Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] they [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , yes , they even had like they used to have savings ' weeks er salute the soldier week , they used to have promotions for National Savings you see and we used to get so much money or where they had a bid thermometer on the car park in Street which is now the extension of the Gala Baths and they used to show how much savings had been put in they used to have targets for people , to put the National Savings in , they used to have an Anglo-American friendship week .
2 Yet it would be anachronistic to assume that they had surrendered their rights in anticipation of Marxist theories about the superiority of the all-Russian market , or that they felt a particular brotherly love towards the Great Russian folk .
3 A number of people were granted exemption on the grounds either that they were too poor to pay taxes and rates or that they had a certificate signed by the minister and parish officers to the effect that their premises were worth not more than 1 per annum or that their personal property was worth less than £10 per annum ; however , no exemption was allowed anyone possessing more than two hearths .
4 They just need a little help like with feeding or or if they throw a tantrum
5 Patients were excluded from the study if they were pregnant or lactating , if they were expecting to undergo surgery , or if they had a history of concurrent gastric ulceration , renal insufficiency , alcoholism ( pure ethanol intake greater than 100 ml/day ( women ) or 120 ml/day ( men ) , or behaviour consistent with alcohol abuse ) , drug abuse , or language difficulties .
6 I do n't really know what they think , or if they think , or if they give a shit about any of it in any case .
7 Erm nobody 's gon na mug a person if they see us coming , or if they see a bobby coming .
8 So the treatment is double nappy if it 's not a very er serious one or if they notice a click just after delivery they would immediately put the baby in double nappies .
9 Boil them together half an hour , or till they become a thick jelly .
10 This will make it possible to assess whether there are systematic differences in their cognitive skills in comparison to reading age and chronological age controls or whether they show a similar pattern to poor readers found in the normal school population .
11 Erm it is a social gathering and whether people get er , er get rooked er , they get done or whether they get a bargain or whatever happens , they , they seem to enjoy it , but nevertheless it 's done according to whether you want to make money , the person owning the land wants to make a bit of money , there are a number of entrepeneurs who actually arrange and the middleman who actually goes round booking up the sites and so when you 're talking about charity a charity will get it organised for you by an entre , entrepeneur and then there 's the er the er the traders themselves , some of whom may be purely independent , some the , some may be obviously dealing with that ta erm that kind of aspect which is not exactly possibly legal .
12 The question is whether these hallowed archaisms are only a surface phenomenon which a sensible modernization of Parliament would easily sweep away , or whether they indicate a fundamental unsuitability in the traditional kind of representative institution to cope with the problems of modern democratic government .
13 There is no discrimination for or against any candidate on the basis of sex , ethnic origin , social class , home location or whether they have a medical background .
14 There is no discrimination for or against any candidate on the basis of sex , ethnic origin , social class , home location or whether they have a veterinary background .
15 ‘ It will be up to every member of the committee to decide whether they can take part in the discussions or whether they have a conflict of interest , ’ he said .
16 They 've all got a vision about their listeners , their viewers , their readers and so forth , and when they pick something , a press release , or when they hear a story or something like that , their mind 's going click click click ‘ How can I use this in a way that I can turn it into a form which is usable for my people ? ’ in a sense .
17 These originated in Northern Italy , where the pasta is traditionally flat and where they use a lot more egg and cream in their cooking .
18 Neutralizing involves giving the employee work where their weaknesses can not cause problems and where they get a chance to use whatever strengths they possess .
19 And where they maintain a cool detachment from their subject , Normski 's in the crowd during his show , dancing alongside the audience .
20 Ann worked in British West Hartlepool : severely shelled during World War I , home of Andy Cap and where they hung a shipwrecked monkey in Napoleonic times , in the belief that the poor beast was a Frenchman .
21 When the government , with the intention of circumventing petition-drawers , proposed legislation to require all criminal plaints to be presented personally , some judicial officials argued that not all petition-drawers were dishonest , and that they served a function in the judicial system because there were too many complaints for magistrates to settle without help .
22 Secondly , effective defence in depth presupposes that castles have been sited with this end in view , and that they form a coherent group under unified control .
23 Given that San Sebastian was then a hive of intrigue and rumour ; that there were multiple connections between the parties involved ; and that they had a common interest in retaining political initiative in their own , civilian hands , it seems not impossible that the Falangists and Carlists were aware of the negotiations between Cavaletti and Aguirre .
24 Professor Elton believes that they are part of the revolution in government carried through by Thomas Cromwell , that they produced an entirely new kind of Council — a formal governing board instead of an informal inner ring — and that they achieved a clear demarcation of function between administrative and judicial business , with the Privy Council attending to administration and the Star Chamber in effect the same people afforced by two judges — carrying out conciliar jurisdiction .
25 One of the problems of deciding how much of a person 's temperament is inherited is due to the fact that babies are usually brought up in an environment of both parents , or at least more than on individual , and that they take a while to grow and show many personality characteristics .
26 What research and evidence there is appears to suggest that at school level at least their educational achievements are higher than those of Afro-Caribbean boys , and that they exhibit a greater tenacity in the pursuit of educational qualifications than white girls .
27 Egg producers must recognise that they are competing in the sophisticated food industry of the late 1980s and that they have a responsibility to the consumer .
28 In ecology the Germans take it for granted that they are more ecology-minded than anyone else , and that they have a special sensitivity for this too .
29 The fact remains , however , that they have a contribution to make to the community and that they have a right to our services .
30 H. W. Gillman , a district judge , believed that ‘ natives find both profit and amusement in bringing false cases , and that they have a natural talent for lying . ’
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