Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] the [num ord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently , the owners of the ranch bungalow were suspected of being involved in the exhumation of bodies at two local churches when skulls and other bones were removed , and also the disappearance of three goats on or about the thirteenth of each of the previous three months .
2 Please would you confirm immediately that you will be able to provide this article and some suitable photographs by or before the 31st of December .
3 Well , Rocktron 's system might not be everyone 's idea of perfection , but it 's beautifully put together with state-of-the-art components , and as the first of a potential wave of ‘ off the peg ’ rack systems it 's the one the rest will have to beat .
4 Dave Robson La Ronde Gulbenkian Studio Theatre , Newcastle ARTHUR Schnitzler 's Reigen is perhaps best known under its French title and as the first of two film versions , made by Max Ophuls in 1950 , is remembered as the quintessence of Viennese elegance .
5 The gallery 's catalogues of its French collections are currently undergoing thorough revision : that for the seventeenth to eighteenth centuries currently dates from 1957 and for the nineteenth from 1970 .
6 It took him two weeks to die and for the second of those we spoke together every night by telephone , often for more than an hour .
7 Fama and MacBeth also found that the intercept ( ) was significantly different from the risk free rate for the entire period and for the first of the sub-periods , which tends to lend support to the zero-beta version of the CAPM rather than the risk-free rate variant .
8 Nearly all the species come from the Cape , South Africa , and amongst the first to be discovered and brought to England was P. triste , one of the very few whose flowers rather than leaves are scented .
9 We need to encourage as many schools as possible to shift from the third to the second , and from the second to the first category .
10 Halifax battered Scarborough for ten minutes after half-time and from the third of a series of corners , Dave Evans rattled a shot against the crossbar .
11 And in the 29th over Armagh captured the important wicket of McFarland brilliantly caught at mid-off by Bullick when he had reached 48 .
12 The important point emerges from the fact that in the first and third sentences we are dealing with a certain kind of disparity and in the second with the possibility of a disparity ( albeit one that is denied ) .
13 So during the First World War and in the Second for severe burn cases they use er used Lavender mm if they did n't have any drugs of any kind .
14 In the literature of duality it is the outcast or victim who has dealings with a double , and in the second of the two novels Charles Wychwood is an outcast whose condition copies that of Thomas Chatterton , who committed suicide in 1770 at the age of 17 , having invented a medieval monk , Rowley , and written poems for him .
15 If we go back to the education example , and suppose that the first vote is between L and M , then if the rich vote sincerely L wins , and in the second round H defeats L. On the other hand , if the rich had voted for M in the first round , then M would have gone on to win in the second round .
16 In the first place by virtue of the ‘ goodness ’ of the evolutionary process , and in the second by virtue of man 's own efforts to contribute .
17 It had only one skilled male dancer on its strength , Lionel Luyt , and in the first of their two programmes he had to partner the ballerina in the second act of Swan Lake , then dance both the Prince and Bluebird in Aurora 's Wedding ( with just three minutes to change costumes ) and finally lead the cast of Prince Igor .
18 On the eighth of February of nineteen seventy two died and on the eleventh of May seventy three died and the plaintiff 's continued the action but the action failed so he was awarded damages from the sale of his estate and on the twenty first of July nineteen seventy two commenced an action against solicitors for negligence or breach of professional duty in detecting to register the option necessity of so doing .
19 The May total includes some exceptional movements of puffinus off Beachy Head , on 28 May 1972 , involving 84 birds , and 8 May 1975 , involving 64 birds , and on the 9th with 126 birds .
20 Tylers the Company that won the tender when Crawley District Council put it out of a bunch of gangsters and on the first of February Crawley District Council awarded under C C T their refuse contract to Tylers as the cheapest tenderer .
21 I contacted Beth , and on the 10th of October , just four days before going to my surgeon , she came to my house .
22 Early in the April of 1859 the contract on the land was signed , and on the 26th of that month , at the age of twenty-five , William Morris married Jane Burden , an Oxford girl .
23 On seventeenth of August nineteen sixty seven object of defeating the option and having discovered through the result of his solicitors that the option had not been registered , sold and been paid the farm five hundred pounds and after the sale by registering the option under the land chartered act and on the sixth of October nineteen sixty seventeen could have exercised the option and neither or his wife complied with the notice and on March twenty eighth nineteen sixty eight wife died and on the twenty seventh of January nineteen seventy commenced proceedings against his father against his mother 's executors the declaration of the option was .
24 Here one can run one 's hands through the limpid water , at one moment in the Brigach and at the next in the Danube .
25 On the contrary he was assured , by Mr Bloch in person and by the first of the letters dated 19 October 1984 that Twogates were not in any way challenging his right to remain in occupation of the premises … under the provisions of his existing underlease .
26 But for the first of the month you have these two letters E R.
27 By the end of that season , when he won his first championship by a large margin , I had little doubt who had achieved the triumph : Niki is no braggart , but in the first of many longish talks , he explained to me that his nature was such that he really just could n't stand the second-rate ; and if you saw the second-rate around you , you had a clear choice — either you cleared out and found yourself the first-rate or you simply demanded that second-rate people became first-rate .
28 But in the first of these scenes , Act One scene two , the intensity is not yet , of course , such that the monologue occupies the entire dramatic space .
29 But in the first of the new series , we 're offered more than a glimpse into his past , when we meet Susan Fallon .
30 But in the first of a short series on the changes in Europe , Kim Barnes discovers European constituents everywhere are bewildered .
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