Example sentences of "[coord] [modal v] [vb infin] what the " in BNC.

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1 It is the ‘ one every few years ’ , and Alfieri knows , or can predict what the outcome will be .
2 While doing housework they are responsible for children and must know what the children are doing : while looking after children they are almost always involved in housework activities .
3 Could it be he understood them too well , and would know what the discrepancy meant ?
4 The reasons for selling can vary enormously and will affect what the vendor sees as the key issues .
5 In the light of this passage we can interpret one of Wordsworth 's gnomic sayings — ‘ The Child is Father of the Man ’ — and can understand what the attractive childhood episodes are doing in Books i and ii ; they are now seen to be similar ‘ spots of time … enshrined … for future restoration ’ .
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