Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] i to [art] " in BNC.

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1 There were no brakes , and if I had stumbled , then the bar that ran between the shafts behind me would have caught me in the back and either dragged me along or knocked me to the ground .
2 Well , as no-one 'ad bought any of me violets or treated me to a sandwich , and me near dyin' of starvation , with no job and no lodgings , well , I was so desperate I went up and grabbed the wallet , which Blackbeard was wavin' about at Dan Pearson .
3 ‘ The warder came and told me to dress and led me to an officer of the court , ’ the small , self-effacing lawyer recalled in an interview on Saturday .
4 And her white Reeboks screeched at the marble as she turned and led me to the waiting forms .
5 She frowned for a moment , then picked up my hand and led me to the window .
6 But he raised his left hand again , this time to silence me ; took my arm and led me to the edge of the colonnade .
7 Pahdra Singh mounted the pavement in his Bentley this morning and pinned me to the window of the Wimpy Bar .
8 I tried to marry this judgment with the memory of the sturdy young woman I 'd seen joking in the glade ; who had come breezily into The Pightle telling me to water the plants and daring me to a duel of wits with Edward ; who had seemed so certain of me over against his cautious vacillation. fragile was not the first word that would have occurred to me , unless I had overlooked something vital — something which , I remembered , Bob had noted .
9 He caught me around the waist and flung me to the floor .
10 They 'd be sorry for me , they 'd give me whisky and aspirins and send me to a psychiatrist .
11 Richard played me their record and invited me to the end of recording party .
12 I thought he would , he deserves it and suddenly the semi-circle is clapping and looking at me : ‘ She 's won , she 's a-a-a won , ’ I hear John shout from half-way up the stalls , and my fellow contestants are slapping me on the back and pushing me to the front of the stage ,
13 He said as much when he got up and drove me to the airport . ’
14 Then she smiled at me in a brusque , dismissive manner and directed me to the railway station .
15 She smilingly explains that the scanner is a sort of lie-down X-ray and leads me to a narrow bed that slides inch by inch through what looks like a dry-cleaning machine .
16 I nodded and he turned back to mutter something into his talkback before handing me the mike , taking my hand and leading me to the stage .
17 The employee behind the check in desk gave me a huge smile and welcomed me to the airport , gave me my seat reservation card and wished me a good journey .
18 She made me welcome , and nodded me to a chair on the other side of the stove .
19 ‘ Then , late in the game , Ray Wilkins grabbed me by the shirt and threw me to the ground with a judo throw .
20 The Trunchbull simply grabbed me by one ear and rushed me to The Chokey at the double and threw me inside and locked the door .
21 I 'll forgive you if you find me a taxi that will take me back to pick up my baggage and get me to the airport on time . ’
22 I nodded and followed me to the house .
23 I began to tremble violently and would have fainted , had he not grabbed me by the elbow and guided me to a low wall , where I slumped down .
24 She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the outer door .
25 Shine through the gloom , and point me to the skies :
26 Shine through the storm and point me to the skies .
27 She picked up the second carrier bag and saw me to the door with it .
28 One Saturday a woman came in and took me to a big room where there was another woman with two children .
29 But the only person I saw for the rest of that day , besides the German who brought my food and took me to the lavatory , was the English orderly .
30 When in May , six months later , he came to Paris and took me to the Tour d'Argent for lunch , he passed me an envelope .
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