Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] a [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 It 's more or less a third of the marketplace will then be to the right .
2 Do you collect a wide range of them , some of them , or just a few of them ?
3 Do you collect a wide range of them , some of them or just a few of them ?
4 Mr David Walker , FT managing editor , said that over 100 journalists , or nearly a third of the staff , had been referred to the company 's medical department with possible RSI symptoms .
5 At the opposite end of the scale , about 1,800 houses , or nearly a third of the total , were constructed by the fifteen largest firms , each of which was responsible for between seventy-five and 230 buildings .
6 In southern Italy and its islands about 600,000 hectares of trees — or about a third of the modest total still standing in those desiccated landscapes — disappeared between 1860 and 1911 .
7 In all the chain there are less than ten square kilometres left of glacier , or about a fortieth of what there is in the Alps , though , after many years of shrinkage , the Pyrenean ice-fields are said to have spread themselves a little since 1950 .
8 Many of you will remember Her Majesty the Queen 's visit in 1984 when she opened the Queen 's Library at Sighthill , and perhaps a few of you will recall the Duke of Edinburgh 's visit in 1965 .
9 By 1800 less than a third of English imports came from the continent and only a fifth of her exports went there .
10 LITERALLY BEHIND THE TIMES Books are still subject to resale price maintenance , sale or return is the norm , and only a third of all retailers have embraced electronic point of sale techniques .
11 Yet this modest advance in steam conditions was approached late and with circumspection : the sets on order for the whole of the 1950s commissioning programmes remained mainly the 30MW and 60MW sizes , and only a third of the sets adopted the more advanced steam conditions .
12 This involved repeating various commands given by Sergeant Moustaine , which was difficult as he spoke fast and only a third of our Section spoke French .
13 We found that only about one in five of all establishments used either form of temporary worker and only a third of those used them in numbers equivalent to at least five per cent of their labour forces .
14 However , no more than about a dozen viruses have been produced on a commercial scale and only a few of these have been used on more than a few hundred hectares per year .
15 Patrick Chauvel and I could see things were about to happen in Panama , Noriega had declared war on America , but it was Xmas and only a few of us went there .
16 In this country between 5 and 10 per cent of cases of gonorrhoea in women go on to develop a degree of tubal involvement , and only a few of these will lead to peritonitis .
17 By comparison the scientist is burdened with his instruments and only a few of the greatest of them feel the infinite but the mystic is drowned in it .
18 I want you in dozens of different ways , and only a few of them have anything to do with actual physical desire . ’
19 When the steamboat touches the pier , you are met by a throng of canvassers from the hotels and private lodging-house keepers , and not a few of the holiday residents , who look out eagerly , in the hope of mayhap meeting friend or acquaintance or notable traveller .
20 Edward pushed forward the bounds of secular authority usually in reaction to some clerical move or in defence of the needs and customs of royal government ; but as much as by the king this boundary was advanced by his subjects , whether suing for their individual rights and interests through the king 's courts or acting as royal justices , and not a few of these aggressive subjects were in fact clergy themselves .
21 ‘ From Casderigg brow , the fells of Newlands were admirably contrasted with the ancient road — Nothing is left root and branch is exterminated , and thus a few of the most lovely acres in the universe , have been despoiled for an exchange of corn and grass , while millions infinitely better fitted for the sustenance of man are almost wholly neglected … . miserable patches of green and brown , which pervade the denuded area , and now startlingly salute the traveller , on his way from Keswick and Brow Top to the fort of Casderiggs . ’
22 A chauffeur driven limosine was waiting at her home near Banbury to whisk Betty , her new outfit , and just a few of her many nearest and dearest to the Palace for the big day .
23 By the age of seven , more than half the boys and nearly a third of the girls were being hit at least once a week .
24 And nearly a third of 2,000 women questioned for the Me magazine survey admitted having unprotected sex .
25 there are many people and probably a few of you here tonight , who have been members of the Church for a long time .
26 They were particularly vulnerable during their first 12 months and about a third of them did not live to reach the age of 10 .
27 To be sure , many core groups from the old Democratic coalition voted in large numbers for Reagan , including Catholics , Jews , southerners , blue-collar workers , union members , the poor and even a third of the unemployed .
28 Some of the houses in this neighbourhood belonged to industrial barons , and even a few of the aristocrats played a leading part as entrepreneurs .
29 In 1981 , for example , just under half of the male labour force and around a third of the female labour force in service industries were in manual , ‘ blue-collar ’ occupations .
30 The addition of a bubble-up or other filter filled with carbon , to the stored water , also removes chlorine and quite a few of the other nasties that may occur ( though charcoal/carbon is far from a panacea for all ills — it DOES NOT remove ammonia , nitrites , and nitrates despite some manufacturers ' claims ) .
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