Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] down [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Its great plug was lifted up or dropped down through a tubular cage of brass , and its brass taps gaped wide as the mouths of sea lions .
2 Sometimes such material is simply tipped-in or stuck down on a blank ; the professional may prefer to inlay it on paper to match the size of the volume , which will often be fairly large .
3 A body did n't change if it had been blasted with an automatic weapon in a robbery on Lenox Square or gunned down on a sidewalk in Athens .
4 It seemed to Preston that if you avoided being stabbed to death by terror gangs , you stood an even chance of being burned to death by sudden conflagration , or pushed on to the live line by a psychopath lurking among the rush-hour crowds , or struck down by a heart attack brought on by the extreme rage and frustration of trying to understand a platform announcement .
5 At the back there is a horizontal belt sleeve which allows it to be attached to a belt up to 70mm wide and there is also a vertical sleeve 50mm wide which permits it to be worn on its side or slid down over a vertical post for use as a permanent fixture at a centre or clubhouse .
6 The whole was created beneath the sea and laid down as a series of overlying strata which emerged as an elevated dome , the cap being subsequently removed by erosion .
7 The farmer and I went over and gazed down at a circular black object about half an inch across floating on the surface of the milk .
8 With full combat kit , helmet , rifle and webbing , and weighed down by a thirty-five pound rucksack , we set off on a run .
9 In gale force winds , and weighed down by a camera around her neck , she just missed bringing us back a prize but she managed to capture some winning shots .
10 By the time you 've finished , if you are n't the best of mates and invited down for a vair long weekend in the cuntrair , I can only say — Air nair .
11 She went into the drawing-room and sank down into a chair .
12 The blades caught , sparked wildly and crashed down on a head just showing through the welter of foam round their legs , knocking it under again .
13 Following these now disregarded signs of past activity along the old path , I traversed the hillside and came down to a crumbling stone sheepfold with the roofless remains of a shepherd 's hut built into one wall .
14 I put it with other money I had and part exchanged my irons for a full set of top quality blades which had been in a sale after that my game improved immensely I got my handicap by putting in three cards two terrible scores of 86 and the good card which was 72 my handicap was then 15 I played in a junior competition and came third in the lower handicap section a week later and played in a medal and came down to a handicap of 14 .
15 I did as I was told and flopped down on a chair , but it gradually got worse and worse , and I felt as if I was going to be sick .
16 He dived behind a storage tank , covering as Forster dropped lightly to his feet and ducked down beside a bench .
17 It took his eyes a few seconds to get accustomed to the gloom then he darted inside and ducked down behind a rusty skip close to the door .
18 An article in the February/March 1992 issue describes the technique of ‘ breadboarding ’ where all components are assembled and screwed down on a thick board and straight lines around the board .
19 Assuming they were free from spelling and other mistakes , a process which may have involved several attempts , these were cut up and stuck down onto a master layout sheet using wax or gum .
20 In Dennant v. Skinner ( 1948 K.B. ) a van was auctioned and knocked down to a Mr. King .
21 Faded now to dirty cream , and thrust down in a crumpled ball to the base of the chest — but still instantly known .
22 ‘ How very noble , ’ Oliver said ironically as he opened the car door and stepped down into a puddle .
23 The whole assembly can then be given several coats of varnish to help hold the windings in place and glued down to a square mounting board , etc .
24 New pop had rapidly lost its mischief and settled down into a post-rock , post-teenage maturity , peddling naff fantasies of sophistication to a new generation of moneyed teeny-boppers whose only desire was to grow up as soon as possible .
25 Without difficulty I found a Bed and Breakfast house , equally smart and highly polished , and settled down for a pre-exploratory nap .
26 A band played and onlookers waved and cheered as men , women and children wedged themselves into the tub carriages and settled down for a good day out .
27 I set the alarm clock for a quarter to midnight , and settled down for a couple of hours sleep .
28 Susan went to bed early , and Breeze and Gay made themselves toast and welsh rarebit , and settled down for a long evening by the fire .
29 Formalities over , Patricia Pillmoor drew out a chair , pulled off her hat and settled down for a chat .
30 Had there been no — and certainly no just-arrived audience — It would have been utterly lovely to have taken the phone and settled down for a chat , to be inspired and encouraged as always by the love you offer your friends and by your own zest for life physical and things spiritual .
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