Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] down for a " in BNC.

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1 At these heights , the first turn or so generally dictates whether you go up and get a climb , or go down for a landing .
2 She instructed Lucien to be careful with his leg , and to exercise the rest of his body only while lying or sitting down for a while .
3 ‘ Come and sit down for a minute while the lasagne finishes cooking . ’
4 By the time you 've finished , if you are n't the best of mates and invited down for a vair long weekend in the cuntrair , I can only say — Air nair .
5 Why do n't you take the duty room and go and lie down for a couple of hours ? ’
6 Without difficulty I found a Bed and Breakfast house , equally smart and highly polished , and settled down for a pre-exploratory nap .
7 A band played and onlookers waved and cheered as men , women and children wedged themselves into the tub carriages and settled down for a good day out .
8 I set the alarm clock for a quarter to midnight , and settled down for a couple of hours sleep .
9 Susan went to bed early , and Breeze and Gay made themselves toast and welsh rarebit , and settled down for a long evening by the fire .
10 Formalities over , Patricia Pillmoor drew out a chair , pulled off her hat and settled down for a chat .
11 Had there been no — and certainly no just-arrived audience — It would have been utterly lovely to have taken the phone and settled down for a chat , to be inspired and encouraged as always by the love you offer your friends and by your own zest for life physical and things spiritual .
12 I gave it a wide berth and went to sit on the rug , but of course it had gone so I sat on one of the chairs instead , had a good long wash and settled down for a nap .
13 Be glanced towards Kelly and slowed down for a moment before speeding onwards .
14 At the start , the hare dashed off and built such a commanding lead that he decided to relax briefly and lay down for a nap .
15 You could no longer do the things I 'd taken for granted , like making a cup of tea and sitting down for a gossip when I came in from college .
16 The second and third weekend I get to the lake just before daybreak armed with a pair of binoculars and settle down for a couple of hours in a spot which gives me a good view of all , or most , of the water .
17 So far so good : then you select a soiled dish , collect some scraps from the garbage , and settle down for a short wait .
18 It 's a chance for them to forget the washing up and their household chores , put their feet up and settle down for a comfortable snooze in front of their favourite television programme ( which really does n't sound much different from normal , does it ? )
19 But erm you need to come down , once we get the double glazing I 'll give you a shout and come down for a come down for a coffee and what have you .
20 Why do n't we go and sit down for a few minutes and then you can decide what you want to do next ? ’
21 " I think I 'll just go and lie down for a while . "
22 " Why do n't you pop upstairs and lie down for a bit ?
23 You 're looking very weary now , do you need to go home and lie down for a bit ?
24 It was in the third week after Minch had gone that he had first noticed that one of the Men , older than the Keeper , regularly came to the benches that ranged along the path by the Cages , and sat down for a while .
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