Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] i [vb past] back " in BNC.

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1 My Dad used to say , ‘ Now look what you 've done to your mother , ’ and if I answered back , he would start pelting things at me — plates , cups , his dinner , the carving knife , and once a picture of Jesus floating up to heaven with a lamb tucked under each arm .
2 " Hey , " somebody shouted , and when I looked back , it was the tenant of the flat I 'd just knocked at .
3 For a moment I looked away , and when I looked back he was gone .
4 And when I got back I had ants in my pants ,
5 ‘ I went off to get another one and when I got back to the phone she said ‘ have you got it ? ’ and I thought she meant the new biro , so I said yes and she said goodbye and hung up . ’
6 By this time it was approaching midnight and when I got back to camp and rang Bomber Command the duty officer was most reluctant to put me through to " Bomber " Harris .
7 And when I got back for the last few weeks Mortimer had left … ’
8 ‘ The meeting went on longer than I expected , and when I got back to the car there was a ticket on it .
9 I took a short break , and when I came back , I went round the local job centres to see what was going .
10 I had a day off and when I came back there was a big trophy sitting there in the shop .
11 I left them together while I went to make some coffee , and when I came back into the room , Shanti was saying , ‘ Patsy , where do I get my big feet from ?
12 I was looking at the vectors on either side of him to see if he had any friends and when I came back he was gone . ’
13 Erm I went into residential social work first , erm but that was after twenty years of teaching erm in various parts of the country , I was in , Bradford , and then I spent seven years in Africa , where I also erm was a teacher , and when I came back from Africa , I was asked if I would just replace someone that was going on a course , in a residential er the mother and baby home it was actually .
14 Then in late July I had my clubs stolen again I had left them for ten minutes at about 9.30pm and when I came back they were gone and it was at the time when I was about to play in two large junior competitions .
15 I had given up a good job to go there and when I came back after the adventure I had looked forward to for so long , I was very disappointed with myself .
16 ‘ You had n't arrived when first I came , ’ he went on , ‘ so I went out and had a coffee , and when I came back your assistant told me you were with Naylor . ’
17 ‘ I went to the toilet and when I came back into the living room , one of them was trying it on with my wife .
18 ‘ All I know is that I left Freda a jolly-looking woman and when I came back she was altered .
19 But I wa but I was there for a fortnight and when I came back I , you know it 's preparing for Synod just takes all the time we have somehow and I
20 And when I came back , Bobby I gave Grant they and erm he must 've been pretty desperate because he did a wee wee before we left and he did a wee wee before
21 Now , when I came back from Stop Hill the other night , must have been , oh must have been Thursday , cos Paul erm , was going out with Alec and then they were going to Alec for dinner and when I came back one of the erm wooden staves was off here , had been prized off .
22 I do n't know but well I remember going out shopping and when I came back you 'd got
23 and I went out to tell him and he started talking to me for something and when I came back in the fucking milk !
24 Not that I complained because I was having a great time with it , but I noticed that there were a few changes and when I went back to England from Mustique , that was probably the last time MainMan existed .
25 And when I went back to Jamaica , they were so proud of me — you know the way they think about Britain .
26 ‘ I had to climb out again to get some air and when I went back in I was just beaten back .
27 And when I thought back over the conversation , I realised that it was an extremely unlikely thing to have happened .
28 And when I started back , he said :
29 And as I came back down this mucky road from the High Street , which , as you know , can be a pretty depressing trek home especially if you 're tired , it all seemed bright somehow , and welcoming .
30 I said and as I came back up what I call the straight path parallel with the road there were two men loitering in the bushes against the car park .
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