Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] to an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In marginal cases , courts have sometimes allowed the applicant an opportunity to provide more details pointing to materiality or agreed to an order subject to the applicant giving security for costs .
2 It is well established that a public law decision by a local authority may be open to challenge by way of defence or counterclaim to an action brought by the local authority in the High Court or the county court , notwithstanding the fact that if the defendant had sought to begin the proceedings he would have had to do so by way of judicial review : see Wandsworth London Council v. Winder [ 1985 ] A.C. 461 .
3 If all the requirements are fulfilled , civil legal aid consists of representation for the purposes of proceedings , and it includes all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in the steps preliminary or incidental to any proceedings and all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in civil proceedings arriving at or giving effect to a compromise to avoid or bring to an end any proceedings .
4 Allowing the taxpayers ' appeal , Lord Justice Browne-Wilkinson held that in construing a piece of legislation , reference to Parliamentary materials , subject to any question of Parliamentary privilege , is permissible where three criteria are met : the legislation is ambiguous or obscure , or leads to an absurdity ; the material relied on consists of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill , together if necessary with such other Parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and their effect ; the statements relied on are clear .
5 I therefore reach the conclusion , subject to any question of Parliamentary privilege , that the exclusionary rule should be relaxed so as to permit reference to Parliamentary materials where ( a ) legislation is ambiguous or obscure , or leads to an absurdity ; ( b ) the material relied upon consists of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill together if necessary with such other Parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and their effect ; ( c ) the statements relied upon are clear .
6 ‘ permit reference to parliamentary materials where ( a ) legislation is ambiguous or obscure , or leads to an absurdity ; ( b ) the material relied upon consists of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill together if necessary with such other parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and their effect ; ( c ) the statements relied upon are clear . ’
7 Parliamentary material is admissible where the legislation is ambiguous , uncertain or leads to an absurdity .
8 Pepper v. Hart ( i ) admits statements by a minister or other promoter of a Bill , where the resultant statute is ambiguous , obscure or leads to an absurdity ; however , ( ii ) the statements must be ‘ clear ’ and ( iii ) may be supported by other parliamentary material ‘ as is necessary to understand such statements ’ .
9 Legislation Which is Ambiguous or Obscure , or Leads to an Absurdity
10 The clear implication of Pepper v. Hart is that reference to parliamentary material is only permissible where the legislative text is obscure , ambiguous , or leads to an absurdity .
11 I do not think that is unfair or leads to an unfairness in the trial .
12 Meanwhile the notion of education as an instrument , or means to an end , was subject to pressures of a quite different kind .
13 Under the 1978 Act , which incorporates the terms of the Redundancy Payments Act 1965 , redundancy may arise if the work needed to be done by an employee gets less or becomes unnecessary ( in changed economic conditions ) or is expected to diminish or come to an end .
14 Open Learning would be extremely useful to chemists unable to attend or travel to an institute of higher education .
15 At times my sleepy little daughter was brought down from the nursery and stood on a stool while John draped pieces of material on her and showed me how he wanted the costume move and flow , and so help to illustrate what he wanted to express and convey to an audience .
16 A germ found in Farmoor Reservoir near Oxford has resulted in dozens of cases of stomach pains and diarrhoea and led to an order for all drinking water to be boiled before use .
17 The change caused agencies to re-think their attitude to TV commercials , and led to an increase in animation and product-based films using trick photography .
18 The 1973 crisis justified this choice and led to an acceleration of the building programme .
19 Lifting the secrecy curtain subjected the fusion programme to the scrutiny of the scientific community , and led to an infusion of new people and new organisations into the research programme .
20 I find it hard to think of any more splendid compensation than conferment of the power to transfer a very large sum of money from a newspaper which I dislike and despise to an organisation or institution which I love and admire .
21 The Foreign Office minister , Douglas Hogg , told Tehran 's most senior diplomat in London that the threats against the author were a violation of international law and amounted to an incitement to commit murder .
22 In September 1944 , as the Red Army advanced into Belorussia , Domanov 's Cossacks had been moved across Europe and assigned to an area around Tolmezzo in northern Italy , then under the control of Italian partisans .
23 On Dec. 10 it was agreed to abandon the Self Defence Forces bill ; in return , the opposition withdrew its insistence that Miyazawa and his aides testify , and agreed to an extension of the Diet session until Dec. 21 in order to allow sufficient time to pass a supplementary budget .
24 Gen. Blagoje Adzic , the hardline JNA Chief of Staff , vowed in a television appearance on July 2 to establish control and bring to an end the war which he said had been forced upon the army .
25 The result of this ‘ softly softly ’ approach was that sentencers were effectively allowed to shape policy through their own sentencing practice , leaving official policymakers to respond and adapt to an agenda over which they had but limited control .
26 He took up his claret , drank , and moved to an anecdote which he had found scarcely ever failed and would surely , he was convinced , see him through this supper party as the man of wide travel , wide curiosity , the aristocratic rover who had finally come back home to live by the more profound , more refined things of life .
27 Pearson hoped that the sense of authenticity in his films would ‘ carry feeling and understanding to an audience , ’ but it was odd to imagine he could achieve genuine popularity by avoiding suspense and dramatic conflict .
28 They loaded the massive bin onto a lorry and drove to an incinerator .
29 The Council , the longest so far , moved to Rome in 1442 and came to an end , while the rump of the Basle gathering gradually faded away .
30 There was a considerable volume of evidence and the hearing took place on 7 , 8 and 9 April 1992 , then had to be adjourned until 6 May and came to an end on 7 May 1992 .
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