Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 for proceeding to or returning from a place where it is to be or has been tested , or for proceeding to a place where it is to be broken up or otherwise dismantled .
2 for proceeding from the premises of a manufacturer or repairer of or dealer in mechanically propelled vehicles to a place from which it is to be transported by train , ship or aircraft or for proceeding to the premises of such a manufacturer , repairer or dealer from a place to which it has been so transported ;
3 The notion of a lead agency with overall responsibility for developing services or for buying in the necessary services from local statutory , private or voluntary agencies would make clear where responsibility should lie .
4 But there may be legitimate reasons for incorporating a company which is intended to remain dormant indefinitely or for retaining on the register a company which for the time being has ceased to carry on business but which the members may wish to use at some time in the future for the same or some different business .
5 He arrived back in Cairo with an action-packed programme to be fulfilled , leaving little time for the bar at Shepherd 's Hotel or for swanning around the night-clubs .
6 With today 's fast and powerful machines there is a strong case for a complete re-write of DOS or for changing to an operating system specifically designed for power computing .
7 Mountain bikes need to be strong and sturdy — whether you use them in cities or for cycling through the countryside — and our bikes are precisely that .
8 The smaller boroughs also tended to be the most vulnerable to electoral manipulation , either through " treating " , as at a number of venal boroughs , or through tampering with the composition of the franchise .
9 Keynesians assume that investment expenditures are the more likely to be influenced by changes in interest rates , since raising money to purchase capital goods — perhaps through the issue of equities or through borrowing from the banks — is more attractive when interest rates are lower .
10 In short , do we get at the concepts of trumping and revoking through attending to our feelings , or through attending to the use , in the game , of the trump-cards ?
11 If there are distinct separate explosions taking place during the eruption , then a fresh ash cloud will develop after each explosion , just like the ones produced by the explosion of a bomb , or after blasting in a quarry .
12 The notion of giving up one 's rights to a ‘ whole community ’ or of submitting to a decision forthcoming from the community or a portion of it would be a strange and abhorrent idea to them ( Overing , in press ) .
13 Thinking — cognisance — is , however , not a matter of being in one mental state or another , or of flashing through a sequence of mental states : it is having conception of oneself as an experiencer of an external world , an experiencer who has the freedom to perform cognisant acts .
14 The rest of us travel those kinds of journeys vicariously , slumped in a winter armchair reading accounts of Himalayan kingdoms reached only by months of walking , or of chucking in the job , mortgaging the house and sailing to the spice islands with oriental pirates .
15 Kierkegaard thus rejects decisively and with withering scorn all attempts to present Christian faith in terms of Idealism or moral values , of historical influence and historical study , or of belonging to an established Christian church .
16 Members of Schedule I have been given a choice of remaining in that Schedule with an NRA of 60 , or of opting for the new , improved , Schedule II .
17 The student is given the opportunity either of broadening his areas of study so that he learns some of the principles and methods of several disciplines or of concentrating on the narrower range in order to become a specialist after suitable experience , training or further study .
18 This is the secret behind many of the stories about animals sensing the presence of man and other creatures , or of rushing to the help of an injured person discovered by means outside the scope of their more obvious perceptive processes .
19 Or with regard to the wedding plays , silk satin cotton rags or even if the offspring would be boy lass twins triplets or what these babies were to be rocked in .
20 Each DNA fragment was recovered from the corresponding single gene recombinant transfer vector and was either directly cloned into the pAcAB3 vector , or via subcloning into the multiple cloning vector pUC19 ( as described in Methods ) .
21 But if someone had had an accident and could not work , his shaikh consulted other elderly men before making a levy , or before drawing on the lineage bank account .
22 They do not know where the money is ‘ invested ’ , whether in British enterprises or overseas , in speculation on property or ‘ art treasures ’ , or in lending to the government to finance unemployment .
23 But for everyone there is a better way of expressing yourself at work or in complaining at the garage , for instance .
24 A cancellation can only be accepted in writing from the person who signed the booking form or in writing from the Travel Agent through whom the booking was made .
25 Between the 14th day of September 1987 and the 8th day of January 1988 conspired together and with other persons to defraud such persons who had or might have had an interest in dealing in shares in Blue Arrow , or National Westminster Bank , or in dealing on the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index , namely : 2.1 By dishonestly concealing holdings of 19.39 per cent of the share capital of Blue Arrow ; 2.2 By falsely stating that all remaining shares not taken up in the rights issue by existing shareholders had been sold in the market ; 2.3 By falsely representing that 33,315,528 shares in Blue Arrow held by County NatWest Securities were held for the purposes of market making ; 2.4 By falsely representing that 34,069,433 shares in Blue Arrow held by Phillips & Drew Securities were held for the purposes of market making ; 2.5 By dealing off market with Union Bank of Switzerland in 28,201,743 shares in Blue Arrow when by reason of their connection with that company they were knowingly in possession of un-published price sensitive information ; 2.6 By creating a false instrument , namely a letter of indemnity dated 5 October 1987 from Nicholas Wells on behalf of County NatWest to Union Bank Of Switzerland ; 2.7 By engaging in a course of conduct which created a false or misleading impression as to the market in the shares of Blue Arrow for the purpose of creating such an impression and thereby influencing persons who might deal in those shares ; 2.8 By purchasing and retaining 2,150 Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index put option contracts to cover a risk of £51,500,000 whilst concealing from the market the true position in relation to the rights issue and the subsequent placing of shares in Blue Arrow , where Blue Arrow and National Westminster Bank were both component parts of that index .
26 A solicitor who personally receives financial benefits as the director ( appointed as a result of his connection with the firm ) of a company for whom the firm has acted , or from buying property from or through the agency of a client of the firm or from investing in a business run by a client of the firm will , unless he has cleared matters ( after full disclosure ) with his co-partners , be accountable under this head .
27 The forfeiture of the literary proceeds can be seen as an application of the maxim that an offender should not benefit from his crime , the application of which has , for example , prevented murderers from collecting the proceeds of insurance for the victim 's death or from inheriting under a will .
28 Plants which float on the surface with or without rooting at the bottom
29 Döldissen reports typical reductions of five to six dB(A) in the experimental areas , a fall of such magnitude that it is equivalent to either halving the traffic volume or to sealing in the motors of all passing vehicles .
30 On oh sorry , in , lying down or on sitting on the edge ?
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