Example sentences of "[coord] [modal v] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The remit of the training scheme and those responsible for it may end at the transition point to operational activity or may continue in those periods of work regarded as a continuation of training and supervised as such .
2 As far as acquisition of language is concerned , it seems clear that reinforcement , casual observation , and natural inquisitiveness ( coupled with a strong tendency to imitate ) are important factors , as is the remarkable capacity of the child to generalise , hypothesise and ‘ process information ’ in a variety of very special and apparently highly complex ways which we can not yet describe or begin to understand , and which may be largely innate , or may develop through some sort of learning or through maturation of the nervous system .
3 Well , er we 're very lucky that er Oxford 's pretty well covered , yes , we 've , or could do with some more volunteers of course , but we 've got about one hundred and twenty people who 'll be going out in the city , and I was looking at a map this morning and it 's very well covered indeed with purple and yellow lines where we 've actually got people on the ground .
4 They took from it what they felt they could handle — or wanted to handle , or could put to some use — and rejected the rest .
5 For several hundred years , the ‘ Debatable Land ’ was largely uninhabited and to keep it that way , in 1551 , a proclamation was issued jointly by the two nations , to the effect that : ‘ All Englishmen and Scottishmen after this proclamation is made are , and shall be , free to rob , burn , spoil , slay , murder and destroy , all and every such person or persons , their bodies , buildings , goods and cattle as do remain or shall inhabit upon any part of the said debatable land .
6 When they are authorised , whether generally or in relation to a particular allotment , the company may resolve by special resolution that section 89(1) shall not apply to a specified allotment under that authority or shall apply with such modifications as are specified in the resolution .
7 if the other party shall commit any act of bankruptcy , shall have a receiving order made against it , shall make or negotiate for any composition or arrangement with or assignment for the benefit of its creditors or , if the other party being a body corporate shall present a petition or have a petition presented by a creditor for its winding up or shall enter into any liquidation ( other than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation ) , shall call any meeting of its creditors , shall have a receiver of all or any to its undertakings or assets appointed , shall be deemed to be unable to pay its debts , or shall cease to carry on business
8 If piece-rates were lowered in an attempt to boost output then presumably workers would take other jobs , or would switch to another merchant .
9 I have no doubt that a brilliant article will appear but I am not at all fooled that someone of your peculiar talents would either be asked or would agree to such an easy exercise .
10 ‘ So sit down and have a drink , Zlorf , and let's talk about this sensibly .
11 Right and let's say in this one we had opposite and adjacent so we said where does that come there it is opposite and adjacent so it 'll be tan .
12 So support composite eight , composite ten , motion two seven eight and motion two eight three with that qualification , emergency motion number two and let's campaign for any effective policy for jobs and recovery and not this nonsense that is served up every week from this silly government .
13 Systemic amyloidosis often affects the gastrointestinal tract and may result in this condition .
14 However , insofar as the theories that make up our scientific knowledge are fallible and incomplete , the guidance that theories offer as to what observations are relevant to some phenomenon under investigation may be misleading , and may result in some important factors being overlooked .
15 Such property is identical to the person and may stand for that person in his or her absence .
16 Indeed , coastal trading may be the only explanation for the peculiar distributions of some species , e.g. Exotheca abyssinica ( Gramineae ) in tropical East Africa and Vietnam and may account for that of Stylosanthes humilis ( ‘ S. sundaica' , Leguminosae ) , which was perhaps taken from Brazil to Malesia by the Portuguese .
17 This book is reasonably priced and may appeal to some undergraduates .
18 That , however , is a vague remark ; and must remain as such , because the mechanism by which genes build bodies is one of the great unsolved problems of biology .
19 I have just read Tom Robb 's article on watercolour pencils ( AIM/Feb '92 ) and must comment on some of the statements made .
20 I have just read Tom Robb 's article on watercolour pencils ( AIM/Feb '92 ) and must comment on some of the statements made .
21 It has greater power in certain areas than the House of Representatives , for example the Senate can vet all major presidential appointments to the executive and the judiciary and must concur in any treaties negotiated by the President .
22 Education has created these capacities for change and must respond to these changes .
23 These former gang members will be required to go through police training and must comply with all of the laws instituted by our established authorities .
24 However , he added : ‘ We think it is high time the French government took responsibility for their citizens and should pay for this kind of damage . ’
25 Other Arabs told us we were surrounded and should move to another village .
26 committee of actually emphasize , what Mr , Mr is actually saying is the ideas and the , the , the suggestions of this particular route will be incorporated in this report and should go before this committee and he can not give a preview of those ideas to anybody else
27 These are very useful and should last for several seasons .
28 These will be drawn up by the teacher and should relate to those set by middle managers .
29 Your filtration sounds adequate , and should cope with another Oranda and another plec .
30 There is authority for saying that the courts ( in practice usually the magistrates ) can and should intervene at both of these potential control points .
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