Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pron] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Whether you feel that your original decision was not very wise , or that you never really made a decision , or you just want to review your situation , this course can help you .
2 You 've been doing it to each other all the time but if I were to hurt you or if anybody else here were to hurt you physically or mentally how many times would you forgive them ?
3 Within the region of the Seine basin where Charles 's power was concentrated and where he most often stayed , the counts were of the " lesser " variety .
4 Is the Minister aware that most people who live in that type of accommodation do not believe that the Government take the problem seriously enough , and that we now urgently require either a direct grant or an allowance for capital borrowing to provide concierge-type services in high tower blocks in Glasgow and other parts of Scotland ?
5 Some claim that the sand-eels were being chased upwards by predators such as bigger fish , and that they no longer come to the surface because there are n't any big fish left to chase them .
6 Even to the now routine enquiries from pupils about ‘ What 's the point ? ’ most teachers I know feel both that they ought to have a good answer , and that they all too frequently do n't .
7 Not just because it would ruin the trust that my relationship is built on and that I so much believe in , but because being unfaithful would require me to be the kind of woman I choose not to be .
8 The onus is on writing as a medium to demonstrate that it is capable of forms of communication which are impossible in the oral media , and that it therefore still has a place in contemporary society .
9 Hekmatyar retorted that Rabbani had no right to dismiss Fareed and that he no longer recognized him as President .
10 He was simply aware that Gabriel 's allegiance had changed , that he spent all the spare time he could with Lucie and the girl , and that he no longer believed he was an angel .
11 The Major had told us that he was plagued with poachers , particularly since the new road had been driven up the hill from the Aberfeldy side ; and that he very much doubted if there were any fish left in Loch a'Chait .
12 We have learned , for example , that when you think of your University days , your department and your friends feature most frequently in your thoughts ; that you prefer the idea of reunions of your department or your contemporaries to University-wide events ; that you like the idea of the regional ‘ roadshows ’ ; and that you very much want to know where all your old friends are and what they 're up to now .
13 And that she most certainly was not , she told herself adamantly .
14 As with education welfare officers , their job involves travelling in the community rather than being part of the central LEA administration , and so they also generally work in area teams based in a local school .
15 The young churches do not have the money to build them and so they quite rightly look to us Catholics of the rich countries of the world .
16 We saw herds of stags and although we never actually walked for a day when we did n't see anyone else , there was a week of walking when we only saw one other person for every day .
17 So the days were unhappy and the nights a bleak nothingness , and although I never actually put a rope around that pulley , nor loaded my shotgun and went out into the field and dug my own grave — as I had visualized so often — nor started my engine in the garage , yet I thought about all three , and on occasions I thought about one or other for days at a time .
18 And if something else really was slipped aboard at the last moment , he thought , who knows but we may recover that , too !
19 The French Senator-Minister for the High Police controlled a web of espionage as efficient as that of the Hapsburgs , and if anything even more ruthless .
20 In any event , Girobank has only a broadly similar number of private customers to those with the Co-op Bank , and if anything perhaps rather less money available for lending to them .
21 Gatsby is very nervous , as he has n't seen Daisy for many years and if she no longer loves him his whole purpose for living has gone .
22 And if anyone out there has a story of their own , then the word from these new authors is to follow the traditional indie creed .
23 Martin 's an architect and and it actually probably would be you know it might be a good thing to actually sort of provoke a question with architects because they do specify these things and they 're the ones who actually say you know right we 'll specify hardwood .
24 ( Part of the reason for this undoubtedly lay in the fact that the foraging hominids of whom we are speaking were in part already pre-adapted to upright posture by an evolutionary past different to that of today 's gelada baboon and because they probably already possessed cerebral development going beyond that of a mere monkey thanks to their common ancestry with today 's great apes . )
25 However , Ancient Society also differed from earlier work because of the high quality of the scholarly work on which it was based , because of the sympathy of the writer for primitives , and because it not only defined stages but in many cases suggested mechanisms which explained why one stage should change to another .
26 ‘ Since we 've got our captive financial expert at our mercy tonight , and since we so rarely have the pleasure of seeing him , should n't we demand a progress report ? ’
27 Prior to losing the mollies ( male and female ) a number of young were produced and since I also only have one tank , I decided to try to save them by suspending a net breeding trap in the tank and transferring them to it .
28 ‘ Deus venerunt gentes ’ is long a good ten minutes if you sing all four sections ; the ranges of its five-part scoring lie less comfortably for modern choirs , and its vocal lines are technically demanding ; the harrowing text makes it an unlikely choice for church use ; the piece has never been published except as part of a library edition ; it takes stamina and capable direction to make a convincing interpretation out of it ; and since it hardly ever gets a hearing , only the adventurous know of its existence .
29 And when they no longer were , Hugo Rune had gone .
30 And when you never even bothered to reply … ’
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