Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [pers pn] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We all limp , more or less , was the antihero 's way of putting it , and for him all consciousness was a disease .
2 However , an equal number of players are working in situations were an ability to adapt to different musical landscapes enhances their earning power considerably , and for them this type of rig is a Godsend .
3 On the other side of the argument it is inconceivable that the ancestor of the people of God , and through him that nation itself , should receive their name from a local demon of an insignificant wadi .
4 And through it all man 's ( and woman 's ) search for a truly great beer went on .
5 The French duties on wheat , for example , rose steadily from 1881 to 1897 and behind them French agriculture improved its methods and cultivated new products as specialities for urban and foreign markets .
6 Here the view down the Urner See , with its many cliff faces and behind them serried mountain peaks , some with perpetual snows and ice , is most dramatic .
7 And behind it another voice , ‘ Ora pro nobis … ’
8 Over the marble mantelpiece was a huge oval gold mirror , with an eagle adorning it , and beneath it two gilt and delicate sprays of candle brackets .
9 Whereas Provincial can unflinchingly take what will be a brief reversal in its planned , steady reduction of the expense ratio this year as it assimilates the Prudential 's commercial business and the long-term benefits of having a direct sales force for the first time , 190,000 policies to add to its existing 800,000 , and with them premium income of £70m .
10 Nicotiana do not bloom in December but I smelled them , and with them another smell , a cigar , but James had not smoked cigars nor was there anyone near who did .
11 And with them another shadow , smaller hunched , desperate .
12 But I could make no sort of impression upon him … when I visited him a second time , the fear of death was gone , and with it all solicitude about religion . ’
13 Here , take this purse , and with it ev'ry Wish ;
14 We are able to give them the independence they so badly need , and with it self respect and dignity .
15 There is great dryness and with it great thirst for cold water .
16 The " sartorial " version of religion is smuggled in unawares , and with it radical doubt as to the truth of any religion .
17 But jazz vocalism — and with it this kind of tension — has been a strong influence on popular singing , from Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra down to many recent performers .
18 They made love as though tomorrow was fast approaching , and with it imminent departure .
19 The one undoubted gain has been improved health , and with it longer life itself .
20 Another change of scene , and with it another change of mood .
21 He cast aside his ‘ Book of Heaven ’ , the Bible , and with it any pretence of Christianity .
22 The next national news is the Nine O'clock News but from Anna Ford and from me good evening .
23 The continuous recording of electrocardiogram and from it instantaneous heart rate was particularly valuable during events .
24 He can create overall rhythms and within them short phrase rhythms , but the basis of them all is that they exist in groups and by being efficient in action and appropriate to the context give pleasure to both the performer and the onlooker . ’
25 This Indenture made ye twenty fourth day of February and in ye Eleventh year of ye Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne of England Scotland France and Ireland Queen Defender of ye Faith etc .
26 And over it another sound that was Carey 's breathing .
27 Food is the basic necessity of life and without it economic progress is impossible .
28 Years later she reminded me of a forgotten and to me everyday kind of question .
29 It did not but the lowing herd wound its way to and from the milking sheds , and left the world to darkness and to us each night .
30 What such an identification involved becomes apparent in Prisoner in a passage which renders the crucial difference not one of colour , yet by the same criterion reinstates the distinction between blacks and whites : ‘ What separates us from the Blacks today is not so much the colour of our skin or the type of our hair as the phantom-ridden psyche we never see except when a Black lets fall some joking and to us cryptic phrase .
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