Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] did he [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And thusly did he pump up the volume .
2 When and how did he unwind ?
3 And how did he seem ? ’
4 And how did he get out of the Chris think he 'd get on with him ?
5 And how did he come by thee ? ’
6 And how did he come to be that ?
7 And why did he do it when it was perfectly possible for him to have experimented on any cadaver purchased by him for his medical academy ?
8 And why did he do that ?
9 And why did he go like that ? ’
10 And finally , thought Ian as he walked up through the Cathedral stairs from the crypt office , what does the Bishop want two of after Evensong and why did he put the phone down on me when he failed to get the odious Williams ?
11 And — who was Lord Fiske of the Decimal Currency Board ( ah , glorious corporatist Labour party designation , The Decimal Currency Board ) and why did he say that ‘ All was going well ’ when nobody except the very young or very bright could understand a thing ?
12 At times Anne felt sure that he was attracted to her , but if so why did he never ask to meet her , and why did he conceal these chance meetings from his family ?
13 And why did he believe Havvie , and not her ?
14 ‘ This last Friday , when did he arrive and when did he leave ? ’
15 ‘ When did he come and when did he leave ? ’
16 And it was there a week , oh well , at the last , the last thing I saw of it was like , Monday night and when did he give it me ?
17 Although on every side people tried to raise the old Watergate question , ‘ What did the President know and when did he know it ? ’ , it seemed curiously flabby and unsatisfactory ; as Elizabeth Drew wrote in the New Yorker , ‘ When one talks about what Reagan ‘ knew ’ , one could be dealing in metaphysics . ’
18 ‘ When did your uncle get the letter from India , and when did he die ? ’
19 What was it all about , and where did he fit in ?
20 Who is pictured ( right ) , and where did he score his triple-century ?
21 And where did he live then ?
22 And where did he live at that time ?
23 And where did he get his nickname ?
24 And where did he get the bricks from ?
25 For he had suddenly realised that she was at the end of her tether — for what reason he did not know , and neither did he care , only that he must go warily with her , lest he damage her beyond repair .
26 And nowhere did he appear alone : never , it seemed , had Dorothy turned the viewfinder of the old box Brownie deliberately upon her husband .
27 His standing at the dispatch box stays high , but rarely did he intervene during months of Maastricht debate .
28 But how did he redeem you ?
29 But how did he do it ?
30 But how did he choose the initial state or configuration of the universe ?
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