Example sentences of "[coord] [modal v] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 or let's forget the whole thing . ’
2 Some PCs these days can already offer this type of performance or may offer a one megabyte graphics card as an optional extra for as little as £20 over the price of a 512K card .
3 Transient ischaemia , often with plaque rupture and formation of platelet fibrin thrombi , distal embolisation , and possibly local vasoconstriction may serve as a primary cause of cardiac arrest or may modulate a fixed arrhythmogenic substrate .
4 As the Group is vertically integrated , finished goods held by one company may be sold outside the Group or may form the raw materials of other companies within the Group .
5 The greatest possible self-created order , he wrote , compatible of course with the freedom to work , which may mean very little order indeed or may mean a great deal of order , depending on the individual and the circumstances .
6 He may simply assist a competitor in any way which does or may have an adverse and material effect on his employer 's business .
7 This argument overlooks a feature of addictive disease that is often overlooked by those who currently advocate substitution with medically prescribed drugs : the addict will commonly take the prescribed drug and an additional illegal drug or may sell the prescribed drug in order to obtain a preferred illegal drug .
8 There was some slight discussion whether the British should keep Canada or should choose the large French sugar islands like Martinique and Guadeloupe ; very few politicians close to the centre of power thought of giving Canada back to France , but the issue underlined the fact that Canada was unlikely to provide much revenue for the British treasury directly , and certainly would not provide the amount of revenue that sugar for re-export would give at a time when Britain used for consumption or for manufacture all that her West Indian islands could produce .
9 How this could or should affect the political decision about banning lead in petrol is not a question which I am competent to answer ; it involves too many non-scientific aspects .
10 A and then he would either have an official invitation or should hear no more about it .
11 There was further dispute later in the year over the issue of whether the country should retain its current presidential system of government or should adopt a prime ministerial system .
12 The syndrome causes bizarre responses to any stimulus to the hemiplegic side , so Rose might feel very cold in very hot weather , for instance , or might perceive the lightest touch as extreme pain .
13 Towns could take some space at a normal street comer to give ‘ more chance to be seen and to see others ’ ( a ) ; or could create a vest-pocket park ( b ) ; or a play area ( c ) ; or an island in a cul-de-sac for the local children ( d ) .
14 Not that the James Committee was convinced that the CNAA would or could accept a validating role for the colleges and the field of study .
15 How many readers knew that , or could name a single book of his ?
16 The debts shown in the Accounts relating to the Business ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the corresponding accounts for the preceding three financial years ) were good and collectable in full in the ordinary course of business and have or will realise the net amount thereof .
17 If your instruction is complex , length or will have a major impact please consult us first !
18 Problems that improve temporarily and then relapse again and the previously effective remedy no longer works ; a dose or two of Sulphur in this situation will often either clear up the problem or will allow the indicated remedy to work again .
19 Under the guarantee , McCaw will buy the remaining LIN shares in five years at an agreed private market price or will put the entire LIN company up for sale .
20 Using all of the system 's facilities , management can analyse sales and staffing levels in multiple bars on a single site , or can view an entire operation remotely from a head office .
21 These pass on tips about jobs or lodgings , or can give a firm base of support once a migrant has crossed the border .
22 Unnecessarily high costs can be passed on under average cost pricing ( solution 1 ) , can result in a higher fixed charge to ensure break-even under a two-part tariff ( solution 2 ) , or can require a larger subsidy ( solution 3 ) .
23 Officials never have or can have the full range of choices displayed before them .
24 What this means in practice is that through these schemes , monthly repayments are considerably reduced , which means customers save money or can afford a higher specification model if they wish .
25 So vesti la guibba — on with the motley — and let's hope the final curtain never falls for the Neptune .
26 And let's say the maximum number of engines we can ever have will be up to about twenty five .
27 The count puffed out smoke through his long holder as we shook hands , and then Paula Reece asked him , ‘ Vrin , be an angel and let's have a little piano music . ’
28 Think about it and let's have a proper talk .
29 Immediately a sea of hands shot up , waving , and Gerrard nodded and cried , ‘ And let's get the other side .
30 Other approaches , such as the use of human minichromosomes and the combination of the best features of the different viral and biochemical approaches , are under study , and may offer the best long term prospects .
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