Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But as Ted Sandy-man ought to have realised , ‘ you 've got to have grist before you can grind ’ ; machine-masters end up machine-minders , and all for nothing , or rather for an insidious logic of expansion .
2 Unfortunately , for the traditional printing and graphic arts industries , the desktop publishing ‘ revolution ’ has taken place largely outside their control and has placed the capability to generate complex artwork directly in the hands of anyone with access to a computer and around £1,000 or less for the necessary software .
3 Many of the larger investment managers now concentrate on institutional funds or set very high minima of £1m or so for the private client portfolios they will take on .
4 That bridges much of the spread , but not all : it is worth maybe 5% , less 1% or so for the annual management fee that keeps Whizzquid on his toes .
5 It can take effect immediately , but it usually takes twenty minutes or so for the full effects to be felt .
6 If the latter , can it be for any offence or only for a serious one , and is the offence in the problem sufficiently serious ?
7 It raised the more general and important question whether the determination of a statutory tribunal with a limited jurisdiction could give rise to issue estoppel at all , or only to cause of action estoppel ; in other words , whether it could give rise to an estoppel for all purposes or only for the limited purpose for which the jurisdiction to make the determination was conferred .
8 On granting or transferring a restricted hotel licence or a restaurant licence in respect of any premises , a licensing board shall , if as regards the use of the premises for the provision of the customary main meals it appears to the board that it is only for the customary main meal at midday or only for the customary main meal in the evening that the premises fall within paragraph ( a ) ( ii ) of the restricted hotel licence or paragraph ( a ) ( ii ) of the restaurant licence as set out in Schedule 1 to this Act , insert in the licence a condition that there shall be no permitted hours in the evening , or that there shall be permitted hours in the premises only in the evening , as the case requires .
9 There was an unresolved discussion in the case as to whether the lessee continued liable for the entire rent or merely for an apportioned part of it , which is all that the plaintiff claimed .
10 There is no special law allowing A , B , and C to meet together in the open air or elsewhere for a lawful purpose , but the right of A to go where he pleases so that he does not commit a trespass , and to say what he likes to B so that his talk is not libellous or seditious , the right of B to do the like , and the existence of the same rights of C , D , E , and F and so on ad infinitum , lead to the consequence that A , B , C , D and a thousand or ten thousand other persons , may ( as a general rule ) meet together in any place where otherwise they each have a right to be for a lawful purpose and in a lawful manner .
11 a false indication that a price is expected to be increased or reduced or maintained ( whether or not for a particular period ) ;
12 The world 's top securities market regulators , who met recently in Venice , cited the need to reconcile financial statements to local accounting standards as a significant factor in any company 's decision on which markets to target or not for an international offering of new shares .
13 I 'd have them all on if I needed a confidence boost , or just for the sheer enjoyment of the sound , but it was fundamentally one AC30 that made that noise .
14 Interest is paid gross to all customers investing £50,000 or more for a fixed term of at least seven days .
15 New figures show that many millions of homes in London and the South East face crippling bills of £800 or more for the new tax .
16 Five questions produced success rates of 50 per cent or more for the bottom band pupils , and for seven questions between 40 per cent and 50 per cent obtained the correct answer .
17 However anyone looking to it for an explanation of how women have come to be excluded so completely from the control of machines , or even for a theoretical framework within which to pose such a question , is in for a disappointment .
18 The theory that amplexus is a form of ‘ mate guarding ’ by males , preventing others from mating with the same female , is confirmed by comparing the duration of amplexus in explosive breeding European common frog , only one out Among explosive breeders , competition between males for females is intense and amplexus may last for several days or even for the entire breeding period .
19 He believes all the right things but for no reasons at all or even for the wrong reasons .
20 Our cupid symbol indicates that we can recommend a special room for either a special room for either a honeymoon holiday or simply for a romantic celebration break .
21 Whether for a family occasion , an overnight stay , social or business function , a reception large or small , or simply for a quiet drink and snack , Statham Lodge Hotel welcomes every visitor in the same friendly way .
22 However a hand drill can be a useful extra tool for making holes in locations remote from a power supply , or simply for a one-off drilling job in the workshop for which it is not worth unpacking and setting up a power tool .
23 In my third year at Oxford , however , I noticed that I seemed to be getting clumsier , and I fell over once or twice for no apparent reason .
24 Such grants are based on the Statute of Monopolies 1623 , which , while in general prohibiting the grant of monopolies , made an exception in favour of patents ‘ for the term of fourteen years or under for the sole working or making of any manner of new manufactures within the realm to the true and first inventor or inventors of such manufactures , which others at the time of making such letters patent and grants shall not use ’ .
25 A 17,000-foot volcano called Nevada del Ruiz , which seems to have been slumbering off and on for the past four hundred years , erupted and melted the snow and ice which covered most of its upper reaches , giving rise to an estimated seventy-five million cubic yards ’ mudslide .
26 Strains are imposed on the self-builders ' families and main jobs , and as a result these schemes are not suitable for all persons and rarely for the elderly .
27 Rigid solids are much harder to get hold of in tension and so for a long time such testing as was done was confined to compression and bending .
28 For a circular rod of radius a the form factor F is the same as the moment of area and so for a free-free torsional resonant vibration and for a clamped-free resonance .
29 As the Arches paper is off white , in areas I needed to highlight , and so for an opaque light tone , I would sharpen the leads into a plate and add water until I had a thick consistency a little like gouache , and would apply that direct with a brush in flat colour .
30 Though he did n't say so , he was looking for something more satisfactory for himself and Sien , and perhaps for an extended family if her mother and brother joined them later .
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