Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] of [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Yet Elizabeth had been a widow for over ten years , and her children were very nearly off her hands ; it is quite possible that her brief sojourn in the workhouse was part of an attempt to give her life a new direction and meaning — perhaps she was there as a helper , a visitor , a counsellor to those in need , or even as a missionary spreading the gospel of Christianity in general or that of the Lady Huntingdon 's Connexion in particular .
2 The intricacy of the Paris ‘ Cu[id and Psyche ’ ( 1793 ) or that of the Geneva ‘ Venus and Adonis ’ ( 1794 ) are essays in what Hugh Honour in his catalogue contribution describes as ‘ a meditatively deliberated art of controlled sensuality which demands a reciprocally calm and considered response ’ .
3 Elections were held to the state parliaments in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony on May 13 , involving 19,000,000 voters or two-fifths of the West German electorate .
4 I did n't get on very well with Harriet and I was n't either of the Williams it 's Tim Annie or either of the Harriets , no shit .
5 Contravention of ss.1 , 2 , 4 , or 5 of the CSA 1985 makes an individual liable to criminal penalty .
6 First , there is a steady background pressure , from a variety of quarters , to finance some or all of the BBC 's television services through advertising .
7 Which was why it was so intriguing to hear that he had told one or more of the SRU 's top brass that while Peter Wright was still scrummaging like a tight-head prop in that — one would have thought very wisely — he did not attempt any of the seasoned loose-head 's tricks of the trade , he had found him a good , strong and heavy scrummager , difficult to budge .
8 Gold jewellery for men and women is important at neck and wrist ; supplemented by a fine gold chain around the female ankle to complement the Ambre tan achieved in the Canaries in January or one of the Costas in July or August .
9 Names that are flying around at the moment are the US General Accounting Office , the Stanford Research Institute or one of the US National Laboratories such as the Los Alamos Lab .
10 Or one of the Prince Consort 's .
11 In 1989 , some 16% or 900 of the Polytechnique 's 5,000 students were female , of which Nathalie Provost was one , although women made up 56% of the student body of the University at large .
12 But as he was finishing his second pint , and wondering again whether to go up and see one or other of the Mrs Machins , his mind was made up for him .
13 She asked herself whether it was possible that , after all , one or other of the Josephs had killed Sabine Jourdain and whether it happened because she knew of the drugs and not because of the Durances .
14 Horologium is far too southerly to rise over Britain or most of the United States .
15 In particular , the firm must make a " prescribed disclosure " to private customers in the UK about the fact that all or most of the FSA protections will not in fact apply .
16 However , the firm will have to make the prescribed disclosure that all or most of the FSA protections do not apply if ( even though it does not have to do so ) it tells a private customer that it is a member of SFA or is otherwise FSA-authorised ; or ( 2 ) It is carried on with or for customers in the UK , but the FSA 's overseas person exemption would have applied if that non-UK office had been a separate person from the UK office ( see page 40 above and also below ) or , presumably , is outside the territorial scope of the FSA in any event ; or ( 3 ) The business is that of an appointed representative of the firm and is not carried on in the UK .
17 First , the firm must not indicate that the customer would be a customer of a UK office and , if the customer is a private customer , must give him the prescribed disclosure warning him that all or most of the FSA protections will not apply .
18 Three members of the Cabinet came to the Assembly , and six or seven of the ANC executive .
19 It took well over an hour for the first 48 delegates — who included no Soviet bloc nation , nor India , nor Burma , nor either of the Chinas , nor a scattering of other countries who could not bring themselves to accept Japan 's word — to file up to the podium to sign .
20 WHAT a difference between my experience and that of a Swindon woman who receives a letter 90 minutes after it was posted .
21 This is of course to beg the question of where the dividing line between the interest of the nation state and that of the EEC is to be drawn .
22 Green himself had been turned away from a polling station in the capital , Georgetown , for lack of identity papers ; this prompted his supporters , drawn from slum districts , to go on the rampage , attacking the Commission 's headquarters and that of the PPP and looting and vandalising scores of Indian shops .
23 The final concentration of heparin was 10 µg/ml , and that of the NTPs , 200 µM .
24 Her work will also explore whether there have been significant differences between the involvement of women in Scottish party politics and that of the United Kingdom as a whole .
25 As it happened , the ritual of Magdalen chapel was ‘ Low Church ’ and that of the Headington Quarry church was ‘ High ’ .
26 Given the pressures on both sides it is not surprising to find considerable continuity between Gloucester 's affinity and that of the Nevilles .
27 Given the pressures on both sides it is not surprising to find considerable continuity between Gloucester 's affinity and that of the Nevilles .
28 The strike was in support of FNT demands , which enjoyed widespread popular support and that of the FSLN ( Sandinista ) opposition to which the FNT was affiliated , for a minimum monthly wage equivalent to US$200 and for an end to plans to privatize state enterprises .
29 Just as well , perhaps , for the coming of the railway around Morecambe Bay , ended Greenodd Port 's usefulness , and that of the Ulverston Canal ; while the branch line to Coniston in the 1860's put paid to the lake traffic .
30 It showed that despite the Chancellor 's unopposed re-election as chairman of his party and his tactical victory over leading rivals , voters are unimpressed with his performance and that of the CDU .
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