Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I think it 's a local gardener , or someone went to the filled up all the turf and took it all out .
2 We went youth hostelling for m the sort of the chapel choir , after When you grew up in chapel , then you were either found a job teaching , in the Sunday School , or you went into the choir .
3 Yes , you could do that , so , so y you go for erm a very high rate of taxation or you go for a lower rate of taxation which is
4 And when you that lay down you can look at whoever what the other players have got face up and you either go for a player or you go for the maximum points .
5 You either stamp Lucas up his right buttock or you go over the double white lines , or you brake and somebody behind might be too close behind you .
6 and or she went to the door
7 Then there came it think it was the gearbox or something went on the gar , you know , because I tow a caravan , and the car just would n't pull the caravan , and it was going to cost over a thousand pounds and that like .
8 If there 's a mass exodus or we go down the drain , no one will admire you for decolonisation . ’
9 If you have applied to vote by proxy and your application is allowed the registration officer will issue your proxy with a ‘ proxy paper ’ which entitles him or her to go to the polling station and vote for you .
10 Or it goes into the very cheap coffees here and erm and no er what do you call it , Kwik Save sell some coffee and chicory mixture , which is forty four pence for a jar .
11 The service was held at the chapel and everyone went to the Kirk Inn at Romaldkirk afterwards .
12 and I go about every eight weeks I think
13 Saunders said : ‘ I 'm enjoying the best form of my life and I go into every game fully expecting to score .
14 ‘ My mum 's brilliant and I go to a lovely young designer called Richard Kinlock , who 's superb .
15 Erm , but generally , ye I mean cos Eileen and I go to a we nearly always go somewhere like Carriages or you know , somewhere Italian which is , you know , it might , it all depends on what Jim 's eating at the time .
16 ‘ I work with women all day and I go to the pub to get away from them ’ …
17 ‘ I remember the date and I go to the grave every Thursday when I 'm in England . ’
18 And then expand on it , and so I go into each of these and I go to the and I say a few words about each of these particular themes .
19 Right , where 's this morning 's paper and I go to the bogs ?
20 And I walk down a corridor and I go in a door , and they 're there . ’
21 She got in the bed to watch Neighbours and we came back about five o'clock and I went up the stairs , the T V was and he was erm out for count , so I left them for another hour and I said to mum
22 But anyway , talking about engineering as a whole , quite obviously it 's interesting to go back a bit because I 'm always interested in the way the institutions actually started because er there 's a lovely story about er , the Stephenson brothers and tho , ju , having just come down from Scarborough on a mini-holiday we stopped at York and I went over a great big museum there , and quite obviously seeing the marvellous locomotives you realise that George Stevenson had er , a lot to do with that .
23 ‘ Once the Verey pistol ‘ ad been fired Lieutenant Makepeace led the charge and I went over the top after ‘ im followed by the rest of my section .
24 He explained everything to me and I went across a big courtyard , through a door into a large hall , then up some stairs and along a landing turning left towards an outside terrace down to the lawns at the rear of the Palace .
25 The chimney is blocked so I could n't light a fire to heat anything up and I went without a hot drink for those four days .
26 Remember John and I went on a , a visit down to see their hut and to be honest , they were making a very good job of the hut , what they come in for , is er , a second bite , really , erm , they 've got to , to floor the roof which we er , thought was quite interesting .
27 By that time , David and I had some serious talks and I went on the road for the second part of the tour to try to salvage the relationship , which did n't really work .
28 ‘ It was during the post-punk kind of period and I went through a series of bands , but I must admit I found working for other people really difficult .
29 ‘ During my last pregnancy my husband and I went through a really tough time — in fact it has not ended yet and we are undecided as to whether we are going to separate or not .
30 We drew up by the main entrance and Tony and I went through the swing doors at speed and headed for the secretary 's office .
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