Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I would turn down an Oscar to see my boy at a baseball game or my girl at a song recital .
2 I can see case by case judgments arising based on the precise nature of the services or their scale as a whole , but those are judgments on the facts rather than the framework for general rule-making .
3 Sociologists who lend their names or their work to a particular social policy are engaging in a political act ; they can not escape by saying that the use of their work to justify a particular social policy ( even if they did not advocate that policy ) is not their concern .
4 Money was short in the party by 1921 because there had been no proper revival since the war ; members were constantly described as apathetic , and were in no mood to give their time or their money to a party that did not know where it was going .
5 A recent approach towards the elimination of surface-induced thrombosis has been the preadsorption of anti-thrombotic moieties , such as heparin ( an anticoagulant produced in liver cells ) , or their inclusion in a copolymer lattice .
6 Indeed , she could not even remember the day in question or her request for a baby to play with .
7 Your partner should be lying down on his or her back with a cushion or rolled up towel under the knees to prevent any strain in the lumbar region .
8 This tagset exhibits in a particularly noticeable form one of the chief strengths of the TEI approach to encoding : it provides the encoder with a well-defined set of tools which can be used to make explicit his or her reading of a text .
9 For example , a Marxist perspective would be likely to view the individual 's relation to the means of production as a more relevant determinant of attitude and behaviour ( including linguistic behaviour ) than his or her position in a stratified society .
10 The employee then puts his or her case in a similar manner .
11 that his or her conduct as a director makes him or her unfit to be concerned in the management of a company .
12 In this case , take the child some distance away and then let him or her watch for a while until the fear recedes , which it usually does within about ten minutes .
13 Under regulations introduced in 1982 , any overseas visitor who falls sick and requires treatment other than in an accident or emergency will be charged for his or her treatment on a special scale of charges reflecting the ‘ full cost ’ of the care .
14 The mentally handicapped person should , wherever possible , be encouraged to live outside his or her home with a view to eventual independence .
15 A director owes a fiduciary duty to the company ; there is nothing which a director can do in his or her capacity as a director which is not required to be done in good faith for the benefit of the company .
16 Probation … is a test or trial of the character of a convicted offender under suspension of judgment , in order that the court may determine if the probationer be fit to retain his or her place as a helpful member of society , or being unfit , must be deprived of his or her liberty as a menace to society .
17 We wished to share our story , in much the same way that one might tug a friend 's arm and call his or her attention to a striking landscape , or a spectacular sunset .
18 On the other hand , one may keep his or her flat like a tornado just ran through while the other is a ‘ neatnick ’ .
19 If a leader is appointed , no thought is given to clarifying the leader 's role ; it is likely that the appointed leader will try to impose his or her authority on a group which will not consent .
20 ( c ) A separate practice as a notary public operated by a solicitor in conjunction with his or her practice as a solicitor shall not be regarded as a business ‘ other than a solicitor 's practice ’ for the purpose of this rule .
21 Each player is separated from his or her partner by a tall screen placed diagonally across the table to restrict their communication .
22 The recent Toyne Report ‘ Environmental Responsibility , An Agenda for Further and Higher Education ’ , commissioned by the DoE and the Welsh Office states , ‘ Everybody has some scope for doing his or her job in a more environmentally responsible way , and needs to understand the importance of this … but may well need more than this , either because they have been given specific responsibilities within their organisation , or simply because their organisation 's environmental impact is heavily dependent on the way they carry out their day-to-day tasks , and on the decisions which they have to take . ’
23 Probation … is a test or trial of the character of a convicted offender under suspension of judgment , in order that the court may determine if the probationer be fit to retain his or her place as a helpful member of society , or being unfit , must be deprived of his or her liberty as a menace to society .
24 The education officer will also pitch his or her talk at a suitable level for the age group concerned , something that is not always achieved by an ordinary guide .
25 And the self same people who shake their heads and utter these remarks are the ones who will be heading off to the Med or Florida on their holidays next year , doubtless piloted there by someone up front who began his or her career on a little grass strip flying those little aeroplanes that look so flimsy .
26 The findings of our survey can be summarised to produce the following picture of the typical ‘ officially known ’ Wirral heroin user : a young , unemployed , single person ( usually male ) , living with his or her family in a socially deprived area , with few or no educational qualifications .
27 The team leader is based at a district centre or subcentre and visits each village in his or her area on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule .
28 No one in the sixteenth century made the mistake which was to become such a feature of later writings about her , of seeing her crimes or her innocence as a little domestic matter , locking her into a Scottish bedroom debate in which , as far as the outside world was concerned , only Elizabeth had an interest beyond the fleeting and casual .
29 Rather the critic frequently seems to adopt an inflated posture , where his or her negotiation of a text becomes a journey of discovery marked out with a rhetoric of almost heroic endeavour .
30 The case is straightforward : the testator left his office ( in the civil service , for example ) or its value to a certain person , but changed his plan before death , sold the office and gave its value to that person .
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