Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] an [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ they make no outcries and exclamations in the departure of the soul ; and that they make no judgement concerning the dying person by his dying quietly or violently , with comfort or without , with great fears or a cheerful confidence , with sense or without , like a lion or like a lamb , with convulsions or semblances of great pain or like an expiring and a spent candle ; for these happen to all men without rule … ‘
2 On a philosophical level , the Enlightenment created a whole series of dualisms that have permeated deep into the heart of modernity : the collective is divided from the individual ( leaving community a virtual impossibility ) and the spiritual world is divided from the material world , leading either to gross materialism or to an other-worldly and gnostic spirituality .
3 And as an undefended or so-called ‘ soft ’ target it offered a chance of a much-needed success .
4 In practice , he was likely to be related through descent and marriage to any parties to a dispute ; and as an elderly and respected man he might try to prevent the scandal of open quarrelling among close kinsmen .
5 The implementation of key targets as operational components of the new strategy — and hence also of the process of negotiation — may be conceived in the time frame of a decade but only in the form of a dynamic process , with different time frames for different components , and with an in-built and effective mechanism for review and reappraisal , leading to adjustments and correctives whenever the strategy is seen to deflect from the goals and objectives of development for which it was devised .
6 Through these excellent Tutors , assisted by very able advisory staff , the Art teachers became motivated and involved in their own work and this , indirectly , had a profound effect upon the teaching in schools where the curriculum was significantly strengthened in three major respects : iii drawing , colour and in an imaginative and inventive response to a wide range of media .
7 The development and passage of legislation was aided throughout by the location of the Victoria state parliament in the state 's one major centre of population and by an effective and well advised all party parliamentary road safety committee that drafted the legislation and minimised partisan divisions .
8 During 1336–7 , faced by two interrelated problems and by an aggressive and ambitious French king , Edward , in moves reminiscent of his grandfather 's strategy , recruited allies all round France 's borders : the count of Guelders , the marquis of Juliers , the count of Hainault , the duke of Brabant and Limburg , but chief of all , Lewis of Bavaria , emperor .
9 A Liverpool friend remembered him as ‘ a tall spare man with alert eyes and a very beautiful voice , but with an ironic and often unkind humour about his contemporaries ’ .
10 But in an important and rising number of cases , the relations are not really of this kind .
11 This whole comparison has been a bit of a cheat , but in an interesting and revealing respect .
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