Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Many corpses , or rather fossils of corpses , were found by the excavators in the ash .
2 The law does not , however , regard such societies ( unless formally incorporated ) as having any corporate personality ; it sees only individuals , owning property , it may be , in common , with rights and duties towards each other flowing from the contract , or rather series of contracts , to be found in the society 's rules ; for on every change in the membership a new contract must be implied .
3 We accept then that , responsibility or no responsibility , commission or no commission , prices may behave in such a way that profits rise faster than a certain rate , that rate being the rate at which incomes other than profits — or perhaps incomes including profits ? — are increasing .
4 ‘ Even so ’ , said W.R. Cornish and G. de N. Clark in their Law and Society in England 1750–1950 , ‘ there was a growing feeling that a system which sent 10,000 or so debtors into prisons each year ( a quarter or more on the mesne process ) was too expensive , too indiscriminate , too open to abuse and overweening pressure . ’
5 MIKE BURNS has followed his beguiling Yorkshire history with one on Surrey , equally beautifully filmed , with a fine array of early stills , some rare archive footage , some of it pre-1914 , and 20 or so interviews with players .
6 In addition to its hundred or so miles of beaches , the Algarve boasted all manner of interesting places , and it was a crime that she and Thomas were unable to visit them .
7 Art construction in all its forms is simply the choosing of separate or possibly groups of atoms and molecules from diverse existing structures and re-grouping them with mental science .
8 Right , correction , one lady does n't , but those who do go back to the Property Committee and I would say that erm if this were to happen , and the County Council were to make it a permanent site in that particular position , we could lay a charge of gross negligence , or even mis-appropriation of assets .
9 Apart from that fucking business card they have no forensic evidence ; no weapons , bloodstained clothes or even minutiae like hairs or fibres to link me with any of the attacks .
10 The list of accessibility of professional support does not mention any help , advice , or even referral to physicians specialising in relief of pain in cancer .
11 East Germans now have to wait for weeks or even months for replies to their applications for visas to Hungary , through which more than 31,000 have escaped since August .
12 The floor is the worst place of all to store equipment such as typewriters , braillers or even piles of books , especially if they are put down on thoroughfares between desks or tables .
13 It may even come as a surprise to some to learn that fish and chips is opaque at all ; but one needs only to consider that not any kind of fish , nor any method of cooking and presentation , will qualify for the description , and that this is not true of , say , chips and fish or even fish with chips , both of which are transparent .
14 Minutes were felt to be factors in these results , whereas in the Potteries hours , or even days at times , were hardly felt to be such factors .
15 The Sybase Storage Manager can also be used as a migration tool for re-engineering Sybase applications , or even parts of applications , into object forms , Ontos says .
16 The Sybase Storage Manager can also be used as a migration tool for re-engineering Sybase applications , or even parts of applications , into object forms , Ontos says .
17 For expositional reasons , we shall need to use the word utterance in various ways in this book , but where it is used to contrast with sentence it should be taken in the sense advocated by Bar-Hillel , as a sentence ( or sometimes string of sentences ) paired with a context .
18 Apart from that , I only crack chemmy gear or else things like dikes and Tuinal .
19 The pupil has to learn not only history and geography , but also how to relate to teachers and fellow students : for example , when it is acceptable to claim the attention of the teacher and to ask questions , or when conversation with friends is allowed .
20 The difficulty for the historian is that evidence for how councillors were elected is often lacking , and one does not know how many freemen could participate in choosing them , nor when membership of councils came to be filled by the choice of the existing councillors .
21 ‘ I returned , and saw under the sun , that the race is not to the swift , nor the battle to the strong , neither yet bread to the wise , nor yet riches to men of understanding , not yet favour to men of skill ; but time and chance happeneth to them all ’ ( Ecclesiastes ) .
22 I 'm gon na need a pension when I reach the age of sixty , sixty five I recommend that we support this motion and vigorously campaign for pensions for everybody on an equal status .
23 The discussion has so far focused on the corporate purpose and thereby role of authorities in the new NHS .
24 All these men ( and presumably others with cancers detected at subsequent screening rounds ) would be exposed to the risks of radical prostatectomy , which may cause impotency in up to 42% and urethrovesical stricture in 7% .
25 To make certain board members responsible to workers and presumably others to suppliers , others to customers and others to the general public would change the board into a kind of parliament with members representing their various constituencies .
26 This is further exacerbated by the noise in many factories which makes conversation difficult and so relationships with others are diminished .
27 Boys do indulge in some sexual activities , such as masturbation alone and with other boys , and perhaps intercourse with prostitutes or lower-class girls .
28 The clinical signs of anaemia and perhaps diarrhoea in calves or young sheep are not in themselves pathognomonic of bunostomiasis .
29 A separate development has seen the establishment of a variety of arrangements offering advice and perhaps representation to defendants to possession actions in the county court .
30 Battling up and down motorways in cars !
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