Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] it [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You know , perhaps if you straightened up on the side , or made it a bit more symmetrical , so that I know how to improve it next time .
2 Just four years after Charles 's death , Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims , who had been an important political figure throughout Charles 's reign ( though not consistently close to him ) , wrote a treatise , The Government of the Palace , for the young King Carloman , Charles 's grandson , and lent it an air of authority by claiming to incorporate the work of Abbot Adalard of Corbie , who had died nearly sixty years before .
3 For example , the 1986 Act removed the right to benefit for most 16- and 17-year-olds and made it a requirement that claimants pay 20 per cent of their rates/poll tax and 100 per cent of their water rates .
4 This gave statutory recognition for the first time to the area concept , and made it a duty of local planning authorities ‘ to determine which parts of their areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest , the character of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance ’ and to designate such areas as conservation areas ' .
5 When I met Jean-Claude I found something in his face , his speech and gestures , that alerted my heart and made it a gift to him .
6 It is a shame in many ways that Robert Harris ' Fatherland ( Arrow ) has such stiff competition in the same area , for judging by the hardcover success I , along with Arrow , have stuck my neck out and made it a Giant .
7 He claimed that there had been a bona-fide revival of Gothic architecture during the reign of Queen Victoria , that there was with those who loved architecture and made it the subject of special study ,
8 Behaviouralists drew a sharp distinction between normative and scientific statements , and made it the hallmark of science to avoid the normative .
9 A brief encounter with the new range last week convinced me the changes have rejuvenated the car and made it the equal of anything from Munich or Stuttgart .
10 We also , in the Broadcasting Act , brought in sanctions against the transmission of offensive satellite broadcasts from abroad , and made it an offence for advertisers and equipment suppliers to support such programmes .
11 In the farmhouse he practised putting on the gaiters and found it a struggle .
12 We spent ten days on the island and found it a place of contrasts .
13 When chemists vapourised potassium nitrate and trapped it an argon matrix , however , they were surprised to discover that it contained molecules with the chemical formula KNO 3 .
14 In 1910 , the Hon Charles Rothschild purchased 138 hectares of this fenland fragment and declared it a nature reserve .
15 Sure enough he won the lead , drifted up the HVS crux and vouched it a classic .
16 They calculated the distance around the earth , then took a fraction of this measurement as their unit of length and called it a metre .
17 He wrote again , a careful , stilted letter , expressing gratitude for the help he had received and suggesting they shook hands and called it a day .
18 In the end he slippered Pickerage and called it a day .
19 They attacked the regressive structure as ‘ disconcerting and tiring ’ ( TLS 1960:673 ) , and called it a misuse of the author 's talents ( Hartley 1961:74 ) .
20 And loved it every bit as much as they adored their riverside home .
21 I went out and saw it a minute ago and I thought I 'd bring it in and I thought I had n't seen you for a couple of days .
22 He looked up towards the Jungfrau , its golden breasts framed against cerulean blue , and blew it a kiss .
23 Lauritz Weibull suggested that Adam drew inspiration from the biblical story of the capture of Manasseh , pagan king of Judah , by the Assyrians , and thought it a distortion of Swegen 's expeditions to the British Isles .
24 The 500-year-old building was moved to its present position by Canadian Army engineers , who floated it on cement and rolled it a quarter of a mile because it obstructed a planned runway !
25 And you did that with them and then laid it down , you see , and then you gathered your sheaf and put it on that and turned it round and gave it a twist like that and then And that was how it was done .
26 She removed his wet topcoat , and gave it a shake before hanging it on the hall-stand .
27 I know if people stopped carping and gave it a chance , they would get hooked .
28 He found another lever and gave it a nudge .
29 He picked up the envelope and gave it a bit of a shake .
30 and gave it a couple of coats this morning
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