Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 For example , when the phase shift β is always small enough to make the approximation or and the corresponding time delay per section is inversely proportional to .
2 The reasons adduced by Hare include the facts that fluvial processes tend to be dominated by extreme events rather than balance relationships , so that stochastic methods and extreme-value theory are closer to the reality of geomorphic processes than is energy-balance climatology ; and that the geomorphic time scale is longer than that utilized by the climatologist .
3 Coleridge and Southey optimistically calculated that two or three hours daily labour would be all that was required , and that the remaining time could be given up to ‘ study , liberal discussions , and the education of their children ’ .
4 In practice however it would appear that PGCE courses do resemble each other in many significant ways , no doubt because they have the same ultimate purposes and because the limited time available enforces a focus on fundamental issues leaving little opportunity for additional , idiosyncratic areas of study .
5 It was held that when time for delivery is of the essence of a contract for the sale of goods ( that is , a condition ) and after the stipulated time has elapsed the buyer waives his right to cancel by pressing for delivery , converting the term into a warranty , he may later give notice setting a reasonable deadline , once again making the time for delivery a condition of the contract .
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