Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [num] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was a JP and from 1918 a deputy lieutenant of Edinburgh .
2 Italy first published a similar list in 1865 , and from 1888 a bulletin in which the foreign ministry provided information on promotions and transfers of officials and diplomats as well as condensed versions of consular and diplomatic reports .
3 In Britain from the 1820s all attachés had to have a letter of appointment signed by the secretary of state ; and from 1815 a number of them began for the first time to be paid .
4 The reforms already set in train were either dropped immediately or gradually diluted , and from 1883 a period of intense reaction set in .
5 A junior opposition whip ( 1911–15 ) and from 1915 a government whip in H. H. Asquith 's coalition government , during 1916 he was also assistant director of the war trade department .
6 She became a regular contributor ( and from 1926 a director ) of the feminist journal Time and Tide , and a friend of its founder and editor , Margaret Haig Thomas , Viscountess Rhondda [ q.v . ] .
7 Until 1989 he was director of European affairs at the environmental and energy policy centre of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University , and until 1990 a broadcaster on the BBC and commercial radio , a company director and public affairs advisor .
8 Compton Mackenzie used the incident as the theme for his superb book , Whisky Galore , and in 1989 a company was formed to salvage anything remaining intact in no. 5 hold .
9 In 1967 the once impressive Manchester neighbourhood was declared an Urban Renewal Area by the federal government , in 1968 a Redevelopment Area by the City Commission and in 1971 a Title I Federal Urban Renewal Project .
10 Suffice to say that it became evident fairly soon that the existing monetary techniques of regulation were not sufficiently effective , and in 1957 a committee was set up by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to inquire into the working of the monetary and credit system in the UK .
11 In 1978 fog at Heathrow airport prevented me from flying to referee the first ever game between France and Russia , and in 1981 a leg injury picked up in the First Test prevented me refereeing the Second Test between France and New Zealand .
12 In the last ten years or so a group of enthusiastic breeders has been attempting to locate and rescue some of the coloured cattle of Wales and in 1981 a breed society for the Ancient or Coloured Cattle of Wales was set up ; its Welsh title is Gwartheg Hynafol Cymru .
13 Fifteen English Shorthorn cows were sold in the USA in 1873 for an average record price of £3,679 each ( the best being auctioned at £8,120 ) , and in 1981 a Milking Shorthorn was sold for $100,000 .
14 And in 1987 a lady wrote to the Cambridge Evening News that she had heard what sounded like a cuckoo on February 12 .
15 In 1837 he received a silver Isis medal from the Society of Arts for his drawing of a marine steam engine , and in 1838 a silver Telford medal for his drawings and description of Huddert 's rope machinery .
16 Guinness Malaysia Berhad was incorporated in 1964 , and in 1965 a brewery was opened in Kuala Lumpur .
17 Wimpey pulled out of Egypt in 1956 and in 1959 a revolution in Iraq terminated operations in Baghdad .
18 John Alderson made a case for the reintroduction of community policing in 1982 ( Alderson 1982 , also see 1979 ) , but its advantages were recognized much earlier when the House of Commons Select Committee on Race Relations examined relations between the police and ethnic minorities in 1972 , and in 1976 a report from the National Police College placed a central emphasis upon it ( Pope 1976 ) .
19 On 4 December 1940 it is recorded that ‘ the child of Mrs McKinley was received as a Junior Member ’ and in 1943 a Cottage Meeting was started i the home of Mr and Mrs Walsh of Breagh and a good attendance was reported .
20 Her Majesty 's Inspectors frowned upon this distortion of the purposes of the new school , but proved powerless and in 1955 a Government Circular gave modified approval to the introduction of examination courses in the schools .
21 But in 1953 the authorities solemnly sought to destroy copies of " The Kinsey Report " , and in 1956 a number of respectable publishers — Secker and Warburg , Heinemann and Hutchinsons — were all tried at the Old Bailey for " horrible tendencies " discovered in their current fiction lists .
22 What was to become the future firm of Guest , Keen & Nettlefold ( GKN ) began when John Nettlefold opened an ironmonger 's shop at 54 High Holborn , London , in 1823 , and in 1826 a water-mill at Sunbury-on-Thames to make iron wood-screws ; this was followed in 1834 by a steam-powered factory in Baskerville Place off Broad Street in Birmingham , the centre of the screw trade .
23 Although the reforms had the support of the Tsar and in 1667–68 a church council anathematized those who refused to conform , the attempt to impose the new liturgy by force proved unsuccessful .
24 Although Zeta was then formally incorporated into the Serbian despotate , the chieftains of Zeta resented Serbian overlordship , and in 1455 a number of them , led by Stevan Crnojević , placed themselves under Venetian suzerainty .
25 A German colony from 1884 , the territory came under South African rule in 1915 , and in 1920 a League of Nations mandate provided for a further period of South African administration .
26 In practice , the professional bodies concerned , e.g. the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists , had already agreed to a limit of 24 weeks and in 1990 a Bill was passed to reduce the legal limit to 24 weeks .
27 Once known primarily as the wife of Diego Rivera , her reputation outside of Mexico now far supercedes his : since 1919 , sale room estimates of her work have risen from $40,000 to over $1 million , and in 1990 a work by Kahlo broke all records at Sotheby 's New York for a Latin American artist .
28 The use of guardianship was never widely taken up , however , and in 1978 a total of 138 people were subject to it , of whom only 37 were mentally ill .
29 and in 1288 a thunderbolt passed between them
30 In 1924 he became a fellow of King 's College , Cambridge ( only the second non-Kingsman to do so ) , and in 1926 a university lecturer in mathematics , a post he held until his death .
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