Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] have [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or I have supreme confidence in myself that she will return to me , ’ he told her smoothly .
2 Or I have some vodka in the fridge .
3 ‘ Neither my brothers or sister or I have any children , ’ said Pakeezah when her mother had finished telling the story .
4 The race was only open to vehicles which ran on unorthodox fuels , or which had internal combustion engines modified for greater energy efficiency .
5 There is close co-operation with other departments in the Faculty , so that research which involves international or European law , or other branches of law , or which has theoretical dimensions , may also be pursued .
6 VARIABLES — Characteristics , attributes or qualities that can vary in magnitude among individual cases or which have different categories are referred to as variables in statistical analyses where , usually , their relationship ( for example , between education of mothers and the number of children ever born to them ) is studied .
7 It 's not because I had Christian parents , it 's not because I 'd some advantage over you , or you had some advantage over me , it is all of God 's graciousness , it is all of God 's giving !
8 If you can afford private treatment , or you have medical insurance cover to pay for it , you may prefer to take on a full treatment programme with the specialist physiotherapist .
9 After a while you get when you first start the first time you ever ride a two wheeler and you have someone holding it or you have some stabilizers on till you know what you 're doing .
10 But suppose now suppose I were a middle-aged to elderly teacher who had never come across dyslexia until recently and was now aware that he or she had dyslexic pupils , the first thing to do , I think , is to inform yourself .
11 There is also a strong sense of' learning' , in which the student identifies with the truth claim he or she is faced with , and can offer it ( for example , back to the consultant physician ) as something with which he or she had personal experience ( having had an opportunity to examine some patients ) .
12 Private property as a notion conflates the direct relationship between the individual and those objects with which he or she is associated in self-construction with those over which he or she has legal rights .
13 In these circumstances the analyst can not help becoming involved , particularly if he or she has elderly relatives in similar situations , and it is sometimes difficult to retain objectivity .
14 The end result of this case is that the police have a power to enter and search any premises for the purpose of recapturing a person unlawfully at large , provided he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that the person is on those premises ( s. 17(1) ( d ) & ( 2 ) of PACE and that they have the power to use reasonable force in effecting entry and arresting the person sought ( s.117 of PACE ) .
15 A writer is also eligible if he or she has three works broadcast on the radio or the television .
16 With the help of 106 pairs of identical twins , Dr Colin Johnston and colleagues at King 's College Hospital and st Bartholomew 's Hospital in London showed that the risk of developing diabetes is far greater if a person has both DR3 and DR4 than if he or she has either antigen alone ( British Medical Journal , p 286 , vol 253 ) .
17 If your child is under 16 , he or she still has the right to consent to or refuse an HIV test if the doctor feels he or she has sufficient maturity and understanding .
18 In saying that the power exists we were doing no more than to reaffirm the unlimited nature of the court 's inherent jurisdiction over minors , a jurisdiction which empowers and may require the court to override the wishes of a minor , even if he or she has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision .
19 The subjects in one of the trials referred to were patients in whom pain control was inadequate or who had appreciable side effects , which is why the cerebrospinal fluid was accessed .
20 Shaikhs collected money from members of their lineages to support those who had no other support , or who had heavy expenses of certain kinds ( educational or medical , but not business expenses ) which they could not meet ; but these were in no sense an attempt to redistribute resources .
21 ‘ Often , operatives who are self-taught or who have minimal instruction will use the equipment for a very limited range of tasks , never realising its full potential .
22 People who have infected sores , such as boils or styes , or who have diarrhoeal conditions , should not prepare food , especially when it is to be distributed to large numbers .
23 There are still schools which take registers separately , the boys and the girls separately , or who have pink library book cards for girls and blue library book cards for boys .
24 But some people do need to exercise constraint : diabetics , people with high blood pressure , those who are very overweight or who have high blood cholesterol , those who binge if a craving is indulged .
25 The term ‘ blind ’ should be used carefully to describe those pupils who are completely without vision , or who have light perception only .
26 They are designed primarily for practitioners who are either currently working or who have previous work experience in the industry .
27 It takes place at the College of Technology in Kevin Street — but it is only open to those already accepted as a trainee or who have some position in a recognised organisation .
28 The manager , symbolically , takes his or her ‘ tin cup ’ in hand and walks around the organization ‘ begging ’ for involvement , seeing who has a little bit to chip in , who has a few spare budget dollars to invest , who has a staff member to lend , who will be on the advisory committee , or who has key data .
29 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
30 Generally , it is best for him or her to have some input into the management and other contracts instead of inheriting them from a lawyer .
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