Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [adj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It attacks dementedly until it is destroyed , or until all the adventurers leave the passage , in which case the Ghost instantly fades .
2 Cover and cook the cranberries in 300ml ( 1/2 pt ) water for about 10 mins , or until all the berries have burst .
3 Department of Health guidelines ( DHSS , 1988b ) suggest that they should also offer parents an opportunity to have their views and wishes heard and that parents should be invited , where practicable , to attend part , or if appropriate the whole , of the case conference .
4 Parents can be asked to keep a detailed record of what exactly the child eats over the course of a day or if possible a week .
5 Moreover we can discuss the meaning of what is being said even if it so happens that there are no trees in the park , or if all the trees happened to be the same age and none of them was an oak .
6 The purpose of the present research is simply to find out whether it is practical to begin a project now or soon , or whether such a project should wait until there are more results from those working on the theory .
7 This meeting condemns the failure of the Council of Legal Education ( CLE ) and where applicable the Bar Council to :
8 Be systematic with your inspection : test all easily accessible timbers with a sharp screwdriver to detect concealed tunnels and boreholes ; lift some carpets and where possible a section of floorboards , and test the joists .
9 In general , it can be shown that for a large sample of size , n , and where all the elements of the matrices and are unrestricted , the statistic : is distributed as a chi-square variate with g degrees of freedom where , once again , g is the number of restrictions on the model .
10 This was confined to areas where more than half the non-white population lived , and where all the areas had more than 10 per cent .
11 The presence or absence of increases in anal pressures and external sphincter electromyographic activity during a maximum squeeze , straining ‘ as if to defecate ’ , and forcibly expiring against a fixed resistance ( blowing up a party balloon ) were noted , and where relevant the responses quantified .
12 Tonks was incensed about the Vichy venture , as were the NZRFU folk at home , everyone was embarrassed that they had no way of knowing where the All Black party were , what was involved in the game , and where next the travelling group might surface .
13 The civilian staff put out the empty milk bottles and leave the camp , another day 's work done , and the regimental police staff in the guardroom check to see that all the recruits have booked in and that all the visitors have been booked out .
14 Government research says that the presence of dioxins in flue gases from plants such as that at Pontypool ‘ are in the low range of parts per trillion ’ ( one part per trillion is of the order of 30 seconds in a million years , or one ounce in 28 million tons ) , and that all the UK PCB-destroying plants together emit only a ‘ few grammes per year ’ .
15 In accounting for the failure of the " Fifteen , historians sympathetic to Jacobitism tend to stress how difficult it is to launch a successful invasion , and that all the trump cards lie with the government of the day .
16 You will find that the model can be moved around on the ground in this state and that all the controls are effective .
17 The mild dissonance used is either a minor 7th or a major 9th : Note that the added part is mostly in contrary motion with the top part ( this usually gives a more powerful bass ) , and that all the notes used are different .
18 On returning to Cyprus that spring , he found that the march of technology had continued in his absence and that all the CpFNS field offices had been hooked into a central computerized database installed by Link Systems , Ltd , a US government ‘ cut-out ’ company set up to carry out the contract for UNFDAC .
19 Rahab tells them , ‘ I know that the Lord has given you the land , and that the fear of you has fallen upon us , and that all the inhabitants of the land melt away before you . ’
20 You will need to telephone the ‘ various local offices ( local to the place where you are going to live , not where you are now ) and make sure that a telephone will be laid on , the gas meter will be read , the electricity meter will be read and that all the services will be connected and functioning when you arrive on the day .
21 stated that NVQ was under constant review and that all the elements required had been sent , but no reply received , which the funeral service had also experienced .
22 It is very important that we recognize the possibility of accepting the best features of comprehensive schools while getting rid of the worst , remembering with reasonable humility that the schools were introduced in the first place as experimental , and that all the trial and error may not yet be over .
23 IBM says that the workstations are based on RS/6000 stations and servers , and that all the problems are in the software .
24 Grandiosity : the disease tells the sufferers that are in control , that they are " special and different " and that all the problems are " out there " , not " in here " .
25 They said they tried to revive him and that all the injuries were inflicted accidentally .
26 Major said that the meeting had produced " an excellent dialogue " and that all the parties had agreed to further meetings , and to support a new effort by Brooke to resume talks on the political future of Northern Ireland .
27 I took refuge , therefore , in my customary routines sketching a few brief memoranda for Monday morning , removing the paper clips strewn about my otherwise tidy desk , checking that the main office windows were all shut , even although the Security staff would be along later , and that was strictly speaking their job , and that all the typewriters had been unplugged from the wall sockets .
28 Is not it clear from those figures and from many others that it takes a Conservative Government to deliver the goods to NHS patients and that all the Opposition have to offer are promises which more often than not prove false ?
29 Bathsheba was watching them carefully to make sure that the sheep were not injured , and that all the wool was cut off .
30 Watch your fish carefully at feeding times to ensure that they are all behaving well and that all the fish are obtaining some food .
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