Example sentences of "[coord] [modal v] be [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 According to the position of the court in the hierarchy other courts may be bound by the ratio of the case or may be in a position to overrule or amend it .
2 Displays would either flick between functions at the touch of a button or would be like a television screen , showing all sorts of information at once .
3 Anyway , all these books are mine , and so is the whole house , or will be in a few years ’ time .
4 In practice the employer must show two things : ( a ) the existence of trade connections which are to an extent " special " to him ; and ( b ) that the employee is or will be in a position to take advantage of those special trade connections .
5 Information can be of the most detailed kind ( usually processed by computer ) , or can be of a judgemental nature ( usually in a written report ) .
6 Tickling in the pit of the throat or down the centre of the chest to the stomach , causes coughing and may be with a congested head and wrenching pains in the right of the chest .
7 That is to say that a word in bold in your word processor file should still be bold when it gets onto the page , even though it has changed from being monospaced typescript to a real typeface and may be in a different size altogether .
8 As I am anxious to progress discussions on the two projects as soon as possible , and may be in a position to report to the Economic Development Committee before then , I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the above at your earliest opportunity .
9 This period must be completed before the application is made and must be without a break .
10 On location where what criteria might be used to guide location , I 've said it 's most unlikely to be found in a built-up area , but clearly close to good communications networks is important and must be within a reasonably short travel time of the national highway network .
11 This should be done in confidence and could be from a colleague , safety representative or informal contact with your Institution or trade union/professional association .
12 The sales force is a problem they 've been working on for awhile and could be in a position to snap off in a few months .
13 This would apply only to a juvenile already in care of a local authority and then found guilty of a further imprisonable offence , and would be for a fixed period of not more than six months .
14 Margot is always splendid on these occasions ; she took me back to the house and covered me with ice and raw beef : but in spite of all I am a most revolting sight today and shall be for a week or more — lame in one leg , blind in one eye , and with a nose like Cyrano …
15 Therefore , losses will only arise when and will be at a maximum when S = 0 and will be equal to E — C. The result is shown by the hatched line in Fig. 7.7(a) and is the equivalent of a written put .
16 However , this will be seen as being an accounting/commercial exercise and will be in a very different form from the RMI .
17 Russian groups are keen to play in the West and will be in a position to arrange gigs for your band in Russia if your group can do likewise for them in Ireland .
18 Erm , I wonder if this is a matter which budget review might wish to keep on a continuing brief , so that , to satisfy themselves that the , this council is in fact making progress , and will be in a position to satisfy the district auditor in future years that we are er , taking on board the comments that he 's making and er , moving forward .
19 Each centre will have a particular attractiveness and will be within a particular drive-time ( eg 15 minutes ) from the sector .
20 As has been seen , the assisted party is under no obligation to pay any costs to the solicitor whatever the result ; but may be under a liability to pay costs to a successful opponent .
21 Schedules are generally constructed over a year , which is usually the client 's short-term planning cycle , but may be for a single seasonal burst .
22 The amount of the tax has still to be fixed but would be on a sliding scale according to whether containers can be recycled or not .
23 Entrance fees are not included , but will be at a reduced rate .
24 The government 's North Sea oil take is depressed at present but will be on a rising trend as production begins to rise again to its 1985 peak and could account for more than a third of public spending .
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