Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You do a wobble yes it the correct thing is a rapid alternation between the written note and the note above or between the two written notes .
2 Even within industries this was so , as for example between the " free " miners of Cornwall and the Forest of Dean and the bonded pitmen of the north-east , or between the working small master clothier of the West Riding and cottage-based out-working weaver in the West Country .
3 More commonly , soon after independence tensions develop between the component parts of the independence movement ( eg , in Algeria , Arabs and Berbers ) , between peoples actively involved in it and those not , or between the emancipated non-sectional secularism of the leaders and the feelings of the masses .
4 The ‘ micro-management ’ of military foreign policy crises by US presidents , during the Cuba blockade in 1963 ( Allison 1971 ) or during the abortive military rescue bid to free hostages trapped in Iran in 1979 , are good examples of how national political figures are drawn into the details of implementation because of the sensitivity of the decision-making .
5 Moreover , transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations , which are a prerequisite for reflux to occur in the presence of a normal resting pressure of the sphincter , were never seen before or during the non-deglutitive motor activity .
6 Ninety five per cent of the bursts occurred during a 15 minute period before the onset of phase 3 of the migrating motor complex in the antral or upper small intestinal area , or during the lower oesophageal sphincter component of the migrating motor complex .
7 ( 17 ) The takeover of the target may cause loan agreements and other contracts which it has entered into to be determinable , or for the other contracting party to be entitled to exercise valuable option or pre-emption rights .
8 Members can also choose how long they wish to stay at the ‘ weekend ’ , whether for just a morning or afternoon or for the whole day-and-a-half .
9 That was done and completion actually took place is pleaded as the twenty second of November , the er defendants admit completion took place on or about the twenty fifth of November .
10 I really would like to comment further , but I 'm not able so to do er we have all heard the autumn statement er from the Chancellor of the Exchequer last week , following on from that we expect to receive the draft standard spending assessment for Suffolk on or about the twenty sixth of this month , er and it really is , will be er when we have that indication that er Policy Committee will give to er , pull together the strings for the preparation of next year 's budget .
11 ‘ But we believe a secure future can best be achieved by continuing to take full advantage of the collective marketing strength of producers , whether acting voluntarily or through the current statutory scheme , ’ he said .
12 This need not necessarily be for the pure career-orientated reasons suggested by Niskanen — whether teachers or social workers have suggested policy changes that increase expenditure for pure self-interest or through the genuine altruistic belief that a greater supply of their services will benefit their society , such groups have occupied central roles in the expansion of their services
13 Sow the seeds in a propagator at 64°F ( 19°C ) in Feb/March , and set out young plants in the garden in late May , or after the last likely frosts in your area .
14 Percutaneous flexible cholecystoscopy was performed on 19 patients on or after the 10th postprocedural day .
15 And on the other side , there are political systems ( those of empires or of the European feudal societies ) in which these factors are less important than allegiance or subordination to a particular ruler or ruling group .
16 No group claimed responsibility for the attack , but there was speculation that it might be the work either of a " freelance " splinter group in the Medellín drug cartel , or of the rival Cali drug cartel , since the Medellín cartel leaders themselves , and many of their followers , were loyal bullfight fans .
17 In the case of simple reproduction there is no growth , either of means of production or of the total social product .
18 These are ( 1 ) anti-imperialism ( in effect , an anti-US stance ) : increasingly , as Washington insists on defining indigenous anti-US sentiment within the region in terms of ‘ Communist subversion ’ , Marxism comes to be regarded as the natural channel for such feelings ; ( 2 ) an acceptance of the Marxist premise of ‘ the exploitation of man by man ’ ; and ( 3 ) a refusal to accept the existing economic order , or to be bound by conventional economic remedies for Latin America 's development problems ( either of the orthodox ‘ monetarist ’ variety which the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) is trying to introduce into most major Latin American countries , or of the moderate reform-and-investment strategies pursued by Christian Democratic groups , for example in Chile from 1964 to 1970 ) .
19 It had to me something of the effect that arises from the turning up of the fresh soil , or of the first welcome breath of Spring .
20 They concern the rise and fall of people 's reputations , whether in the eyes of others or of the individual concerned .
21 Aydid 's office criticized the UN move which , it was asserted , had been made without the permission of the SNA or of the allied United Somali Congress ( USC ) .
22 Think , for instance , of popular theatrical melodrama and the continua interruption of the narrative line by songs , displays , tableaux or ‘ turns ’ ; or of the short serialized forms of the early popular press , or of comic stories ; or of the form of radio sitcoms until quite recently .
23 An FAO report published in November 1989 said that , despite a net increase in world cereal production , world stocks would for the third year running be " at or below the minimum necessary to safeguard global food security " , with wheat reserves in the leading exporting countries at their lowest since the world food crisis of the early 1970s .
24 The value of the shekel was allowed to shift by 5 per cent above or below the new median rate .
25 Any child whose weight is on or below the third centile ( i.e. only three in every hundred children will be this weight at this age ) is very seriously underweight .
26 Payment of salaries and pensions was 221,600 million roubles in arrears , and half the population was said to be on or below the monthly minimum consumption level ( set in June at 2,150 roubles ) , as prices for goods and service rose faster than wages and food production fell by 23 per cent .
27 Well we believe that they could be at or below the three hundred and seventy eight pounds .
28 All the offences happened on or near the same two footbridges on the Fishermead estate .
29 Plainly you can not apply that view to everything or the whole of your business is in a continuous state of stop/go , or like the good old Duke of York 's troops , marching up and down the same hill with monotonous regularity .
30 Communications by sea across the enclosed waters of the Adriatic has always been easier than by land routes across the mountains or along the narrow coastal strip .
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