Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [vb -s] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or she zips herself into a black evening gown and she 's a sophisticated 30 year old .
2 But rugby maverick , 34-year-old Tim Wilby , now guesting with his eighth club and who describes himself in rugby 's who 's who as a ‘ socialite ’ , lends his distinctive skills and experience to the pack .
3 And she involves herself with equal energy in various local charities .
4 The ravages committed by man subvert the relations and destroy the balance which nature had established between her organized and her inorganic creations ; and she avenges herself upon the intruder , by letting loose upon her defaced provinces destructive energies hitherto kept in check by organic forces destined to be his best auxiliaries , but which he has unwisely dispersed and driven from the field of action .
5 Archery these days is a sport like any other , and he considers himself to be an athlete .
6 This perhaps represents Owen 's line of thought with him becoming more and more emotional to the middles of the verse , reaching climaxes and then , as it is as if he questions this freely running thought process , and he limits himself to so much emotion by the end of each verse .
7 Horace may or may not have believed in the divinities and demi-gods he poetically invokes ( he often deals whimsically with them , and he describes himself as — not much of a churchgoer ) but they were at the very least a cultural property that he held in common with his audience ; he could assume that his readers — represented by Torquatus — would take the point if , in developing a theme , he reminded them of a name out of history or legend .
8 As a general rule Green in his Guide recommends the skies be a quarter blue and three quarters grey , and he holds himself to this idea most strictly .
9 Recruitment to its ranks is highly selective in terms of social and educational status , and it perpetuates itself by spending parts of its accumulated surpluses on privileged education , often abroad , for its favoured sons ( and occasionally daughters ) .
10 than a typical marker and it lends itself to softer and more characterful styles .
11 And and it lends itself to interpretive kind of approach rather than a politics sort of approach which tends to be .
12 A rite is part of the culture the individual is born into , and it imposes itself on him from the outside like the rest of his culture .
13 The difference is essentially one of the spirit and it manifests itself in the habits and attitudes of country folk .
14 Wallpapering your PC Next in our flying tour of these low cost packages comes Wallpaper Art Gallery for Windows , ( WAGWIN ) a title which ostensibly is single use , but which lends itself to one or two other purposes as well .
15 It would be possible , temporarily , to laugh at the wife being landed in trouble by the monk after her meretricious bargain with him , but she extricates herself from this problem in true fabliau manner .
16 Mr Llambias ' services do not come cheap — they are a combination of a retainer ‘ sufficient to make them think really seriously ’ and a success fee that is a percentage of the fee income of the smaller firm ( sometimes 5% or 7.5% ) — but he prides himself on the longevity of the mergers he arranges .
17 But he conducts himself in all situations with a dignity not one whit lessened by his shortness .
18 v. Wilts U.D. , but he addresses himself to the question and uses his intelligence .
19 At rest the cricket looks like a dead leaf , but it transforms itself at the last moment .
20 It may still bear the scars of our occupancy , of out botched attempts at DIY , but it vacates itself of our memory as soon as the new people move their stuff in .
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