Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [noun pl] ' [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In their view , the effects of employees ’ coalitions keeping wages artificially ‘ high ’ or of employers ' coalitions keeping them artificially ‘ low ’ needs to be fully analysed .
2 ‘ We know about the players with senior clubs but there may be those in leagues like the Amateur League or in Boys ' Clubs who would be worth looking at , ’ says Ronnie .
3 Royal Brompton Hospital or in patients ' homes , or both .
4 " Meanings " are neither equated with speakers ' intentions , nor with recipients ' interpretations ; both are looked on as mental entities which are of little interest as long as they do not " materialize " in interaction .
5 Differences in motivation between individuals , and during individuals ' life-spans , and for different kinds of crime , are acknowledged .
6 Issues that the committee considered inconclusively included the impact of medical advances on the demand for medical time ; possible changes in skill mix ; the consequences on staffing of the interaction between purchasers and providers and of patients ' charters ; the need to reduce hours of work ( only junior doctors are mentioned ) ; possible changes to the career structure ; and the increasing managerial and educational demands on consultants .
7 The organizers had invited representatives of the rival Yedinstvo Internationalist Movement [ described on p. 36855 as the " Inter-Front " group ] and the Gagauz Khalky movement [ see p. 37047 ] , and of workers ' committees in Tiraspol .
8 Though there is no picture-making task here for the artist , every young reader will make his or her own mental pictures of scenes and of characters ' appearances and behaviour .
9 These duties are listed as : the preparation of desiderata lists ; the selection and purchase of books within broad terms of reference ; allocation of books between libraries ; classification and cataloguing of all books and materials ; revision of stock ; screening of withdrawn books ; screening of books for rebinding ; maintenance of central reserve stocks ; bibliographical work , including compilation of special lists and indexes ; the bibliographical aspects of inter-library loans and regional loans and of readers ' requests and reservations ; readers ' advisory and information service .
10 Interest charges remained virtually unchanged at £0.58m , and with shareholders ' funds at £18.48m ( 1990 — £18.25m ) and borrowings of £0.59m ( 1990 — £0.39m ) gearing was held at 3% .
11 Although SAG has taken the technical issues of SQL interoperability a stage further , the organisation has n't had much success in getting the specifications out of the copy book and into vendors ' products .
12 Although the SQL Access Group has taken the technical issues of SQL interoperability a stage further , the organisation has n't had much success in getting the specifications out of the copy book and into vendors ' products .
13 In both directions — south towards the Grand Parade and Patrick Street , and north to the quays — other horse-drawn vehicles threaded their way , wheels screaming , drivers cursing and cracking whips , the while throngs of Friday shoppers darted from one side of the unpaved road to the other , dodging between carts and traps and under horses ' necks as if they were n't there at all .
14 This underlines our sense that it is a grave mistake to pursue the notion of teaching strategies as somehow disconnected from children 's learning on the one hand , and from teachers ' intentions and attributes on the other .
15 Animal insulins continue to be needed both from patients ' and from doctors ' points of view .
16 She read with avidity the endlessly cosy adventures of wealthy children on farms and in smugglers ' caves and country houses , but she found built into them a warning against too much belief .
17 Their guitar production facility is back-ordered seven months — which is one reason you do n't see as many Peavey guitars in British shops , and in players ' hands , as their combined quality and value deserve .
18 Their guitar production facility is back-ordered seven months — which is one reason you do n't see as many Peavey guitars in British shops , and in players ' hands , as their combined quality and value deserve .
19 In this case it may lend to the discount houses ; then the Bank 's balance sheet will show an increase in advances ( an asset ) and in bankers ' deposits ( a liability ) .
20 It consists of notes and coin ( both in circulation and in banks ' tills ) , and the operational balances that banks hold in the Bank of England .
21 able to establish good rapport with pupils ; 2. has charisma ; 3. is good at organizing ; 4. is a survivor ; 5. keeps in touch with what 's happening in other subjects and in pupils ' backgrounds ; 6. has a quality of openness ; 7. has long teaching experience ; 8. has good qualifications in the subject ; 9. has strong religious faith ; 10. has enthusiasm for the subject ; 11. has a sense of humour .
22 But I expect there will be copies of the same tune on paper and in peoples ' brains for centuries to come .
23 There was no effective management of the woods for profitable timber production , and regeneration was prevented because the young shoots were eaten by the deer and by commoners ' cattle , which roamed the forests at will .
24 The notices cluster along main streets and around candidates ' homes , and analysis suggests they were not posted at whim , but organised by the candidates .
25 They performed similar raids every week ; not on churches , admittedly , but on printers ' premises , warehouses , gambling dens , brothels and private houses .
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