Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] by [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover since he did not wish to have preying on his mind any malice or grudge by reason of which his father might later be offended , he revealed that he had pledged himself to support the barons of Aquitaine against his brother Richard and said that he had done this because Richard had fortified the castle of Clairvaux though it really belonged to the Angevin patrimony which he should inherit from his father . "
2 This has been attributed to mere manipulation of the masses by irresponsible politicians , or explained by theories of economic and class conflicts .
3 The original may be physically damaged if a cup of coffee is spilt over it or the magnetic impulses on the disk representing the program may be destroyed or altered by exposure to a strong magnetic field .
4 Notice that , unlike the accumulator array , where each accumulator had generalized functions , each control register or portion of a register has a specific function , although it is accessed or manipulated by instructions in a general way .
5 It may be possible to argue that the parol evidence rule applies and that the signed document contains the whole of the parties ' agreement , which can not be supplemented or varied by reference to any other document or oral agreement .
6 To treat them simply as statements of objective fact , to be proved or disproved by appeal to observation of the world around us , to the speculations and arguments of metaphysical philosophy , or even to the authority of the Bible understood as a collection of ‘ divine truths ’ , is to misconceive their nature and function .
7 Consumers will have the right to hit back hard if they suspect overcharging or cheating by firms including banks , stores , BT and water companies .
8 The criminal law includes and reflects our proper stance against ‘ murderous ’ acts of terrorism conducted by people who are usually exploited or oppressed by forces of occupation .
9 This is so broad a definition that it could include almost any building , structure , or site of archaeological interest made or occupied by man at any time .
10 I venture to add a few observations of my own only because I have to confess to having been a somewhat reluctant convert to the notion that the words which Parliament has chosen to use in a statute for the expression of its will may fall to be construed or modified by reference to what individual members of Parliament may have said in the course of debate or discussion preceding the passage of the Bill into law .
11 For them , the social order is structured and not composed of discrete and shifting groups : there are real and deep inequalities between classes which can not be easily eliminated or resolved by recourse to a competition , by groups or individuals , for political power .
12 On 4 August 1989 solicitors acting on behalf of the relatives wrote to the coroner repeating the facts as I have summarised them and requesting that an inquest be held to inquire whether or not the death had been caused or aggravated by failures of the emergency services to respond to the calls and to attend in proper time .
13 ‘ … hand , ’ Legion continued , ‘ to exploit all planets colonized , occupied or claimed by Earth for their mineral wealth .
14 In 1988 the committee came up with reasonably simple minimum standards ( adopted or exceeded by banks in most developed countries by the end of last year ) which sought to match a bank 's capital to the credit risks it runs .
15 The lyrics which are found in preaching manuals like the Fasisculus Morum and Speculum Christiani or are specifically written or collected by Franciscans like James Ryman , William Herebert and John Grimestone both encapsulate essentials of the Franciscan teaching in a way calculated to catch the imagination and stir the emotions , and incorporate standard interpretations of the meaning of Scripture .
16 As to article 52 , the refusal to register as British fishing vessels boats owned , chartered , managed or operated by nationals of other member states , whether natural or legal persons , deprived those nationals of their right to establish themselves in the United Kingdom in order to pursue their fishing activities under the same conditions as nationals of the United Kingdom .
17 He did refer to the fact that , if the trial proceeded , witnesses would be giving evidence about things that had occurred a long time ago and said that he did ‘ not think that is a position which is salvaged or saved by reason of the fact that there are in being notebooks , that there are in being witness statements . ’
18 My judgment rests upon the view that the plaintiffs had quite enough compulsion upon them from the terms of the Act itself , apart altogether from anything that may have been said or done by officers of government .
19 ‘ the plaintiffs had quite enough compulsion upon them from the terms of the Act itself , apart altogether from anything that may have been said or done by officers of government .
20 Section 5(1) of UCTA 1977 states : 5- ( 1 ) In the case of goods of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption , where loss or damage ( a ) arises from the goods proving defective while in consumer use ; and ( b ) results from the negligence of a person concerned in the manufacture or distribution of the goods , liability for the loss or damage can not be excluded or restricted by reference to any contract term or notice contained in or operating by reference to a guarantee of the goods .
21 However , even when legal principles are committed to one constitutional document , set out in legal codes or reiterated by judges over time , they tend to remain highly ambiguous and not worth the paper they are printed on until somebody — the judiciary — interprets and defers to them in their judgments , and somebody else — the executive — enforces those judgments .
22 At the obvious root of this discord lie personal ambitions fostered or thwarted by cliques of activists from the local branches involved in the selection of candidates .
23 Hyperkinetic children may also have deficiencies in certain enzymes that break down toxic compounds found in food , or produced by bacteria in the gut .
24 In such circumstances the wife 's solicitors will draw the conveyance or transfer by reference to the original title deeds in their hands .
25 ( v ) Conveyance or transfer by husband to wife ( or a third party ) for consideration ( no element of gift ) ( Eg Precedents 9 , 10 , 17 , 18 , 34 to 39 ) Such a conveyance if not falling within the provisions of s83 ( above ) ( ie not made in connection with the divorce ) and not containing an element of gift requires the conventional stamp duty certificate , if the consideration is under £60,000 .
26 ( vi ) Conveyance or transfer by husband to wife , not within s83 , with element of gift — no monetary consideration Although hardly within the circumstances mentioned in this book , such a conveyance does avoid a charge to stamp duty by virtue of the Regulations and provided that it is a conveyance or transfer of property operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos for no consideration in money or money 's worth nor any consideration referred to in s57 of the Stamp Act 1891 ( conveyance in consideration of a debt etc ) .
27 His vehement denial that God 's favor could be earned through the sacraments , or bought by donations to an often grasping priesthood , had set up vibrations through Christendom , eventually winning him the protection of lay powers having a vested interest in a deflation of the papacy .
28 Fully escorted coach travel from London Kings Cross to your hotel in The Hague ( cross channel P&O Ferries — Dover-Calais ) and return or Travel by air from your chosen local airport direct to Amsterdam Schiphol airport with onward travel ( by rail or coach ) to The Hague .
29 Prey buried or cached by predators under the surface of the ground is likewise protected , as are bones falling into or carried into caves .
30 4 Reciprocal versus non-reciprocal bilingualism — that is , where language A is used or understood by speakers of language B but not vice versa .
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