Example sentences of "[coord] [be] [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I rarely speak or am active on guillotine motions and resulting business arrangements on timing , because in general I have long been in favour of timetabling all Bills from the start .
2 Now if V and T are fixed , or are uninfluenced by M ( i.e. V and T are independent of M ) , then the equation of exchange can be expressed as the quantity theory , which states that an increase/decrease in M will lead directly to an increase/ decrease in P .
3 If these are disregarded by those who employ or are involved with carers , the people being tended are made more vulnerable to exploitation or even abuse .
4 This is not because they lack interest , or are unrepresented in Britain : neither of these is true .
5 We do not think the criterion can be put any better or more clearly than it is put in R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) and would hold that , on the true construction of the 18 February 1985 mortgage , the defendants are entitled to be paid or to retain out of the mortgaged property all their actual costs , charges and expenses ( including the receivers ' remuneration ) except in so far they are of an unreasonable amount or have been unreasonably incurred and with any doubts as to whether the costs have been reasonably incurred or are reasonable in amount being resolved in favour of the defendants .
6 Some have their own libraries of archaeological books for use by their members , usually containing a much wider range than are held by public libraries or are available in bookshops .
7 But service commitments often prevent juniors from attending these meetings , and not all senior staff enjoy or are good at teaching .
8 To some degree the bias is systematically away from uninteresting conditions requiring care rather than cure , towards ones that are treatable or are interesting in research terms
9 The ontological idealist , given his general metaphysical premisses , can at least argue that what we regard as " physical bodies " are really no extra-spiritual entities , for all entities are either spiritual or are explicable in terms of attributes of such entities , and although his position gives rise to all kinds of difficulties , he can , on the whole , present his case a good deal more consistently than a dualist can .
10 Horses which rear , nap or are bad in traffic should only be dealt with by professionals , who knows what they are doing and are prepared to take the risks involved .
11 And now , my dear Sir , having said this much on behalf of this deserving Youth , I must beg to assure you that however zealous my wish to be the means of serving him and his poor Mother , I do not wish , on that account , to influence you — Quite the contrary — I know that in similar cases , your benevolent views have been disappointed , and , perhaps , you have consequently made arrangements for the Future which may render it ineligible to take any youth in the same way as proposed to his Brother — even if you have at present — or are likely in course of a year or two — to have a vacancy .
12 There is a crude housing surplus of approximately 500000 dwellings over households , but many of these houses are second homes , or are unfit for occupation , or in areas of high unemployment , where workers have migrated to other parts of the country .
13 However , as suggested at the beginning of this chapter , the target group for the intervention should be particularly vulnerable in some way , that is , be predisposed biologically to a major psychiatric disorder , or be low in self-esteem , poor in coping skills , or low in support .
14 Whilst the highest hill in an area would often be used , it was more important that this should have a distinctive shape or be prominent in relation to the surrounding countryside .
15 Be sure to fill in time sheets correctly and to let your manager know as soon as possible if you are unable to work as arranged , or be available on call .
16 Thus a lady will smoke , talk slang , or be extravagant in dress ; and will declare her intention of doing as she likes ’ .
17 This means it will be difficult to implement servers or distributed applications with a high-level of security or be compatible with systems that do and there will only be very limited interoperability between NT and DCE applications .
18 A question might arise as to whether spectators can be given directions under sections 12 or 14 , or be guilty of offences of failing to comply with such conditions .
19 We were never expecting to start or be involved in World War Three but there was excitement there always .
20 A landing strip was organised to provide emergency services for any of the aircraft that suffer damage or be short of fuel .
21 If the patient is conscious and capable , then the doctor must observe his wishes or be liable in battery .
22 ‘ ( 1 ) On a taxation of costs on a standard basis there shall be allowed a reasonable amount in respect of all costs reasonably incurred and any doubts which the taxing officer may have as to whether the costs were reasonably incurred or were reasonable in amount shall be resolved in favour of the paying party ; and in these rules the term ‘ the standard basis ' in relation to the taxation of costs shall be construed accordingly .
23 ( 2 ) On a taxation on the indemnity basis all costs shall be allowed except in so far as they are of an unreasonable amount or have been unreasonably incurred and any doubts which the taxing officer may have as to whether the costs were reasonably incurred or were reasonable in amount shall be resolved in favour of the receiving party ; and in these rules the term ‘ the indemnity basis ' in relation to the taxation of costs shall be construed accordingly .
24 Held , allowing the appeal and the cross-appeal , that under the terms of the mortgage and other deeds the defendants were entitled to recover their actual costs , charges and expenses except for any costs that had not been reasonably incurred or were unreasonable in amount ; that both litigation and non-litigation costs could be referred to a taxing for quantification ; that the defendants were contractually entitled to payment on an indemnity basis as defined by R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) ; that the court 's discretion as to the basis of taxation of a mortgagee 's costs , charges and expenses should normally be exercised so as to correspond with the contractual entitlement ; and that , accordingly , the master had power to order that the contractual costs , charges and expenses and the costs incurred in the litigation be taxed on an indemnity basis including those costs ordered to be taxed on a standard basis ( post , pp. 735E–F , 736B–C , 737E–F , 739A–C , 741H — 742D , E–H ) .
25 The language used does , in our opinion , justify an approach that would hold the mortgagee prima facie entitled to recover or retain the full amount of its actual costs , charges and expenses ; but the language leaves open , in our opinion , the right of the mortgagor to have excluded any costs , charges and expenses that were incurred in bad faith or were unreasonably incurred or were unreasonable in amount .
26 The study shows that men who had a small head circumference or were thin at birth , or both , had higher rates of cardiovascular death than those who had a large head circumference or were fat .
27 Elsewhere , condoms mysteriously appeared in pigeon holes , or were stuck to doors .
28 That historians are increasingly being involved in the process at an earlier stage — being consulted over which documents to destroy and which to preserve , or being involved in discussions with the creators and storers of data as in this workshop — is good news , and helps the two sides to better mutual understanding .
29 Abuse of rules or being absent without leave will mean a return to closed prison ’
30 It is quite common to find them taking an unusual interest in pets , putting on weight , complaining of backache and toothache , or being faddy about food — behaviour more usually associated with pregnant women .
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