Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In accordance with general practice in Jamaica the prosecution disclosed to the defence the depositions of those witnesses taken at the committal hearing , but not their earlier statements to the police ; they did not disclose to the defence before or during the trial a statement made to the police by the deceased 's husband and two statements made by the deceased 's sister , relating to incidents not covered in their depositions , which were inconsistent with their evidence at trial .
2 I think we 've only got four which er this aircraft can fly or for the moment the three tornado F three bases and the one jaguar base er is the ministry says they 're looking at cutting back on those ?
3 Please do keep telling us of any complaints or suggestions you have either about the Journal or about the way the Society is being run .
4 it is not restricted to conduct causing or intended to cause injury or damage but includes any other violent conduct ( for example , throwing at or towards a person a missile of a kind capable of causing injury which does not hit or falls short ) ( Section 8 ) .
5 Save for one matter , to which I shall refer later , there is no criticism of the judgment or of the order the judge made on the material that was available to him at the time .
6 He did n't know how — perhaps a different feel to the tiller or in the way the bows felt at the sea .
7 Or in the end the crisis may become a fact of life .
8 If you fancy a tour today or over the weekend the mansion and its famous gardens are still open .
9 A 'sham " has been defined by Diplock LJ ( as he then was ) in Snook v London and West Riding Investments Ltd [ 1967 ] 2 QB 786 ( at p802 ) to include : [ A ] cts done or documents executed by the parties to the " sham " which are intended by them to give to third parties or to the court the appearance of creating between the parties legal rights and obligations different from the actual legal rights and obligations ( if any ) which the parties intend to create .
10 Comedy is radical , too , in the sense of forcing the reader to reconsider traditional reverences : tragedy can flatter and soothe with an assurance that even in the dungeon or on the scaffold the heroic mind is invulnerable .
11 The Rentcharges Act 1977 prohibited the creation of further rent-charges , and provided also for the extinguishment of all existing rentcharges at the end of sixty years starting on 22 July 1977 , or on the date the rentcharge first became payable , whichever is later .
12 In truth Emily did have dreams that one day in a park or on the street a talent scout would stop and see the perfect features and flawless skin of this child and come to the house begging on bended knees to transform her life .
13 The whole question of national health is bound up with that of efficiency and output and it is impossible to rank as a ‘ burden ’ on industry or on the community an outlay which safeguards wellbeing and ( to put it no higher ) conduces to the efficiency of the machine .
14 The skinhead style , for all its apparent knuckleheadedness , is a consciously held pose , a deliberate turning back to earlier , more certain times when men were men and girls stuck by their blokes through thick and thin , a time when an observer could tell an individual 's social status by merely glancing down at the footwear or at the way a person walked .
15 I would be sorry not to hear Mravinsky 's incandescent performance of Siegfried 's Funeral March again , but that is also available on Olympia , and as a whole the Erato Wagner disc is difficult to recommend .
16 He tells stories such as how his grandfather shot at a flock of wild geese from the back of his pony , which took fright , threw him and he broke an arm which had to be amputated , and as a boy the tumulus where the arm was buried was pointed out to him , The list of the founders of Port Ellen in 1821 and their occupations and place of residence which he gives is of great interest .
17 He tells stories such as how his grandfather shot at a flock of wild geese from the back of his pony , which took fright , threw him and he broke an arm which had to be amputated , and as a boy the tumulus where the arm was buried was pointed out to him , The list of the founders of Port Ellen in 1821 and their occupations and place of residence which he gives is of great interest .
18 Very few were included in the initial lists of historic buildings and as a result a very large number have been demolished .
19 For instance , if the surveyor failed to carry out his inspection and to present his report within the agreed time and as a result a house at a bargain price was lost , then a claim could properly be made for compensation .
20 This had necessitated a large number of meetings , particularly for the Socialisation of Industries Committee and the Social Services Committee : ministers had tended to bring too many items to committee ; senior ministers had wanted to keep an eye on their more junior colleagues , and as a result a heavy burden fell on a handful .
21 The recently-held Day of Recollection for members of the APC and friends had been greatly appreciated and as a result a further Day of Recollection will be held in the spring .
22 When I replaced him he was quite stressed and as a result a week later became ill and had a fungal growth on him .
23 For David there is not really a lot more to tell except perhaps that I got some new teeth and as a result a few more pounds have been gained .
24 Twenty-two years of war had honed that skill to near perfection , and as a result a mother in France would soon be weeping .
25 Headlines in a US paper saying that the Open Software Foundation has dropped Tivoli Systems Inc 's management framework from its Distributed Management Environment are flat out wrong and creating unnecessary waves : as our sister paper Unigram.X has already said , DME 1.0 is being made fully compliant with the Object Management Group 's Common Object Request Broker , a specification that post-dates development of both DME and the Tivoli framework and as a result a small piece of low-level code is being reworked , hardly something to write home about , and the Foundation says Tivoli 's framework remains central to the object management framework .
26 But following the changes in Eastern Europe and the virtual ending of the cold war this particular danger has receded for the time being , and as a result a new process of gradual disarmament by the major nuclear powers has begun .
27 ICAS has been invited by the Bank of England for its considered views on the subject and as a result a report is being sent to the DTI and to other interested bodies .
28 At the meeting in January 1989 the focus of discussions was the social dimension of the SEM , and as a result a steering committee was established to maintain progress in the development of the " social dialogue " .
29 The need for training in the area was identified through the Ballybeen Estate Strategy Steering Group and as a result a ‘ Training and Education Working Group ’ was established .
30 British industry 's rates of growth were markedly below those of its European counterparts and as a result an absolute advantage was transformed into an absolute disadvantage over the period .
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