Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Usually , but not always , this will be the result of a clogged trap or of grease built up on the inside of the waste branch pipe and is relatively easy to deal with .
2 It does not apply to a failure to do work or to work carried out after the letting .
3 Aims are to provide an opportunity for industry and the University to meet , and assess each other 's needs , and for industry to find out what we are doing .
4 So men from the IRA mixed with British squaddies , and through necessity got on with each other .
5 Male Bright coloured , free from spiral grains and knots , and which when struck sound like a brass gong and during excavation throw out splinters like sparks of a fire .
6 I would run there , tiptoe across the green tiles and after measurement sprint back to the changing room to put on my gym shoes .
7 Walking about at night in the streets of Calcutta and of necessity stepping over emaciated bodies too lethargic to move , or visiting refugee shacks in beautiful Hong Kong , or standing helplessly in the filthy slums of Kampala , always the same agony and anger assailed me as it did on that cold morning in Kiel .
8 John Walford 's fate spoke powerfully of life 's arbitrary horror , and of destruction brought down on a good and generous man who had done a terrible thing , but ‘ without fore-intending it ’ .
9 With many sexually active before their sixteenth birthday and with drug taking on the increase , education needs to start young .
10 Mr Wishart hurried off to the refreshment room , luckily got served straight away and with difficulty got back to the compartment just as the guard was blowing his whistle ; the old lady took one of the paper cups of tea and murmured her thanks .
11 Simone , a good foot shorter and with sweat trickling down her temples , mutely nodded .
12 That application still exists , accompanied by a head-and-shoulders photograph of Joyce , smartly-suited and with hair plastered down .
13 Masur 's very direct manner in the fast movements brings strong , dramatic results , but with very forward sound , and with percussion standing out ( the timpani almost deafening at times ) the results may be too aggressive for some .
14 Curl your toes back and with tummy pulled in , raise both arms towards your toes , lifting your head and shoulders only a few inches off the floor .
15 With more resources needed to remedy long neglect , let alone raise quality of environment to modern standards , and with government bearing down on public expenditure , it is the North of England with its inherited urban-industrial burdens that suffers the most .
16 The first edition , produced last March , contained 11 opportunities generating 15 enquiries — ‘ which may not seem a lot but in the context of the Scottish market , and the quality criteria we imposed , is impressive ’ — and with second going out to intermediaries — ‘ apart from not being allowed under the Financial Services Act to sent it out to the business community generally , we want to maintain the quality of submissions received ’ — in the last fortnight , Hally sees no reason for second thoughts .
17 He had to reach the President 's cabin with at least an hour of daylight in which to plan his defence and with time to get through to Caspar on the President 's radio .
18 MOTORING JOURNALISTS DREAM OF FINDING Colin Chapman , discredited father of the Lotus legend , alive and well , eking out a living under an assumed name and with moustache shaved off .
19 And it was during this time that he had lost his wife , lost his job , lost his sense of himself as a separate human soul , and in struggle worked out the theory that he was nothing but a sick character in the hands or under the pen of a malevolent Author .
20 Three key posts were now occupied by men identified as followers of Solchaga : José Borrell Fontelles , a new appointee , headed a new Ministry of Public Works and Transport ( also called the " infrastructure " ministry ) ; Pedro Solbes Mira , also new to the government , became Agriculture minister ; José Claudio Aranzadi Martínez retained the Industry portfolio and in addition took over the Commerce and Tourism portfolios .
21 The ‘ high profile ’ that this gives Owen provides the satisfaction that he requires and in addition holds out the prospect of career advancement .
22 Going on to a weight-reducing diet actually reduces the rates of hormone production by the thyroid , and in turn slows down the metabolic rate .
23 This fed the general enthusiasm for liberating people from the too close supervision of the state , and in turn ushered in the rise of Hayek 's system of philosophy in which the aim is to reduce government provision to the barest minimum , for civil security and basic social security only .
24 For example , in discussing ‘ duration ’ he compares the relative speeds of the narrating and the story , and in order to draw up his table he needs to begin with a non-existent form , a ‘ hypothetical reference zero ’ where the duration of the narrative exactly matches the duration of the events narrated — an ‘ isochronous narrative ’ which , as he says , does not exist .
25 And in order to get in to that state of mind one does not have to be a complete lifelong fanatic , one only has to be completely absorbed for the moment by a particular cause , and that kind of absorption is of course something which good causes often do seem to demand .
26 Just as the critics were beginning to complain about overdoses of city life along came Cagney to inject new energy into the genre and in effect to open up a new era for the movies .
27 In the end , however , the Ukrainian decision to vote for full independence left him with little alternative but to withdraw from the USSR and in effect bring about its demise ( see pp. 179–85 ) .
28 The power of the individual to choose and the power of the individual to own is the central political plank of the Conservative Party and in fact goes back to Disraeli and one nation .
29 Yet it was undeniable that the Conservative political pressure to extend rural electrification had led to a diversion of scarce capital resources into investments which were known to be unremunerative and in fact turned out to be so .
30 They are really promises — promises intended to be binding , intended to be acted on , and in fact acted on .
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