Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Neither my brothers or sister or I have any children , ’ said Pakeezah when her mother had finished telling the story .
2 Wilkinson , who has cajoled and bullied to knock Cantona into shape , joked that the language barrier is still there because ‘ If I 'm saying nice things about him he seems to understand — if I suggest he works harder or I say nasty things , he finds that harder to comprehend . ’
3 Simulation of geographical systems is not necessarily motivated by considerations of cost or avoidance of hazard , but more by the desire to experiment on systems that are either too slow-acting relative to the human life-span or which present ethical problems to the would-be experimenter .
4 Once , it was a pop cliche that the records which mattered most to you were the ones which marked your earliest sexual encounters or which signposted key events in your adolescence .
5 Electronics designers will need to follow some rules of thumb , many of which will be familiar , such as mains filtration , adopting a sensible grounding policy , minimising ground impedance , minimising cable lengths , screening cables which are carrying high frequency , large magnitude signals or which contain sensitive signals , and grouping cables to separate the sensitive from the interfering .
6 More difficult to assess is the toxic reaction of an odour , that is an effect ‘ which may influence survival or which produces unfavourable changes in the gross and microscopic appearance of organs or tissues or in the entire organism ’ .
7 There is close co-operation with other departments in the Faculty , so that research which involves international or European law , or other branches of law , or which has theoretical dimensions , may also be pursued .
8 Thorndyke inserted another statement further on in the passage which was either neutral with respect to possible inferences or which supported particular inferences .
9 Certain medical conditions , such as being HIV positive , or which need particular kinds of medication , may make breastfeeding inadvisable .
10 VARIABLES — Characteristics , attributes or qualities that can vary in magnitude among individual cases or which have different categories are referred to as variables in statistical analyses where , usually , their relationship ( for example , between education of mothers and the number of children ever born to them ) is studied .
11 In a place like mine anybody who knows my patch you , you know old or you know certain parts of or you know certain parts of .
12 In a place like mine anybody who knows my patch you , you know old or you know certain parts of or you know certain parts of .
13 You get , or you get two cars of equal speed , along straight
14 After a while you get when you first start the first time you ever ride a two wheeler and you have someone holding it or you have some stabilizers on till you know what you 're doing .
15 You then put another layer of filters on , which is that if you have got to choose , you choose content areas which are very important to Britain , or you choose content areas which the camera can communicate best .
16 All too easily , he or she forms subjective opinions about the relative sales potential of different territories , but lacks an objective framework for setting sales quotas .
17 But suppose now suppose I were a middle-aged to elderly teacher who had never come across dyslexia until recently and was now aware that he or she had dyslexic pupils , the first thing to do , I think , is to inform yourself .
18 Private property as a notion conflates the direct relationship between the individual and those objects with which he or she is associated in self-construction with those over which he or she has legal rights .
19 In these circumstances the analyst can not help becoming involved , particularly if he or she has elderly relatives in similar situations , and it is sometimes difficult to retain objectivity .
20 The end result of this case is that the police have a power to enter and search any premises for the purpose of recapturing a person unlawfully at large , provided he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that the person is on those premises ( s. 17(1) ( d ) & ( 2 ) of PACE and that they have the power to use reasonable force in effecting entry and arresting the person sought ( s.117 of PACE ) .
21 Shaikhs collected money from members of their lineages to support those who had no other support , or who had heavy expenses of certain kinds ( educational or medical , but not business expenses ) which they could not meet ; but these were in no sense an attempt to redistribute resources .
22 One would not want to suggest that the academics who contribute to the New Accents series ( or who write similar texts ) can not read French with ease .
23 Those who held forth in the Royal Institution in the second half of the nineteenth century , or who addressed large audiences at the British Association or its equivalents in other countries , were confident ; and they had reason for their confidence .
24 For the credit marketer who is looking either to reach higher volumes of target customers throughout the country , or who needs higher volumes of names for a rolled-out marketing campaign , this restriction forms and important limitation .
25 People who have infected sores , such as boils or styes , or who have diarrhoeal conditions , should not prepare food , especially when it is to be distributed to large numbers .
26 The number of voters who cited social issues as their top priority ‘ or who claimed such issues were ‘ extremely important ’ to their voting decision , hardly varied at all throughout the campaign .
27 A person who was swept along by the crowd ( in a literal bodily sense ) , or who encountered unexpected barriers when attempting to comply with police conditions , would be able to avail himself of this defence .
28 Similar observations could be made about front-line paraprofessionals in all the countries we studied who are drawn from local communities or who share common experiences and characteristics with client groups .
29 Existing members of pension schemes set up prior to the 1989 Budget or who joined established schemes before 1 June 1989 may not be affected by the rule and may be entitled to a higher tax-free lump sum .
30 Adam Smith believed that competition among capitalists would give the public the opportunity to compare the quality and prices of goods , so that producers who were inefficient or who charged excessive prices would be put out of business .
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