Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] think [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was really only a very small group of students involved , but they got a lot of publicity and I think over the last few years it 's changed quite a lot .
2 Tonight 's programme has been made with the benefit of time and I think with the best of intentions .
3 and I think as a result of that it , it got disjointed and you , and you could n't follow it through .
4 She asks me what I want , and I think for a bit .
5 There 's a telephone on the wall just by my table and I think for a bit about who I 'd like to phone .
6 And I think for the dyslexic child , for the disturbed child generally , we need to offer an atmosphere which is calm .
7 but were Scottish women and I think to a Scottish woman two thousand pounds , I , I mean I know a lot of Scottish women
8 to , to put reasons why that this does n't mean the it actually means more , and I think to a certain extent there may be justification , some people may have put their name down and meant the whole family
9 And I think to an extent those two are two ends of the seesaw and is a straight er choice that has to be made .
10 Phil : Well I would say that if I had my life over again I wish and hope that everything happens the same , and I think at the end of the day Becky had been the cream on top of the cake …
11 And I think at the present time , all of us on the right are more concerned about getting the economy right and cutting government expenditure that carrying on with er schemes of a privatization that might or might not succeed .
12 That 's what this programme is about , and in that time I mean I think , I was thinking actually as Terry was speaking , erm you said that it was not clear that you can judge somebody on a hundred days , and I must say I agree with that , and I think at the moment in the last hundred days we 've been at war and it 's impossible to judge a new Prime Minister , who 's come into office in the right at the beginning of what potentially could have been a very nasty war .
13 Erm Mr Chairman on a point of information , the figures he has obtained on my figures are figures in a report issued by the director of social services and I think on a point of information he should acknowledge that they are the figures given by the officers .
14 David Speedy 's goal enough to get all three points for Leicester and I think on the balance of play they just about edged it but Forest put up a marvellous performance in the second half especially when they had to make er changes and things did n't go well for them .
15 And I think on the whole the movement is towards building in parents , more parents formally in this particular level .
16 Today I walk in the rain of this December afternoon , and I think of a mountain in Ceylon , Sinhala Kanda , the Mountain of Butterflies .
17 we took her up to Norfolk and I think among the sheep
18 The albums ‘ American Prayer ’ and ‘ LA Woman ’ produced some of the best work he ever did , and I think in a sense he died for his poetry .
19 Erm and , and I think in a way you y you know you may start the exploration and then that may lead you on to do something else , and , and you may spend actually a bit of time before you actually want to start the training .
20 " Basically this garden is blue and white and I think in a small garden one has to pay great attention to the colours , otherwise it can look an awful hotchpotch , " says Tricia .
21 But it ties it in to a date and I think in a similar way , erm centenary which is the only thing we 're going to do offic I think that it could be the only thing we do to celebrate our hundred years of existence apart from a small exhibition in .
22 And erm , it 's far from being the end of the world , and I think in a way
23 And I think in a way absolute equality would 've provided a problem in terms of both paving the way for industrialization because you would have created a subsistence economy and that would not have helped anybody .
24 Asked about the reasons for his apparent about face , Hahn said : ‘ You 're always learning and I think in the past our view was wrong .
25 And I think in the past there there actually been music in in foyer bar erm yeah I mean I 'd certainly look at that I mean .
26 On the question of aggression by the North , there can be no doubt whatever that their ultimate object is to overrun the South ; and I think in the long term there is no doubt that they will do so , in which case , as you so aptly remark , the Americans will have made a rather handsome contribution of equipment to the military strength of Asiatic Communism .
27 I do n't believe John , that that was the intent of the resolution , I 'm certain of that , that is the effect and I think in the interests of everybody , I 'd ask you on behalf of the C E C to withdraw that motion .
28 And I think in the context of what P P G twelve says , it is right for this examination , to consider the proposal as you have presented it to us .
29 There are twenty six er coal-fired power stations now , I believe they 'll be down to ten within the next three years , and I think in the electricity generating industry another ten thousand jobs could go .
30 The danger is when they 're the ones that if they 're the ones that stop other people sorting out their own feelings and emotions erm and I think in the work that I 've done in schools and in other situations following disasters one of the biggest problems has been that those expressing denial or saying that we should be able to cope with this , children are resilient , they do n't have these problems , erm they 've often stopped people getting the help that they need ; often stopped other teachers getting the help that they need .
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