 Any anxiety state and/or depression suffered by the insured and diagnosed at the time of purchasing this insurance .
6 It was an inglorious episode in English history , little remembered since , and regarded at the time less as a disgrace than as a deliverance .
7 This was foreseen by the local residents who objected and petitioned at the time planning permission was under consideration .
8 She stuffed the printout into her bag , where — somewhere — three other copies were already lurking , and looked at the time .
9 The three horses on the highway had been caught and tethered by the time Michael came back through the trees , leading the roan .
10 I felt angry and humiliated at the time of the argument but I can guess at how he must have felt .
11 I was climbing up all these stairs to the office and thought by the time I get to her , I 'll be too puffed to dance properly .
12 She was there to answer when Cleopatra asked her who she was laughing at , and gone by the time she was supposed to say , ‘ Heigho !
13 The doctor had been and gone by the time Maxim reached the little cottage on the hillside above Caswell 's father-in-law 's garage .
14 Where there were only a few birds they were carried in the guard 's van and released at the time and place stated on the label .
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