Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The death rates in those who weighed 18 pounds ( 8165 g ) or less at 1 year were almost three times greater than in those who weighed 27 pounds ( 12247 g ) or more .
2 Since she had been working more or less at full stretch before she 'd been given the extra work to do , there was only one way she could fit more work into her day , and that was by working late at the office , then going home with a bulging briefcase .
3 Words or phrases may be replaced either throughout the length of a document in one step , or optionally at each occurrence .
4 They spent only a minute or so at each tree , cleaning off dried latex , adjusting the collecting supports and making new incisions through which the day 's latex could escape .
5 ‘ I only overhang the couch by a foot or so at each end ; why do n't I attempt to curl up there when you and Janice are in residence , if not flagrante , in the bedroom ? ’
6 The polytechnic staff were now on a work to rule , though only at local level — a vote or so at national level having gone against them in spite of a good deal of cooking of the agenda — and she was , as she said , too busy getting a strike fund to so much as think of earning , let alone working ; let alone getting to bed before Bernard had long since fallen asleep .
7 ( 6 ) The members of a licensing board for a district or licensing division of a district shall be elected at the first meeting of the district council held after the ordinary election of that council in 1977 and , in the case of subsequent elections , of those members : ( a ) except in so far as paragraph ( b ) below otherwise provides , at the first meeting of the council held after each Subsequent ordinary election of the council ; and ( b ) where a determination under subsection ( 3 ) above is made ( whether or not at such meeting of the council as is mentioned in paragraph ( a ) above ) , either : ( i ) at the meeting at which the determination is made ; or ( ii ) at the first meeting of the council held after such meeting as is mentioned in sub-paragraph ( i ) above .
8 ( 7 ) The members of a licensing board for an islands area or licensing division of an islands area shall be elected at a meeting of the council of the islands area to be held on a date between May 16 , 1977 and June 30 , 1977 to be determined by the council , and , in the case of subsequent elections of those members : ( a ) except in so far as paragraph ( b ) below otherwise provides , at the first meeting of the council held after each subsequent ordinary election of the council ; and ( b ) where a determination under subsection ( 3 ) above is made ( whether or not at such meeting of the council as is mentioned in paragraph ( a ) above ) , either : ( i ) at the meeting at which the determination is made ; or ( ii ) at the first meeting of the council held after such meeting as is mentioned in sub-paragraph ( i ) above .
9 And that seems to be to demonstrate difference between what is happening whether we like it or not at central government level and input of somebody who is perpetual of opposing propositions and that is the to two particular items within this alternative budget .
10 A letter says authorities ‘ should in particular consider expanding the role of local GPs in family planning by supplying them with condoms for free distribution to any patient whether or not at high risk if this is thought desirable as a means of preventing HIV [ the Aids virus ] ’ .
11 Under s5 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 ( Appendix B ) , the saving to a plaintiff of his being maintained wholly or partly at public expense can be offset against his claim for future loss of earnings .
12 In an action under the law of England and Wales or the law of Northern Ireland for damages for personal injuries ( including any such action arising out of a contract ) any saving to the injured person which is attributable to his maintenance wholly or partly at public expense in a hospital , nursing home or other institution shall be set off against any income lost by him as a result of his injuries .
13 ‘ It 's not just at executive level , or even at just management level , it ’ also the way staff work with colleagues , ’ said .
14 Whether they claimed to be left-wing , right-wing , or neither at that time .
15 They would go on and on at great speed .
16 As more energy is put in at each dilution stage , the water polymer chains become longer and longer , and presumably at some stage break , forming a number of shorter lengths of water polymer .
17 Lucy said , looking up at her , and right at that moment Josie would have sworn that some kind of a facade had dropped and that she was returning the gaze of a six year-old .
18 She felt as if he was closing a door behind them and right at this moment she would have liked to keep it open , if only just a crack , because Felipe de Santis walked round the plane and stood watching them as they came towards him .
19 Proceed through Tetford village , keeping left by church and right at next fork , then turn right by grassy triangle .
20 And so at that point , nothing very much was published .
21 But typewriters we had problems with because , if they went in for repair , you never got them back from the Ordinance Core , and so at one place in Tunbridge Wells we handed a typewriter in and because the army were allowed to buy greaseproof paper , we bought a lot of greaseproof paper which came in the package of a new typewriter .
22 In an alternative , widely used , mode , a feedback circuit maintains the wire at a constant resistance and so at constant temperature ; the current needed to do this is a measure of the fluid velocity .
23 At this level of national income , and only at this level , aggregate demand in the economy is just equal to the total value of goods and services produced .
24 I mean , going back to nineteen eighty three for instance , in the whole of er area there was no adult day care at all and in at that time there was only the Road day centre for the learning disabled which , with the best will in the world , is not the jewel in our crown .
25 ( 3 ) An alternate Director shall ( except when absent from the United Kingdom ) be entitled to receive notice of meetings of the Directors and shall be entitled to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is personally present and generally at such meeting to perform all functions of his appointor as a Director and for the purpose of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if he were a Director .
26 ( 3 ) An alternate Director shall ( except when absent from the United Kingdom ) be entitled to receive notice of meetings of the Directors and shall be entitled to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is personally present and generally at such meeting to perform all functions of his appointor as a Director and for the purpose of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if he were a Director .
27 And whoever is not clever enough and not at any price can get the object of his desires , I shall , for my fee , make sure he succeeds , for I am very skillful . " )
28 Yes , there is somewhat in me still virgin , but not my body , and not at any man 's beck and call like my body .
29 She had to face the fact that Phoebe was not , not then and not at any time , going to pull Maggie out from the night-time and into the daylight of loving and needing .
30 imposing in relation to any permitted underletting the same obligations as contained in clause 5.9.6 and in clause[s] 5.9.7 [ 5.9.8 and 5.9.9 ] ] [ 5.9.7 Prior to any permitted underletting to procure that the undertenant enters into direct covenants with the Landlord to the like effect as those contained in clauses 5.9.6 [ and ] 5.9.7 [ 5.9.8 and 5.9.9 ] ] [ 5.9.8 To enforce the performance and observance by every such undertenant of the provisions of the underlease and not at any time either expressly or by implication to waive any breach of the covenants or conditions on the part of any undertenant or assignee of any underlease nor ( without the consent of the Landlord such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ) vary the terms or accept a surrender of any permitted underlease ] [ 5.9.9 In relation to any permitted underlease :
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