Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm so you have you have another thirty minutes , twenty minutes or less from the candidate .
2 When I was taught chemistry at Regent 's Street Polytechnic in the later 1930s , we 16-year-olds were treated as adults , not incompetents , and were expected to achieve titrations accurate to 1 per cent or less from the moment we began quantitative analysis : for were we not addressed by our splendid lecturers as ‘ Mr ’ ?
3 The seething had been going on more or less from the time Taylor took over as manager .
4 Well the o , well more or less from the time we got in she 's not gon na go back to that place
5 Coming from the lake , or down from the north , all the goods had to be unloaded because of the impassable barrier of the Rhine Falls , then taken to the waiting vessels on the other side .
6 Some more modern houses often have bay windows which stick out about a metre or so from the wall .
7 When one adds to that the £40 million or so from the trust , my hon. Friends at least will recognise that the Government can lay claim to spending more money on sport than any party has done for many years .
8 Three hundred yards or so from the cottage , we stopped , opened the door , and Henry was off .
9 It proposes to recapitalise the insurer by raising NKr2.8 billion through a rights issue and another NKr1.5 billion or so from the bond market .
10 The Gorges de Kakouetta are five miles or so from the turning , on the right , and a clammily spectacular experience they are , because the micro-climate you enter one .
11 He had moved a yard or so from the door .
12 So she waited , pacing about her room and going to the window every other minute to look across the harbour at the carrack which lay at anchor a cable or so from the town landing stage .
13 It 's only a small crag , this , a mile or so from the car-park , easy to get at , a little ruined by the serpent presence at its side .
14 Crossing the garden became a frequent pleasure as the five comfortable apartments , named after French regions — ours was Bordeaux — are in a recently converted timbered building 30 yards or so from the house .
15 erm because , to get in to the flat they 'd either to go up stairs from the deck , or downstairs from the deck , and to try and manage that with small children , probably a buggy and shopping as well .
16 Bodies should be fully stretched upwards and curved either slightly forwards or backwards from the waist only .
17 This implies that the return flow for velocity fluctuations towards or away from the centre of the wake occurs dominantly in the upstream and downstream directions and little in the transverse ( z and -z ) directions .
18 Your stance is crucial to how you move into or away from the ball .
19 Fish being the image into focus in a similar way to a camera , by moving the lens towards or away from the retina .
20 Fish , squid and octopuses accommodate solely by moving the lens towards or away from the retina .
21 It 's sunny , and the clouds have form and shape , and underneath or away from the sun they are in shadow , greys and even a touch of brown .
22 For non-photosynthesizers , the premium is therefore on an increasing range and flexibility of adaptive behaviour , on developing sense organs that can detect food or predator at a distance and motor skills to move towards the desired — or away from the desiring .
23 You should try and keep your balance by moving the knees and hips towards or away from the sail , keeping the shoulders still .
24 They allow for experience of feeling in those parts and for transmission of messages to the body as a result of that feeling or directly from the brain .
25 FILE option allows import of any data file in Lotus 1-2-3 worksheets up to version 3.0 , dBase , Symphony , Quattro , ascii or directly from the keyboard .
26 Next in the expanding network is Lenin Strasse with assorted communist theoreticians and luminaries awarded a street closer to or further from the centre , depending on how high their star stood at the time .
27 We got lost in Nuneaton trying to get back on the M6 , and were now heading through Lancashire at dusk , still an hour or more from the border .
28 Behind the first line of colonists is a second , and a third , and so on , some families being 10 km or more from the road along a muddy footpath .
29 Twenty per cent of council properties ( mostly flats ) lack gardens and a high proportion are three floors or more from the ground , which is rare in private accommodation .
30 In other parts of the town , a kilometre or more from the vent , the ash fall was thinner and damage proportionally less .
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