Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [pron] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the sake of his usefulness he might , or for his own honour he might , but if I were de Guichet I 'd never feel sure of it .
2 Polite , friendly , neither intense nor passionate in their responses , they do not appear to have strong opinions either about chess or about their own future .
3 No , there had n't been anything odd about the previous Saturday , either about her husband or about her own behaviour .
4 EC Evans-Lombe QC , sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge , referred to the ‘ relevant ’ part of s 349(1) : ‘ … the person by or through whom any payment … is made shall , on making the payment , deduct out of it a sum representing the amount of income thereon ’ .
5 Ever since , numerous writers have paraphrased these sentiments , either in their fiction or through their own self-scrutiny .
6 The Department of Employment therefore proposed an alternative of giving industrial tribunal chairmen , acting alone , discretion at the pre-hearing stage , on the application of one of the parties or of its own motion , to require a deposit of up to £150 from the other party as a condition of proceeding further , if the chairman considered that the case had no reasonable prospect of success .
7 The court may upon application or of its own motion adjourn or advance the date of hearing of any proceeding .
8 As well as the procedure of giving directions on the pre-trial review , the court may on the application on notice of any party , or of its own motion , give directions at any time ( Ord 13 , r 2 ) .
9 Many people are not aware of the existence of some of them or of their own eligibility to make a claim , so are not taking them up ; and you may find that you are one of them .
10 However , under section 15 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1974 it is lawful for a person in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute to attend at or near his own place of work ‘ for the purpose only of peacefully obtaining or communicating information , or of peacefully persuading any person to work or abstain from working . ’
11 An alternative method is to have a stock of sample material in or near your own office .
12 War is financed by industry , and the power in any land , behind any throne , behind Hitler or behind our own democracy , is a body of immensely wealthy men whose allegiance is ultimately to their wealth , and perhaps to each other .
13 Secured with most adult lap belts , lap/diagonal seat belts or with its own anchorage kit ( available separately ) .
14 They were the faces of people concerned predominantly either with what people thought about their behaviour , property , social standing , or with their own judgment of other people 's behaviour , property , social standing .
15 You share your identity with your mates at work or with your own age at school , not with your elder brother .
16 It would be difficult to justify an economic system in which wages were determined by a form of lottery ; or in which monopoly and exploitation were the order of day ; or in which each person earned the same wage regardless of effort , risk or training .
17 ‘ Submitting ’ to the experience is a necessary step which a participant may be deterred from taking for a number of reasons , particularly if he has too great a vested interest in the subject-matter or in his own reputation .
18 He might be downstairs in the plush lounge , or in his own room talking to Lee .
19 In all other cases we have to find support in the literature , in what other people have done or in our own experience .
20 Where a judge is the judge for two or more districts the judge or district judge may at any time upon application or upon his own motion direct that the hearing of proceedings pending before the judge in one court shall take place in some other court of which he is the judge .
21 In common with other scholars we have considered , Durkheim was essentially an armchair theorist who seldom stirred outside his study , or beyond his own milieu , except to give lectures or to participate in learned debates .
22 But we have no means of proving their objective validity in a world behind or beyond our own experience , nor do we ‘ know ’ space and time in themselves .
23 Sovereignty is the , we 'll turn to it later , we 'll look at sovereignty again , but linked to sovereignty is the idea that you can make legislation , you can pass laws and then you can say these laws are going to be carried out , implemented by courts followed by sanctions though very little law is related to foreign policy because the British government or the Russian government or the United States government ca n't make laws which apply worldwide or outside its own area of claimed sovereignty so there is a difference of the environment in which foreign policy takes place .
24 No hard and fast line can be drawn between the workers who are and those who are not to be counted amongst ‘ the poor ’ ; there is a constant flux , and besides those who suffer from chronic underpayment , artisans , as well as tradesmen and rustics , are constantly sinking , with or without their own fault , into the depth of misery .
25 Section 52(1) of the 1984 Act gives the court power to make any order for inspection , preservation and detention of property which is the subject matter of proceedings or to which any question may arise in any such proceedings and Ord 13 , r 7(b) again applies the Rules of the Supreme Court .
26 Moving on to the question of defenders stopping the try by not standing on the goal-line , Law 27(e) is clear about what the offending team must do : ‘ The opposing team must run without delay ( and continue to do so while the kick is being taken and while the ball is being played by the kicker 's team ) to or behind the line parallel to the goal-lines and 10 metres from the mark , or to their own goal-line if nearer to the mark .
27 But Peach did n't go to Bale 's or to his former home in Hilderbridge .
28 Submitting to ‘ Be aware ’ , he attends closely to his situation and to his own reactions , and instead of trying to infer from principles how he ought to respond , discovers how when most aware he does respond , and perhaps surprises himself by an impulse contrary to social convention or to his own self-image .
29 At the top end the bourgeoisie was more or less distinct from the aristocracy ( high or low ) , depending partly on the legal and social exclusiveness of that group or on its own class-consciousness .
30 The court may , at any time , on application or on its own motion order that any money invested as funds in court under Ord 10 , r 11(1) ( " infants ' settlements " ) be transferred to another county court ( Ord 16 , r 5 ) .
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