Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [subord] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The court will be disclined to construe a clause as excluding liability for deliberate breaches of contract or so as to defeat the whole object of the contract .
2 The ability to empathise , to connect with our own and each other 's inner strength , is a necessary part of giving healing massage or even when offering a shoulder to cry on .
3 If the speaker 's main intention was to communicate information about temporal order , she would be more likely to use a temporal connective such as before , after or then than to use a causal connective .
4 The scheme is not out of the woods yet ; and rather than break the law Maxen last week filled in the local VATman 's registration form .
5 Daniel Galvin in London has come up with a treatment that takes only thirty minutes and rather than causing a dramatic change , it softly camouflages grey hair with a subtle , natural-looking colour .
6 And rather than viewing the party 's triumph in October as an expression of the will of the Russian masses , they see it as the product of manipulation of an unstable situation by an élite group of fanatical revolutionaries .
7 The study of the voice what we say and how we say it I then introduced you to if you like advanced body language and based on the work that Marion North did and rather than take an individual movement of the body we took a cluster and how many aspects where there to cluster I wonder there were three were n't there .
8 It says it works in accordance with our normal procedures except and rather than put the exceptions for access in that procedure , .
9 Finally to add a bit of orange or red colours to the tank , and rather than include the aggressive C. citrinellum or C. labiatum , which might cause problems for the beginner , you could add the orange-yellow form of Petenia splendida which , while not being a Cichlasoma , would make a good addition to the community tank as they are very peaceful despite their large size .
10 And rather than treading the boards … they were teetering two feet above them .
11 She generates interesting theories , offers stimulating possibilities , makes her pitch for a long exploration , and all but does the dance of the seven veils to persuade Rainbow to join her on a journey of self-discovery .
12 After this the chorus degenerates further in Euripides and all but disappears a century later , in New Comedy .
13 The counsellor as ‘ historian ’ is perhaps an unusual view , but by travelling through an individual 's life history , and especially when making a physical record through family albums , scrapbooks , memorabilia , and genealogies , the counsellor is in effect producing an important autobiography which serves both functions .
14 I will argue that the best way of seeing research is as an aid to increasing enlightenment and not as providing the answers .
15 If all the statutory conditions are satisfied , the shareholder is treated as disposing of his shares for capital gains tax purposes and not as receiving a distribution , and this treatment is mandatory .
16 Section 22 reaffirms the notion that a partnership share is ordinarily to be seen as a proportion of the net distributable assets of the firm available for distribution at the end of the winding-up process and not as comprising a severable share in each of the partnership assets — though , as mentioned in Chapter 10 , the Revenue may take a different line .
17 An alternative way of examining this example might be to see the individuals as employees or representatives of the organisation , and thus as exercising the rights the organisation had gained for them through the treaty , independent of their member States .
18 It was not long — and far quicker than he knew — before she became aware of his scrutiny and soon after sensed the unusual and possibly intimidating intensity of it .
19 Conservatives and moderates appeared divided over how to resolve key political and economic questions , including the future of Zhao Ziyang , and over whether to launch a purge of the party .
20 Warlock 's Serenade , where the composer rather borrows something of Delius 's style in act of homage , is a difficult piece to bring off , but Falkowski conducts watchfully and sensitively while maintaining a steady but flexible pulse .
21 Some see corporatism grandly as a total economic system distinct from capitalism and socialism ; some see corporatism as a particular kind of " state form " distinct from , say , parliamentarianism , where citizens participate in the determination of policies through the exercise of voting rights in relation to a parliament ; and still others see corporatism rather more modestly and fruitfully as connoting a particular system of interest-group politics and representation distinct from the pluralist system that we have just discussed .
22 Arab states including Algeria , Jordan , Sudan , Syria and Yemen strongly condemned the plan , regarding it as setting a dangerous precedent in the region and also as signalling the effective three-way partitioning of Iraq into Kurdish , Sunni and Shia blocs .
23 Erm , with mum i i i is fine because she could from my point of view so , and also as regards the , if anything happens to me , then she gets a pension from the bank she gets
24 As we have seen , the establishment of a habit can create a situation where a horse refuses to think — irrespective of how intelligent a horse may be , and even if solving the problem is in the horse 's own interests .
25 Lotus One Source is more powerful and quicker than using the Hambros Company Guide reference book for identifying quoted companies in a particular sector .
26 This process is much simpler and quicker than cleaning a convection oven .
27 And yet when justifying the shedding of the Buckfastleigh line as recently as 1990 , the DVR Company 's General Manager publicly claimed the original Dart Valley line was uneconomic ; losing £100,000 a year , and a financial drain on the Torbay line 's profitability !
28 The sort of behaviour that , in sunny costa del bovver , labelled the British as a nation of hooligans and had the Tories publicly screaming for passport controls and privately considering drowning every male working class child at birth .
29 Stand and rehearse in front of a full length mirror , checking that you are smiling and making the right gestures , including liking your glass sufficiently high and forward when proposing the toast so that you convey enthusiasm .
30 Making an appeal to a specialist appellate tribunal is cheaper , quicker and easier than using the High Court .
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