Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 As a condition of this appointment you are required to accept that if the appointment is not renewed or extended at the end of the period referred to you will not be entitled to claim any rights to complain of unfair dismissal under the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 , as amended , which authorizes the exclusion by agreement of any such claim in the case of an appointment for a period of one year or more .
2 Laos and Thailand agreed on a plan under which Lao refugees living in Thailand would be repatriated or resettled by the end of 1994 , and in August a security and co-operation agreement was signed [ see p. 38391 ] .
3 It is rolled into a pellet and fastened to the end of the needle and lit so that it smokes .
4 This is wheeled by hand and placed under the end of a coach .
5 Repayments are in ten instalments beginning six years after the date of borrowing and completed at the end of the tenth year after borrowing .
6 St Michael 's Church — ‘ a gem of Baroque Moravian architecture ’ — was firmly shut and St Wenceslas Cathedral , founded in 1109 and rebuilt at the end of the last century on a vast neo-Gothic scale , was dark , impressive and so cold inside it made your head ache .
7 Edward 's cup of troubles was yet to overflow : Scottish resistance to his dynastic claims burst into open warfare from 1295 to 1298 and smouldered and crackled until the end of the reign .
8 Then he smiled as if savouring some secret joke and slumped at the end of the table so he could stretch his leg .
9 The other end of the wire is passed through a hole in the brass plate and soldered into the end of a short piece of brass rod .
10 Balbinder had to be seen onto it , and met at the end of the day .
11 The best description of this journey is to be found in Satyrane 's Letters , written by Coleridge and reprinted at the end of Biographia Literaria .
12 He was tired and frustrated by the end of his stay .
13 All too often the profit earned on an individual house or indeed a development as a whole is less than would have been made if the site had merely been left undeveloped and sold at the end of the development period .
14 If it is kept out of sight and offered at the end of the meal as a special treat , the child will start to learn appropriate eating patterns .
15 The coroner ignored it and crossed to the end of the room , where he took up his favourite position a-straddle the fireplace .
16 Our objectives are laid out in the attached brochure , and summarised at the end of it , and are of course akin to those of the Council for the Protection of Rural England , with which your Trustees will no doubt be familiar .
17 I made this round trip between church and house three times and settled in the end for slaking my thirst from a tap in the churchyard .
18 The shrewd little girl from Australia had no intention of following others who had been eaten by the star system and dumped at the end of it all with nothing .
19 He was cold and hurt at the end of the run-through , knowing what was wrong and unable to admit it .
20 The handle is squared and flattened at the end which could mean that it was used as a pestle for grinding .
21 The authors considered several alternative indicators of health need , and opted in the end for standardized mortality rates ( SMRs ) .
22 And divorced before the end of it .
23 The breeze rattled Eochaid 's springing black hair over his ears and pulled at the ends of his lashes .
24 Changez 's left arm was withered in some way , and stuck on the end of the attenuated limb was a lump of hard flesh the size of a golf ball , a small fist , with only a tiny thumb projecting from the solid mass where there should have been nimble , shop-painting , box-carrying fingers .
25 The doctor finished and cut off the end of the tape neatly .
26 To make a transfer , you simply start both machines together from off play-pause and record-pause respectively and run to the end of the recording — synchro-edit facilities make this easier to manage .
27 Last week , sources within HP confirmed that September 15th is the day the firm has chosen to cut and run to the end of its year with two new workstation models thought to be based upon the 7100 , possibly a 740 Coral II ( Coral is the 750 ) and 725 King Cobra II ( King Cobra is the 730 ) .
28 Thin strips of pine ½ × ½in are nailed and glued into the end panels for battens .
29 The second session began in March and finished at the end of July , and this was called the Summer Term , though in fact it was still extremely cold and wintry when term began .
30 Air Commodore P G Naz ( HQ Air Cadets ) left Council on retirement from the RAF , and was replaced by Air Commodore R P Skelley , Sergeant D Greenfield joined the Council as the SNCO representative , and left at the end of the year on retirement from the Service .
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