Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it is difficult to tell whether this is the fault of the Act , or due to the public backlash against young offenders .
2 There was never anything sophisticated or subtle about the doleful northerner but boy , could he make you laugh .
3 — Have you been sad or depressed during the past month ?
4 These links were weak or nonexistent in the Low Country , where most villages were identified with only one caste .
5 Unlike its plainer cousin , it will not bring shame to the wearer by wilting or drooping on the crucial day .
6 The West has simply ‘ rediscovered ’ in Africa ( despite the diversity and complexity of that continent 's cultures ) fundamental values that we imagine were lost or repressed in the high noon of civilization and progress : values like ‘ natural ’ well-being , spontaneity , conviviality , uninhibitedness , everything we long for and want to relearn in the 1980s .
7 In all the postwar crises in Anglo-American relations , none was so emotive or humiliating to the British as Suez .
8 It would not be sustainable or stable in the long term .
9 Dairyman Crick milked six or eight of the difficult ones with his own hands .
10 You ca n't walk anywhere here without finding something to astound you , whether it be something sad or cruel on the one hand or quite beautiful on the other .
11 ( 2 ) Cases within the county court 's equity and probate jurisdiction ( ie those mentioned in s 23 , 24 or 32 of the 1984 Act ) fall outside the remainder of these rules , as do proceedings which , in accordance with the rules laid down in arts 9 and 10 , have no quantifiable value ( art 7(2) ) .
12 Or that of the poor themselves , for daring to bend their heads and stare ?
13 Pursuing this laissez-faire policy may have been in the national interest , but it did n't seem to be in John 's or that of the other hostages .
14 The stick-and-carrot approach to ‘ race relations ’ has done little to shift the moral economy of the street gang , or that of the rank-and-file police .
15 There is nothing fishy about simply admitting the reality of the difference , or that of the physical causes which — alongside cultural ones — help to produce it .
16 It is no longer wise or practicable for the odd senior local politician to ‘ pop-in ’ en route from one meeting to the next and ‘ have a look around ’ .
17 It is estimated that in south-east Asia , some third or two-thirds of the residual trees are damaged irreparably while up to a third of the area is left as bare ground , often compacted by the forestry machinery .
18 No variable in x or free in the whole program may be in any bound unc unc where unc but x is not a component of x .
19 As Neil MacCormick has observed : ‘ It remains a contested issue whether an aspiration to justice is to be treated as essential to or definitive of the legal enterprise in all its manifestations , or is to be distinguished as a specially urgent demand issued in the name of critical morality . ’
20 Under the new format , that goal will be stepped up to seven of the top eight players in each of the nine tournaments or 12 of the top 14 .
21 Two more quotations of many hundreds serve to make the point that the distance between the two views is so large that they are probably not going to be reconciled by proof or disproof of the physical evidence .
22 From prehistoric times there have been fortifications of one sort or another on the great Rock which dominates the surrounding countryside , but the first records go back to the seventh century .
23 Zavalishin was well travelled in both Siberia and Russian America ; and , as James Gibson notes in his own chapter , several of the Decembrists ( including the poet , Ryleev , who was hanged alongside Pestel ) had connections of one sort or another with the Russian American Company .
24 If I 'd been a religious and I would have thanked one god or another for the large number of kilocreds I was soon to collect , which would keep me from any kind of poverty for a long time .
25 All three countries have at one time or another during the 1980s had recourse to the IMF for standby loans .
26 In this region the integration of the drainage pattern is so good that practically every point in the area can be assigned to one or another of the former drainage basins .
27 It is ‘ of course ’ unlikely that Callinicos ' criticism will cut much ice with those whose substantial career investments lie in one or another of the postmodern 's corners : movementist politics , the radical academy , post this-ism and that-ism , a variety of well-upholstered ‘ dissenting ’ niches from both the dominant culture and traditional opposition to it .
28 Problems are categorized in elaborate ways and rules devised to determine how the organization should respond to the arrival of any new problem falling into one or another of the existing categories .
29 Now and again there were diversions , when one or another of the remaining five would hold the stage and would have a few moments of limelight , or glory .
30 Since 1985 , not one year has passed without winning an award at one or another of the major trade exhibitions .
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